Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Newsletter

March 1st, 2012

In This Issue
Your Free Magic Spell
Featured Article
Get a Tarot Card Reading or Rootwork Consultation
Lucky Mojo Radio Show
Quick Links

Get your FREE

Jinxing Spells
to curse, jinx, or
cross an enemy!


At the "Lucky W"
Amulet Archive
you can read all about

Little John to Chew

in court cases,
and legal matters. 
Tarot Card Readings and Rootwork Consultation
A psychic reader can help you clarify your goals or prescribe spiritual supplies
appropriate to your
spell-casting needs.
Schedule a Reading
with Cat or Elvyra

or get an Instant Reading from either of us at
Lucky Mojo Forums
Enter the
magical world of the
Lucky Mojo
Community Forums where more than 5,500
friendly hoodoo practitioners,
helpful Lucky Mojo
Staff Members,
HRCC graduates,
and professional members of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
share their spell-casting success stories, answer new user questions, and pass along traditional conjure craft and family rootwork techniques.

Featured Article
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and receive news, information and chit-chat about what's cooking at the shop!

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Crystal Silence League
To place a prayer request or pray for others in need, visit:
The Crystal Silence League Online Prayer Requests Page 

Crystal Silence League
To subscribe to the monthly CSL email newsletter, filled with ideas for spiritual spell-work and personal development, check out:
The Crystal Silence League Newsletter Archive 

Crystal Silence League
For news on the League, go to Facebook and "like" the CSL page:
The Crystal Silence League on Facebook  

Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course Homework Party

March 9, 2012:


More than 1,700 people have enrolled in
cat yronwode's
Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course
-- and to graduate, they must turn in
8 pieces of homework. Every month we hold a work-party at which we look over incoming homework. All are welcome, whether students or not! We meet at 5:00 PM at the shop, and PIZZA IS FREE. See how hoodooers do their thing! 

March's Homework Party is on the 9th.

April's is on the 6th.

May's is on the 4th. 
Hoodoo Psychics Logo


Who Ya Gonna Call for Hoodoo? 


Hoodoo Psychics is the only Live Psychic Reading Line operated by the ethical and authentic conjure doctors and spiritual root workers of AIRR, the Association of Independent Readers
and Rootworkers!

You can connect with a live hoodoo rootworker for $3.99 per minute through the 
Hoodoo Psychics
web site
or by calling

For updates and more information, go to the Hoodoo Psychics Facebook Page,
then "like" the page and say hello, so that Hoodoo Psychics updates will appear in your Facebook newsfeed.  
Do you need local accomodations while
Visiting the
Lucky Mojo Curio Company? 

Check out
in the Russian River area!

Become an Authorized Reseller or Online Affiliate!
Want to sell Lucky Mojo products at your store or earn commissions by sending customers to Lucky Mojo?
Read More about our Reseller Programs

The least wintery Winter we've had in many years is now a thing of the past and Spring is here in full dynamic force. The Robins are singing and the grass is growing, and the daffodils and plums are all in bloom.


More, More, More!: 


If you thought last month was a fluke, you're in for a surprise -- the Art Department scores again with four incredible new labels for long-popular Lucky Mojo conjure supplies whose formula-lines had been hiding under what we in the shop call "the generic Lucky Mojo label" (our brand-logo, plus a piece of block-type with the name).


Our old-style, hand-made, faith-based products deserve the most beautiful vintage-style packaging possible -- and it brings us great pleasure to create spiritual goods that are also beautiful enough to buy "just for the labels" -- as small, collectible art objects! Imagine these wonderful, tiny works of art being auctioned off for fabulous sums on Ebay 50 years from now! Stranger things have happened!




Introducing FOLLOW ME GIRL! This new label graces our line of Follow Me Girl Oil, Follow Me Girl Bath Crystals, Follow Me Girl Incense Powders, and Follow Me Girl Sachet Powders.

Of all the Lucky Mojo products that have endured the "generic label" burden, FOLLOW ME GIRL is the for which we have most often received requests for "real art." This is due, of course, to the enormous popularity of the FOLLOW ME BOY product-line, with its wonderful scent, well-respected authenticity, word-of-mouth reputation for getting results, and classic 1940s-look label art.

"Follow Me Boy has such a sweet label, so how come Follow Me Girl looks like ... nothing?" That's a question that customers, shop staff, and even the co-owners of the Lucky Mojo have asked one another for 15 years. Well, that question has now gone into the dustbin of history! Look what the Art Department brought us! Is this cool or what?

