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In this issue...
Student Workshops
Summer Teacher Workshops
Fall Teacher Workshops

Workshop forms can be downloaded from our website!

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UM Writing Project

University of Mississippi Division of Outreach

To Educate
Contact Information
P.O. Box 9
University, MS 38677

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2010 Summer and Fall
Teacher and Student Workshops

Dear Administrator:
Could your students' test scores and your teachers benefit from more focused instruction on writing and critical thinking?  The University of Mississippi Writing Project has exactly what you need to give your teachers and your students the jump start they need for this summer, this fall, and throughout the year.
With a new school year starting in a few months, we at the University of Mississippi Writing Project want you to know about a few of our opportunities this summer for your teachers and for your students.  All of our workshops and conferences are designed to strengthen writing instruction in your school. 
This year, we are offering two workshops designed for students: College Readiness Writing for students in grades 11-12, and a Math Camp for students in grades 3-5.
We offer workshops for all grade-level teachers throughout the year.  CEU credit is available for all sessions. 
All UMWP workshops are led by UMWP Teacher Consultants who are themselves classroom teachers.  In addition to these workshops, we offer high quality staff development programs for your school that blend best practices and theory with research-based programs aligned with state and national standards.  For more about our programs and services, please visit us at our website 
We look forward to working with you, your teachers, and your students now and throughout the year.  Thank you for your commitment to the best educational opportunities in Mississippi.

Student Workshops

College Readiness Writing

Research! Thesis statements!  Ten-page papers!  Do words like these send you into a frightened frenzy?  Get some guidance by attending the College Readiness Writing Workshop.  Learn techniques for attention-grabbing titles, magic thesis statements, and new (and free!) resources to help you with everything from APA formatting to building an MLA annotated bibliography. Learn easy tips for transitioning successfully into this fall's composition class. 

College  Readiness
Dates: June 28-29
Location: UM Oxford Campus - Yerby Conference Center
Time: 9:00-12:30
Registration Fee: $100.00

Math Camp for Kids

The UMWP Math Camp is for students who have completed 3rd - 5th grade. This math camp is for students who really LOVE math and students who really STRUGGLE/HATE math. This hands on math camp will give math lovers a chance to explore new ways to express their love for mathematics and students who do not love math a reason and way to fall in love with math!! StuStudent  Workshopsdents will learn to integrate mathematics and writing and use hands-on manipulatives to solve math problems throughout the week.
Dates: July 19-23
Location: UM Oxford Campus
Time: 9:00-12:30
Registration Fee: $100.00
Summer Teacher Workshops

Content-Area Writing
Join us as we explore and share writing and reading strategies that can be used in almost any classroom, any content. New and experienced 7-12 grade teachers will engage in a collaborative approach to viewing the world through different lenses as they use writing in a variety of content areas: science, social studies, and math.
Dates June 7-8, 2010
Location: UM Tupelo Campus
Time: 8:30-3:30
Registration Fee: $150.00  
(Schools may send five teachers for the price of four!)
1.2 CEUs Available for a $20 fee if all sessions attended
How to Teach Writing 101
Are you expected to teach writing in middle school or high school, but have no idea how to begin? This three-day seminar deals with the basics of building a community of writers, handling the writing process in the classroom, getting students to revise and edit their work, and integrating writing into day-to-day lesson plans.

Dates June 9-11, 2010
Location: UM Tupelo Campus
Time: 8:30-3:30
Registration Fee: $225.00  
(Schools may send five teachers for the price of four!)
1.8 CEUs Available for a $20 fee if all sessions attended
Writing, Rubrics, and Traits
What does it take to score a 4 on the Mississippi 4th Grade Writing Assessment, and what can you do to help students become better writers? Join us to gain a better understanding of the 4th grade rubric and how it relates to MLA frameworks and the 6 traits of writing. Specifically for teachers in grades 3-5.
Dates July 20 and 21, 2010
Location: UM Tupelo Campus
Time: 8:30-3:30
Registration Fee: $150.00  
(Schools may send five teachers for the price of four!)
1.2 CEUs Available for a $20 fee if all sessions attended
Fall Teacher Workshops

Beyond the Basics: What Do I Do Now?
Even the best classroom practitioners need new energy and new ideas.  This three Saturday seminar series will provide an opportunity for teachers to explore current best writing practices designed to move students beyond the basics.  Sessions Centersinclude interactive presentations on special topics related to writing at the elementary, middle, and high school levels focusing on building community, cross-curriculuar instruction, and critical thinking skills.  Teachers will have the opportunity to critique and discuss their own writing instructional practices as they learn ways to implement new strategies. 
Dates: September 11 and October 9th
Location: UM Oxford Campus
Time: 8:30-12:30
Registration Fee: $150.00  
(Schools may send five teachers for the price of four!)
1.2 CEUs Available for a $20 fee
New Teacher Mentoring
Are you a new teacher who is wondering how to incorporate more writing into your classroom?  This workshop targets teachers in their 1st -3rd years of teaching who simply want more focused instruction in the teaching of writing.  New teachers will have the opportunity to critique and discuss their own writing instructional practices as they learn ways to implement new strategies.  Sessions will include presentations on special topics such as  Writing to Build Community and Writing to Promote Thinking.
Dates: September 11 and October 9th
Location: UM Oxford Campus
New TeacherTime: 8:30-12:30
Registration Fee: $150.00  
(Schools may send five teachers for the price of four!)
1.2 CEUs Available for a $20 fee

Writing on Demand

Do you want more professional development targeting State Assessment Writing? Join us for our Writing on Demand Series this fall. Our two-session Saturday series includes writing and scoring strategies selected for immediate classroom application.  Information for all grade levels K-12 will be covered. The newest state requirements addressed, specifically targeting the writing assessments at grades 4, 7, and 10.  Two group sessions will be offered: an MCT2 group focusing on instruction for grades 4, 7, and 10.  Secondary teachers will also explore strategies of attack for the newest addition to state testing-the response to literature paper. Limited to the first 20 applicants in each group.
Dates: October 16 and November 13
Location: UM Oxford Campus
Time: 8:30-3:30
Registration Fee: $150.00  
(Schools may send five teachers for the price of four!)
1.2 CEUs Available for a $20 fee for a $20 fee if all sessions attended

The University of Mississippi Writing Project (UMWP) provides opportunities in professional development for teaching practitioners, administrators, curriculum specialists, and community college and university instructors.

Located within the Office of Outreach at the University of Mississippi, the UMWP is one of seven Mississippi Writing Project sites dedicated to the improvement of student learning through the effective teaching of writing.

The UMWP seeks to address the needs of teachers in aligning curriculum with the Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks and by guiding inquiry into the use of multiple measures to evaluate students, including state-mandated assessments.

UMWP inservice ...

  • Empowers teachers to become reflective learners
  • Demonstrates relevant and research-based practice
  • Targets a diverse teacher and student population
  • Acknowledges that real change in classroom practice must be sustained  and supported over time
  • Emphasizes active participation, collaboration, and implementation
  • Recognizes the primary importance of teacher knowledge, expertise,
       and leadership

The University of Mississippi Writing Project, as an affiliate of the National Writing Project, is an authorized program of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.Title II, Chapter C, Subpart II
"I am finally excited about teaching writing!"

Contact Information
Ellen Shelton, Director
P.O. Box 9,  University, MS 38677
Phone: 662.915.7925
Fax: 662.915.7138