Enthusiastically Loving Water
In This Issue
Gathering Together
Loving the Gulf
Gulf of Mexico Revisited
World Prayer for Water Day
Gathering Together
New Moon
Water Meditation

Being held at the Heartwalk Center
 May 12, 2010.
5:30 pm

1456 Hwy 179
Sedona, AZ


I will be traveling
on the 13th,
so we're gathering
 a day early for a
group meditation,
however I will
also be joining in on
 the evening of the 13th
in a private meditation.

Loving the
Gulf of Mexico

gulf beach

Dear Water Friends

Hello again.  As you may guess, I am asking for continued prayers for the Gulf of Mexico this month.  The new moon falls on Thursday, May 13.  Anytime...as much as you wish...keep this precious jewel in your prayers.

Gulf of Mexico - Revisited

gulf oil spill zone 5-12-10

click here for latest:
USGS Landsat 5 Satellite Image

map of refuges

NWR stand for National Wildlife Refuge.  These are the NWR's for Louisiana.

US Fish & Wildlife Service - Oil Spill Response Page
Possibility of up to 24 wildlife refuges affected by oil spill

Southeast Lousiana Refuges Complex

Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges

Bon Secour NWR in Alabama also on watch


Gulf Restoration Network

Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries

US Geological Survey USGS

Gulf of Mexico Foundation

New Orleans Times- Picayune

Engineer speaks at hearings

"US Oil spill explained"

US Senate Hearings

CNN Oil Spill Page

Louisiana State University Oil Spill Page

Ocean Conservancy Action

May 18, 2010
Water Blessing Ceremony

Red Rock Crossing
Sedona, AZ
5:00 pm

World Prayer for Water Day

In conjunction with water blessing ceremonies
being sponsored by The Sisterhood of the Planetary Water Rites
we will be gathering together along the shore of Oak Creek at Red Rock Crossing.  The group will
meet on the Verde Valley School side of the water.  If you park at Crescent Moon Park, you can hop stones in the creek to cross to the other side.  We'll be in the area of the stone crossing...right about where this photo was taken.
Please join us!

heart-shaped lake in Maine

I know in my heart that many join us in feeling that we are at a turning point.  Our heartfelt intentions to clear the oil from the water, & stop the leak are happening world wide.

I pray people everywhere will awaken.

My love to you all.

Jane Reading