We probably don't have to tell you what Follow Me Girl products are used for -- the NAME says it all -- but for folks who are looking to give a woman the old come-hither, we will say this: Smooth a little Follow Me Girl oil into your hair and see what happens. Dress love candles with it. Sprinkle the powder in her shoes to keep her coming to you, and lay a trail of it from her house to yours. Start real slow, treat her right, pray sincerely over your work in the spirit of hope, faith, and belief -- and with Heaven's blessings, she will follow you ... follow you wherever you may go ...




Introducing Jinx! This new label graces our line of Jinx Oil, Jinx Bath Crystals, Jinx Incense Powders, and Jinx Sachet Powders.

If you have been verbally cursed, have had Jinx powders dusted in your bed, have been "throwed after" (that is, had bad-luck herbs, sachet powders, or minerals thrown behind your back by their enemies after you passed by), have had your foot-tracks whipped with Jinx powders, have had black candles dressed with Jinx oil burned on your name, have had the the insoles of your shoes dusted with Jinx powders, or have been "dressed" or "poisoned" or "throwed for" with Jinx powders or oil secretly placed on your person -- well, buddy, you have been Jinxed!

Lucky Mojo brand Jinx crystal salts can be employed in the bath or laundry, or for performing a ritual floor wash, Jinx incense powders are handy for fumigating an area to be cursed, Jinx sachet powders find use in foot track magic and dusting clothing and bedding, and Jinx oil is excellent for dressing items that one's enemy might touch. The little Black Cats on the labels represent the powerful string of bad luck and trouble that you intend to put upon the persons whom you jinx.


Jinx Killer-Bath-Crystals-at-the-Lucky-Mojo-Curio-Company    


Introducing JINX KILLER! This new label graces our line of Jinx Killer Oil, Jinx Killer Bath Crystals, Jinx Killer Incense Powders, and Jinx Killer Sachet Powders

If you believe that someone has put the jinx on you or your loved ones, and especially if they have done so with contact work, such as through foot track magic with Jinx powders or Jinx oil, you are advised to "kill" the Jinx by laying down a line of Jinx Killer powders over the enemy's powders, or by washing away all signs of the Jinx with scrub water made up by dissolving Jinx Killer crystal salts into a bucket or basin of water and performing a ritual floor wash or pouring the liquid over the mess on the ground.




Introducing JEZEBEL! This new label graces our line of Jezebel Oil, Jezebel Bath Crystals, Jezebel Incense Powders, and Jezebel Sachet Powders.

The cautionary Bible tale of proud, reckless, immoral, and egoistic Queen Jezebel caused her to be associated with idolatry and false prophecies and also with indulgence in fine clothing and excessive cosmetics as a form of sexual falsity. By the early 20th century, the term "Jezebel" had come to mean a fallen or abandoned woman, an ungodly woman masquerading as a church-goer, a promiscuous woman, or a controlling woman who used her beauty and charm to deceive, manipulate, and seduce men into idolatry and sexual immorality.

So why is there a line of hoodoo spiritual supplies named after wicked Queen Jezebel? Well, just as some have condemned her, others have come to praise and glorify her queenly ambitions and her complete freedom of expression in matters of philosophy, religion, morality, and sexuality.

During the same era that the term "a painted Jezebel" began to be applied with condemnation to street-walkers, call-girls, and escorts, the community of prostitutes took up her banner. Reclaiming her name with pride, sex workers bathe in Jezebel bath crystals, dust the insoles of their shoes with Jezebel sachet powders, perform candle magic with penis candles and vulva candles dressed with their sexual fluids and Jezebel oil to attract clients, and suffumigate their premises with Jezebel incense powders.


The Tarot Reader's Secret:

Did you know that the Rider-Waite Mini-Tarot Card deck, which is only 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" in size, will fit nicely inside a fabulously retro Chimes Ginger Chews tin (minus the Little White Book)?

Well, now you know!

So why, you ask, is this important?

If you'll gather 'round me, children, i will tell you the Old Tarot Card Reader's Secret:


As a long-time telephone psychic, i know that some of my clients find it difficult to visualize the cards as i read and describe them, and i also know that some of my clients are trying to learn to read the cards themselves by getting readings from professionals such as me - so i have figured out a way to bring joy and knowledge to both types of clients. This secret, which i have kept in my bosom for many years, is now ready to be shared with the world:


I tell my clients that if they want to see the reading develop as we talk, they should purchase a Rider-Waite Mini-Tarot deck and a tin of Chimes Ginger Chews. They can then eat the Ginger Chews and place the tarot cards in the tin (minus the Little White Book). This makes a convenient and unobtrusive purse-sized box for tarot-on-the-go.


