Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Newsletter
May 1, 2010
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House Blessing Spells to bring peace, prosperity, safety, and abundance to your home.
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Jomo Cigar 
You probably know what a Mojo is, but here's your chance to learn all about
a rare conjure term
found in Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida.
Tarot card Readings and Rootwork Consultation
A psychic reader can help you clarify your goals or prescribe spiritual  supplies appropriate to your spell casting needs.  
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Enter the magical world of the Lucky Mojo Community Forums where 2,000+ friendly hoodoo practitioners and helpful Lucky Mojo Staff members share spell-casting success stories, answer new user questions, and pass along traditional conjure craft and family rootwork techniques.
Hello and welcome to our May 2010 Lucky Mojo Newsletter.  In this issue we give more details about our annual May 8th and 9th workshops, offer a free House Blessing spell (and a discount on all of our House Blessing spiritual supplies), and direct you to an article about an unusual conjure artifact -- the JOMO.
FINAL SCHEDULE for the Hoodoo Party and Workshops May 8-9th, 2010 and Apprenticeship Program May 3-7th, 2010
Path to Lucky Mojo Shop
This is your third and last reminder about the May Open House Party and Hoodoo Training Workshops in Forestville, California, unique 2-day festival of folk magic is open to all. No reservations are required. The Party and Potluck are FREE. Cost for the workshops will vary by the cost of ingredients supplied, and will run from $10.00 to $25.00 each, to be paid directly to each workshop organizer.


Cat Yronwode's Hoodoo Apprenticeship classes are only open to graduates of the Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course. This year's Apprenticeship training consists of Week Two of the full 3-week course (Lessons 4, 5, and 6). Taking the Apprenticeship at the rate of one week per year allows those who cannot take the full 3-week program in one shot to graduate from the Apprenticeship program in three years, one week per year.
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Apprenticeship program in OILS
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Apprenticeship program in INCENSE

    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Apprenticeship program
    in MOJOS
The Apprenticeship program is FREE; to offset the time cat spends on the program, you will work for Lucky Mojo 20 - 24 hours during the week, and the shop will keep and sell the spiritual supplies you make.

We have rented a 10' x 10' Medieval pavilion tent, with a 7' x 10' awning. It will be on-site April 3 - April 9 and is available to course graduate apprentices on a first-come-first-served basis. Bring your own sleeping equipment. No cooking fires allowed.

  • SATURDAY, 12:00 NOON Hoodoo Food! The Best of the Conjure Cook-Off with Sister Robin: Taste-testing the use of EDIBLE magical herbs in all manner of spell-work recipes from love cakes and money greens. Prizes and ribbons will be awarded by the judges! Bring a (large) sample platter or tray of the magical food for the rest of the group to discuss, taste-test, and share at the workshop.
  • SATURDAY 1:30 PM Sweetening Spells with Deacon Millett: The focus is on love and reconciliation work as well as the use of sweeteners in legal, school, and workplace cases. Participants will be guided through the assembly and prayerful dedication of a variety of honey jar and sugar box spells; all material supplied. 
  • SATURDAY 3:00 PM Gambler's Lucky Spells with Miss Robin: A workshop and lecture that reveals the best and most practical techniques used by bingo, lottery, and card players to play, win, and enjoy themselves at games of chance. Lottery Dream book supplied with the class.
  • SATURDAY 4:30 PM Open Panel Discussion with Miss Cat and the Whole Gang: This is a FREE brainstorming session. Bring your questions and suggestions, and get immediate answers from our entire panel of presenters on how to acquire and implement the divination and conjure skills you need. This will be a fast-moving, intense talk-fest, with lots of sharing, so be prepared to take notes. 
  • SUNDAY 11:00 AM Jack Ball master class for Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course Graduates with Miss cat: This annual event also doubles as Apprenticeship Lesson 9, so by taking this class now you can get ahead on the requirements for earning your Apprenticeship certificate. All materials supplied.
  • SUNDAY 1:30 PM Love Spells Dressing, Fixing, and Working with Candles with Miss Bri: A hands-on experience in setting spiritual altar lights for yourself, your family, and friends. All materials will be supplied, plus take-home sheet. 
  • SUNDAY 3:00 PM Spiritual Foot Washing with Miss Lara: Learn an old-time Deep Southern ritual for clients that few urban practitioners even know about, much less can teach. A life time learning experience, and so popular that it has become an annual event. 
  • SUNDAY 4:30 PM Astrology for Root Workers with Miss cat: Learn how to work according to the natural timing of the Moon, Sun, and Stars. No complicated charts required; if you can see the sky, you can use these time-honoured conjure methods.

The Open House Potluck Party rocks on parallel to these workshops, for two days -- and party attendance is absolutely FREE. Potluck food and beverages will be provided both days.


Recipes submitted to the Recipe Round-Up will be collected and printed in a booklet called "Hoodoo Foods!" All attendees of the Conjure Cook-Off Workshop at the 2010 Workshops will receive a souvenir copy of the "Hoodoo Foods! Conjure Cook-Off Recipe Round-Up" cook booklet.

Non-attendees may also purchase a copy of the recipe booklet any time after May 8th. All proceeds for the workshop and recipe booklet sales benefit Missionary Independent Spiritual Church.


To advertise your interest in a ride share or room share (although we cannot guarantee you'll find one), please post at the Lucky Mojo Forum, in the section on Courses, in the thread on 2010 Workshop Ride Shares and Room Shares.


Parking spaces are extremely limited on our property. Be prepared to park in town and walk a block or two. Please do not park across the street at the little green cottage on Covey Road.


The Lucky Mojo Curio Co. shop is open during regular hours all week and weekend during the Apprenticeship Program and the Hoodoo Training Workshops and Party. You can shop at will -- however, if you are planning a large "annual order" with us, please call ahead and pre-pay for Will-Call Shopping.
A Chinese Pharmacy in a Candle Shop?
One of most eccentric areas of the Lucky Mojo Curio Company shop in Forestville is the area devoted to old-style Chinese Traditional Medicine pharmacy goods imported from Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia. In a tower-cabinet that takes up less than 1 square foot of floor space, we have assembled a truly impressive selection of Chinese herbal pills, liniments, teas, capsules, and tonics.

Why do we have such a great Chinese Pharmacy in our shop? What could this possibly have to do with folk magic in general or hoodoo in particular?

The answer is a matter of history: During the mid 20th century, as Black rootwork practitioners moved out of the South in what is now called The Great Northern Migration, they often settled in cities that had a Chinese immigrant population. Racial segregation being what it was at the time, the Black ghettos and the Chinese ghettos were often adjacent.

During the era that "regular" pharmacies and drug stores stopped carrying herbs for medicine -- which the root doctors also used for magic, of course -- spiritual practitioners turned to their local Chinese Traditional Medicine suppliers to obtain their roots and herbs. While shopping for botanical supplies, they also tried out some of the prepared herbal formulas imported from China -- and hnce we have a lot of interested customers at Lucky Mojo shipping for White Flower Oil, Tiger Balm, Po Chai Pills, Curing Pills, and Four Seasons Liniment.

We support these old, traditional herbal medicines by stocking them in the shop, so next time you drop by, check them out -- or order online at our Chinese Pharmacy Mini-Store.
More great articles, coupons and free magic spells to come in our next newsletter. Stay tuned!

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