Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Newsletter

August 1st, 2012

In This Issue
Your Free Magic Spell
Featured Article
Get a Tarot Card Reading or Rootwork Consultation
Lucky Mojo Radio Show
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Lucky Number

spells to dream lucky numbers, and win at games of chance! 


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Love Herbs Mixture

to bring a new love,
return an ex-love,
increase sexual passion,
or ensure happy marriage.

Tarot Card Readings and Rootwork Consultation
A psychic reader can help you clarify your goals or prescribe spiritual supplies
appropriate to your
spell-casting needs.
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with Cat or Elvyra

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Community Forums where more than 5,500
friendly hoodoo practitioners,
helpful Lucky Mojo
Staff Members,
HRCC graduates,
and professional members of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
share their spell-casting success stories, answer new user questions, and pass along traditional conjure craft and family rootwork techniques.

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Crystal Silence League
To place a prayer request or pray for others in need, visit:
The Crystal Silence League Online Prayer Requests Page 

Crystal Silence League
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The Crystal Silence League Newsletter Archive 

Crystal Silence League
For news on the League, go to Facebook and "like" the CSL page:
The Crystal Silence League on Facebook   
Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course Homework Party

September 7, 2012:


More than 1,770 people have enrolled in
cat yronwode's
Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course
-- and to graduate, they must turn in
8 pieces of homework. Every month we hold a work-party at which we look over incoming homework. All are welcome, whether students or not! We meet at 5:00 PM at the shop, and PIZZA IS FREE. See how hoodooers do their thing! 

September's Homework Party is Friday the 7th.

October's Homework Party is Friday the 5th.

November's Homework Party is Friday the 9th
Hoodoo Psychics Logo


Who Ya Gonna Call for Hoodoo? 


Hoodoo Psychics is the only Live Psychic Reading Line operated by the ethical and authentic conjure doctors and spiritual root workers of AIRR, the Association of Independent Readers
and Rootworkers!

You can connect with a live hoodoo rootworker for $3.99 per minute through the 
Hoodoo Psychics
web site
or by calling

For updates and more information, go to the Hoodoo Psychics Facebook Page,
then "like" the page and say hello, so that Hoodoo Psychics updates will appear in your Facebook newsfeed.  
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What a busy month! The Apprenticeship Week, a visit to the Bay Area Tarot Symposium (BATS), the long delayed (as in 20 years) restoration of our dining room ceiling, the installation of a new booking system for my readings, and some of the hottest weather on record (nice tomato crop this year, though). So much is happening that we can barely keep up! After last month's over-the-top introduction of 12 brand new Art Deco inspired Astrological labels, the Art Department took a well-deserved vacation. No new labels this month, folks -- instead, we are going to showcase some "stuff" -- things we carry in the shop which are either relatively new or relatively unknown, and which have not previously been introduced in the newsletter, for reasons of space or forgetfulness.   


Let's Look at "Stuff"


I'm not one to loudly toot my own horn, but my latest book "Throwing the Bones: How to Foretell the Future with Bones, Shells, and Nuts," has been out since May and at 96 pages, with a retail cost of only $9.00, it is a bargain for the aspiring bone-caster, if i do say so myself. Here is the cover:


Second, if you are buying the book, you may well want to pick up one of our Sangoma-Style Bone Throwing Sets. A collection of unusual and hard-to-find bones, shells, nuts, and artifacts of the type used in multi-species bone reading, these will get you started with the ancient and highly spiritual work of reading bones as a form of divination. Here is a sample set of the bones (contents may vary as these are unusual and hard to find items):



We also carry an ever-changing selection of rare and authentic bones of various species, plus many of the non-bone items mentioned in the book, including china-ware antique doll heads, fossilized walrus teeth, Civil War era dominoes, and more. Consult our Complete Inventory for curios you can add to your bone-casting set.




Spiritual Spellcrafting: 



Here is a new Altar Statue we love, the Guardian Angel and Sleeping Child. If you have a young one in need of protection, this sweet 7" statue can be "loaded" underneath with personal concerns and you can use it as part of a spell of protection. Here's how: Write the child's name and birth date on a small piece of paper or on a small photo and tape a hair of the child to it. Go to a crafts store and buy some green or brown crafter's felt and some fabric glue. Glue the prepared paper face-up to the statue and then glue the felt on. Pray Psalms 91 as you work. Trim the felt to the base of the Guardian Angel statue and no one will know what is under the felt.



Now let's make your heartfelt protective spiritual work look like an everyday knick-knack display: Get an easel frame for a photo of the child and behind the photo, when you put it in the frame, insert two papers. On the first paper write out your prayer for the child's safety and happiness. On the second paper write out a copy of Psalms 91. Assemble the picture with these hidden papers in the frame.  