My Ginger Chew clients conveniently schedule their readings during lunch hours, follow their readings by laying out their own mini-cards along with me - and then finish their sessions by snapping pictures on their cell phones to make permanent records of the readings!




Order the Rider-Waite Miniature Tarot and any of these fine varieties of Chimes Ginger Chews, each in its own unique retro-style tin:

DIV-TAR-RWMI Rider Waite Smith Tarot, Miniature ...

PHA-CTM-GINC Chimes Ginger Chews Original ...

PHA-CTM-GINM Chimes Ginger-Mango Chews ...

PHA-CTM-GINO Chimes Ginger-Orange Chews ...

PHA-CTM-GINP Chimes Ginger-Peppermint Chews ...

What's that you say? You don't like Ginger Chews?

Well, we have a special plan, just for you. Purchase the Rider-Waite Mini-Tarot cards and the Ginger Chews tin and instruct us to EAT THE GINGER CHEWS FOR YOU.

That's right: I, catherine yronwode, co-owner of the Lucky Mojo Curio Company, will personally EAT YOUR UNWANTED CHIMES GINGER CHEWS and send you the EMPTY TIN in mint condition, ready for you to insert your Rider-Waite Mini-Tarot deck (minus the Little White Book). There is no extra cost for this service! That's because Ginger Chews Eating is ALWAYS FREE at the Lucky Mojo Curio Company!



Plan Now for the May Workshops: 


Every year our neighborly church, Missionary Independent Spiritual Church, sponsors a two-day festival of conjure workshops and a potluck party open to the public. Lucky Mojo contributes to the festivities with an Open House and lots of volunteer help by our experienced staff members.
We will begin PRE-REGISTRATION for these classes during the month of MARCH. We will offer the option of pre-payment by Paypal. We encourage folks to sign up soon, as some of these classes will have limited enrollment.

We will send out a short newsletter supplement in March with further information on pre-registration and pre-payment. If you do not receive that email or forget about it, just remember that the PERMANENT web address for the Workshops, where the latest information is always posted, is:



Saturday, May 5, 2012   






10:00 AM - Saturday, May 5, 2012    


Sarayeye, A Santeria Blessing and Road Opening Ceremony  


The Weekend opens with SARAYEYE, an AFRO-CUBAN LUKUMI BLESSING AND ROAD OPENING CEREMONY performed by DR. E. and his assistants. This event is free to all, and all workshop attendees and presenters are cordially invited to be present. You will be blessed!

COST: FREE! - This is an outdoor ceremony, weather permitting. (Donations for Prosperity accepted.)



11:30 AM - Saturday, May 5, 2012


Hoodoo Foods and Conjure Cook-Off: Grocery Store Magic  


SISTER ROBIN PETERSEN will present the ANNUAL CONJURE COOK-OFF, plus a new spiritual cookery workshop, GROCERY STORE MAGIC. Participants will learn how to work hoodoo spells of love, protection, and even cursing with simple fruits and vegetables! Fun for everyone, this class will give you a whole new outlook on food shopping! All materials and take-home produce supplied, plus a free flyer outlining all the spells, and, of course, a copy of the "2012 Hoodoo Food! Rootwork Recipe Round-Up and Conjure Cook-Off" cookbook. (For which the deadline for recipe submissions to be printed is April 1, 2012.) ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED. Bring your magical foods to be judged by workshop participants! Prizes will be awarded to the top three conjure cooks. Extra "Hoodoo Food!" recipe booklets will be sold to benefit the work of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. Any food not eaten by participants at the workshop will become part of the general Party Potluck.


TAKE HOME: Two instructional flyers, a 2012 "Hoodoo Food!" Cook Book, and a fully functional Grocery Store Spell for use in your home.   


COST: $20.00 




1:00 PM - Saturday, May 5, 2012

Prosperity Spells: Money Drawing in the Conjure Tradition

SINDY TODO and SUSAN DIAMOND will team up for a workshop on PROSPERITY SPELLS, and participants will be instructed in how to use and work with one of the oldest, most down-home, and least-known Money Drawing Spells found in conjure -- and the item itself is included in the cost of the class, along with a take-home flyer of instructions. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.   


TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer and a fully functional Prosperity Spell for use in your home or place of business.

