Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Newsletter
February 12, 2010
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May 8-9 Party and Workshop Schedule
Barn Painting
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red candle and lodestone love spell to attract new love.
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Hello and welcome to our February 2010 Lucky Mojo Newsletter.  In this issue we preview our annual May 8th and 9th workshops, offer more free spells, tell you how to use our Master and Master Key products, and show the world our big barn painting project.
May 8-9th Party and Workshop Schedule.
Getting ready for the workshopFor the fourth consecutive year, Missionary Independent Spiritual Church is sponsoring our annual May Open House Party and Hoodoo Workshops in Forestville, California. Make your travel plans now to attend this unique 2-day festival of folk magic!
Lucky Mojo proprietor catherine yronwode will teaching a class on Astrology for Rootworkers. This is a special training, with take-home lecture notes supplied, designed specifically to introduce practitioners to the many uses of the Sun, Moon, Stars, and other Astrological factors in rootwork.

Miss cat will also be presenting her annual Jack Ball master class for Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course Graduates only.

Fred Burke will be teaching a class on sweetening spells, focusing on love and reconciliation work as well as the use of sweeteners in legal, school, and workplace cases. Participants will be guided through the assembly and prayerful dedication of a variety of honey jar and sugar box spells, with all material supplied.

Miss Bri of San-Antonio-based Milagro Roots will present an in-depth class on conjure love magic, covering altar work, figural and moving candle spells, mojo hands, lodestone spells, the use of photographs and personal concerns, and how to time the work for best results. Participants will construct a complete spell  layout to take home, with all materials supplied except personal concerns. (If you have someone in mind for this work, please bring photos and bodily concerns.)
Miss Lara of the Dallas-based Black Cat Root Shack will be giving her always-popular foot washing class, a hands-on class in the Jewish, Christian, and Spiritualist traditions of blessing and cleansing a client through the ritual act of bathing and praying over the feet. All supplies are provided, and you will get to actually perform a spiritual foot washing on a student-partner, with feedback and discussion provided by other trained rootworkers. Due to the physical nature of the work, this class is limited in enrollment, and in order to ensure you can get in, pre-arrival sign-up is recommended.
Miss Robin will hold a workshop on gambling spells, including how to consult dream books for lucky betting numbers and the use of candle spells, mojo hands, lodestones, hand-washes, anointing oils, sachet powders, and the sigilization, of trained hunting money by those who bet on games of chance. A sample lucky-number dream book is included in the cost of the workshop and all materials are provided.

Lucky Mojo shop manager Sister Robin ("Red Robin") presents a new workshop this year -- one we hope will become an annual event: Hoodoo Food! This workshop features the use of EDIBLE magical herbs in all manner of spell-work recipes from love cakes and money greens to secretly controlling salads. In order to attend the Hoodoo Food! workshop, you must coordinate with Sister Robin (707-887-1521) to send in your recipe and descriptive notes, and you must bring a (large) sample platter or tray of the magical food for the rest of the group to discuss, taste-test, and share at the workshop. All pre-submitted Hoodoo Food! recipes and write-ups will be printed in booklet form, with each workshop participant receiving a free copy. Extra "Hoodoo Food!" recipe booklets will be sold to benefit the work of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. Any food not eaten by participants at the workshop will become part of the general Party Potluck.

Party attendance is absolutely FREE, and potluck food and beverages will be provided both days. Cost for the workshops will vary by the cost of ingredients supplied, and will run from $10.00 to $25.00 each, to be paid directly to each workshop organizer.
See Rock City!
Rock City at Lucky Mojo
In keeping with the downhome and vintage look of the Lucky Mojo shop, we have painted our barn in the manner of the famous "See Rock City" barns that used to be scattered all over Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana, and parts of Arkansas. For those unfamiliar with this wonderful old Southern tradition, Rock City is a beautiful natural and theme-park tourist attraction located atop Lookout Mountain near Chatanooga, Tennessee. From this eminence, the sharp-sighted can "See 7 States," or so the signs declare.

Because we have an old 1875-era barn on our land, we decided to deck it out in vintage "See Rock City" style. We hired an inspired sign painter, Lenny Weinstein of Monte Rio, California, to climb up on a scaffold and do the work according to the styles originated by the original Rock City Barn artist, Clark Byers.
So now, this is the view of the barn folks see when looking out the door of the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Enjoy!
More updates on the May Hoodoo Workshops will follow in our next newsletter. Stay tuned!

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