Place the Guardian Angel statue and the framed photo of the child on a book case or entertainment center shelf, or on a small table-top. Set a floral array and a simple white candle dressed with Protection Oil in front of the display. Burn the candle when the child may be away from home or in any kind of danger.     



Spotlight on Buddhism: 


Tibetan Ghost Purging Incense -- also known as Tibetan Incense for Defilement Cleansing is one of those products which we do not manufacture, but which we are proud to carry in stock at our store. Although it appears on the surface to be a straightforward spiritual incense related to Tibetan Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism, a close reading of the self-descriptive text on the packaging reveals that it is also linked to the indigenous religion of Tibet, to Donmi Buddhism ("Chinese Esoteric Buddhism" or "Eastern Secret Buddhism"), to Shingon Buddhism ("True Words Buddhism" or "Orthodox Esoteric Buddhism"), and to Pure Land Buddhism ("Amidhism" or "Amitabha Buddhism").      



Here is how the product is described on the back of the package:

In Tibet, tradition of using incense exists since the beginning of human evolution. Budhism flourished to a great extent in the 7th century AD under the reign of successive religious kings of Tibet, along with the preservation and development of making incense based on the secret tantric text by the great Indian buddhist scholar Nagarjuna. Various formulas for making incense were developed by the great scholar of Tibetan medicine like Zurkhar Lodoe Gyalpo and Deumar in 14th and 17th century AD respectively. These were well preserved by the modern scholars like Master Lobsang Gelek and in accordance with traditional formula this quality incense is prepared Tibetan Incense for Defilement Cleansing.


This incense has been manufactured under the guidance of Master Lobsang Gelek, the national level incense maker of Tibet, in accordance with Guru Padmasambhava's scripture of Defilement Removing Incense of Blue Water God. It has been prepared meticulously by following various guidebooks relating to obstacle remover incense from all the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and the essence of incense to open up five mandalas of central channel. Furthermore, this incense contains various invaluable incense ingredients such as white / red sandal saffron, cardamom, clove, bezoar, and other strictly selected materials. It even incorporates the nectars of all the four traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. After it's manufacture, this incense has been subsequently blessed at the grand prayer ceremony of all the wrathful deities for 49 days, blessed for eternity for this incense to have power similar to that of all the wrathful deities and at the same time, the power to cleanse various environments, hospitals, graveyards, etc. of all the impurities and epidemics, thereby warding off all kinds of obstacles in life to bring lasting peace and longevity at home. Possessing all these wonderful merits, this is indeed a very auspicious and precious incense.


The auspicious merits of Tibetan Incense for Defilement Cleansing:


1. Subdue devils and remove obstacles.

2. Protect from harm and bring forth auspiciousness.

3. Cleanse defilements.

4. Remove impurities.

5. Adamantine realms.

6. Liberate from bad karmas with others beings.

7. Brilliant primary deity.

8. Open the central channel.

9. Protected by Siddhis.

10. Helps us take birth in the Buddha realm.


We couldn't have said it better ourselves -- and if you need a defilement-cleansing and ghost-purging incense, now you know what to order!

For further information on the history behind Buddhism's tangential relationship to African American hoodoo and conjure traditions, please see the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR)




The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour, brought to you every week by catherine yronwode of and ConjureMan Ali of, is a live call-in show, where we will read your fortune on the air and prescribe down-home, old-school conjure and rootwork remedies!

Special Guest Readers and Rootworkers from AIRR, the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, will be featured on August 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2012. Tune in and see who's up!  

Show Time:


      * 3:00 PM Sunday, Pacific Time
      * 4:00 PM Sunday, Mountain Time
      * 5:00 PM Sunday, Central Time
      * 6:00 PM Sunday, Eastern Time

Listen Live via the Web and get into the Live Chat Room at
The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour on BlogTalkRadio!


To get a FREE reading and rootwork advice, you must pre-register at the Lucky Mojo Forum, then call in by telephone during that week's LIVE broadcast and press '1' to request to be on the air. 


Call-In Number for pre-registered applicants: 




Check out your discount coupon below and take advantage of this one-time offer to save 20% on our featured Spiritual Supplies. See y'all next month!

Save 20%
on our Featured
Spiritual Supplies

Save 20% on your next order of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. LUCKY NUMBER Spiritual Supplies including Bath Crystals, Incense Powders, Sachet Powders, and Oil -- plus all Love
Herbs Mixture Packs.
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Offer Expires: 08/31/12