COST: $33.00         



2:30 PM - Saturday, May 5, 2012 

Supernatural Protection and Spirit Traps

CONJUREMAN ALI will be teaching SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION: How to Trap, Tame, and Drive Away Evil Spirits, Malicious Demons, and Wicked Djinns. Each student will learn authentic techniques from a variety of cultures and will then craft and take home a traditional Spirit Trap. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.


TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer and a fully functional Spirit Trap for use in your home.

COST: $35.00    



CATHERINE YRONWODE will be introducing her brand new 96 page book on BONE READING and will individually coach all participants as they learn to throw and to interpret the bones in divination. A "bare-bones" starter set and the complete book on seership with bones are included in the cost of the workshop.

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer, a complete book on Bone Reading by catherine yronwode, a Beginner's Bone Set (or, if you already have the Beginner's Bone Set, you will receive $27.00 in store credit to purchase more bones at the workshop.

COST: $50.00



Sunday, May 6, 2012





10:00 AM - Sunday, May 6, 2012

Working With Santisima Muerte 

LOU FLOREZ will be teaching us the Mexican American traditions of his family in working with the dead, with ancestors, and with Santisima Muerte -- Most Holy Death. Lou is known for his fabulous altar installations and will be creating a grand Santa Muerte Altar on our site. The altar will remain in place all weekend, and all attendees are invited to place their prayers upon it. On Sunday morning, Lou's workshop participants will be instructed in the traditional veneration of Santa Muerte and each participant will prepare his or her own prepared and loaded sugar skull candle. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer and your own fully dressed, loaded and prepared Mexican-style sugar skull dedicated to La Santisima Muerte.

COST: $25.00



11:30 AM - Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mojo Making

DR. E. will give his awesome MOJO MAKING class -- it's good for beginners, but filled with special tricks that even long-time practitioners may not yet know. Under Dr. E.'s guidance, participants will learn to select the proper Roots, Herbs, and Minerals for their situation or condition and will then craft, dress, and bless their own mojo hands for love or money. Even if you have made a mojo hand for yourself before, you will learn something new from this workshop! ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer, a complete mojo hand of your own making, and a dram vial of dressing oil.

COST: $40.00  



1:00 PM - Sunday, May 6, 2012  


Fortune Telling by Telephone  


MARIN GRAVES will hold a special workshop for participants who are -- or want to be -- Telephone Psychics. Marin will share all the secrets of how it's done. Learn to take pre-scheduled calls via the web and how to find a reputable psychic service to handle your "instant readings." What's that? You say you're not a reader? Well, if you have ever been a reader's CLIENT, you too will benefit greatly from this truthful, behind-the-scenes look at FORTUNE TELLING BY TELEPHONE!


TAKE HOME: An instructional flyer, a bottle of Marin's custom-made "Psychic Reader's Room Spray" and a 96-page illustrated book, "The Fortune Teller's Guide to Success" by Valentina Burton (featuring an interview with Marin).    


COST: $25.00


2:30 PM - Sunday May 6, 2012  


The Cursing Colloquium: Beyond the Valley of the Doll-Babies 


CONJUREMAN ALI, DR. E., CATHERINE YRONWODE, NAGASIVA YRONWODE, and DEACON MILLETT will conduct a unique and fast-moving panel presentation in which they will lay out their favourite (and lesser-known) ways to curse, jinx, cross, goofer, hot foot, rebuke, and mess up enemies. Topics will include such esoterica as road closing (the opposite of road opening), classical binding spells, foot track whipping, imprecatory Bible Psalms, and working with demons and devils. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: Two instructional flyers, a packet of traditional hoodoo cursing powders, and a packet of herbs with instructions for cleansing yourself after performing a curse.

COST: $25.00




4:00 PM - Sunday May 6, 2012


Egg Cleansing and the Meditation of Saint Michael       


SUSAN DIAMOND and SINDY TODO will team up again for a class on EGG CLEANSING AND THE MEDITATION OF SAINT MICHAEL. This powerful and transformational class will cleanse you -- and teach you how to cleanse others with a simple hen's egg. ALL MATERIALS SUPPLIED.

TAKE HOME: Two instructional flyers, a bottle of Archangel Michael Dressing Oil, and a completely cleansed self.

COST: $33.00



Open Tent Readings: Various Divination Techniques 


Availability: May 5 - 6, from 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, on a drop-in basis.  


Cost: Donations, pay, or trade; payment in cash only. 


Scheduling: Readings are on a first-come, first served basis. 


Tips: Student-readers as well as professionals are welcome to use the Open Tent Area for readings on a drop-in basis. Those who are taking Marin Graves's Sunday Workshop in Professional Reading are encouraged to come read for the public or trade readings with other students in the class. Be sure to bring a stand-up (A-shape or L-shape) table sign to advertise yourself!




Mark your calendars now -- MAY 5 and 6, 2012 in Forestville, California. We look forward to seeing you!



And for the Graduates of the HRCC: 

APRIL 30th through MAY 4th:


The Lucky Mojo Apprenticeship Program is a FREE three-week series of lectures, personal training, and hands-on guidance in the history, preparation, and use of conjure supplies. This is your chance to meet other graduates, hang out in a real hoodoo shop, work with your hands, and receive true training in the background, history, and actual work of conjure.   



The Apprenticeship Program consists of nine lecture classes of 3 - 4 hours each, plus nine hands-on training sessions of 3 - 5 hours each, organized into three one-week training sessions.

      Week One: Herbs, Candles, Special Waters  

      Week Two: Oils; Incenses; Mojo Hands  

      Week Three: Baths; Sachets; Jack Balls 

Apprentices need not take the three weeks of sessions in order. The Apprenticeship Program is open to all graduates of catherine yronwode's Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course.    


   Upcoming Apprenticeship Week  


April 30 - May 6, 2012 - Week One Apprenticeship:  

 Monday: Herb Lecture, Identifying and Harvesting Herbs
Tuesday: Harvesting, Dehydrating, and Packing Herbs
Wednesday: Candle Lecture; Dressing Candles
Thursday: Labelling, Dressing, and Fixing Candles
Friday: Special Waters Lecture, Making Specials

Two party meals are supplied during the week and attendance is requested: a Potluck Lunch catered by the Lucky Mojo Staff and an Apprentices Dinner catered by Sister Robin Petersen.

There is NO COST for Apprenticeship training because it is conducted strictly on the basis of labour-for-labour trade. Over the course of a five day Apprenticeship Week, Apprentices receive about 20 hours of lectures and hands-on training and in turn they perform about 20 hours of work for the shop. If you cannot sit or stand for a 40-hour work-week, you should NOT attempt to attend this apprenticeship.  


To join in the Apprenticeship Program you must be a Graduate in good standing of my Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course. Non-graduates are eligible for Apprenticeship training if they bring all of their Homework with them when they come.  


Any Graduate may take the Apprenticeship training, but it is especially recommended for those who wish to go on to work for clients or who want to start their own occult shop and would like to know what the work is actually like.   


Apprentices are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement, to provide their own room and board, and to attend all 40 hours of studying, learning, and making spiritual supplies.

Upon finishing all three weeks of Apprenticeship, a certificate is issued at no cost, signifying that the training was completed.  

Space in the Apprenticeship Program is limited.

If you want to attend the May 2012 Apprenticeship, Week One, email Sister Robin Petersen NOW at or telephone her at the shop  -- 707-887-1521 -- Tuesday through Saturday, 9 to 5 PST.




The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour, brought to you every week by catherine yronwode of and ConjureMan Ali of, is a live call-in show, where we will read your fortune and prescribe down-home, old-school conjure and rootwork remedies!

Special Guest Readers and Rootworkers from AIRR, the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, will be featured on March 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2012. Tune in and see who's up!  

Show Time:

      * 3:00 PM Sunday, Pacific Time
      * 4:00 PM Sunday, Mountain Time
      * 5:00 PM Sunday, Central Time
      * 6:00 PM Sunday, Eastern Time

Listen Live via the Web and get into the Live Chat Room at

The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour on BlogTalkRadio!

To get a FREE reading and rootwork advice, you must pre-register at the Lucky Mojo Forum, then call in by telephone during that week's LIVE broadcast and press '1' to request to be on the air. 


Call-In Number for pre-registered applicants: 




We are in love with the new labels coming your way from our fabulous Art Department. This month's Discount Coupon offers four great tried-and-true product lines at a discount -- just because they have ALL NEW LABELS. Be sure to take advantage of this special offer on ALL PRODUCTS WITH NEW LABELS.

Save 20%
on our Featured
Spiritual Supplies

Save 20% on your next order of ALL Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Spiritual Supplies with NEW LABELS -- Follow Me Girl, Jinx, Jinx Killer, and Jezebel Bath Crystals, Incense Powers, Sachet Powders, and Oils. Enter the following promotional code when checking out:


Offer can only be applied to Online Retail Orders.
Offer does not apply to Wholesale, Telephone, Fax, Email, or Postal Mail Orders.
Offer Expires: 03/31/12