AAACTA Advantage
News from the Ann Arbor Area Community Tennis Association           June 2009
A community organization dedicated to supporting and promoting tennis
in the Ann Arbor area.

Online Registration

June 24-28

Mixed Doubles
July 11-12

July 24-26

July 23-24

Town Tennis Celebration
July 26


Board of Directors

Patrick Lee

Kathy Legatski
Vice President

Helen Peters

Barbara Wasneski

Karen Baxter
Sandell Bennett
Denise Goss
Bil Hinton
Nancy Kelley
Carol Luckenbach
Barbara Mueller
Sally Petersen
Rebecca Rae
Paul Ripley
Vanda Shadigian
Linda Woodland

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In This Issue
Middle Schoolers Take to Courts
Ralley Fun!
Volunteers Valiant
Found: Ann Arbor Tennis Courts

Middle Schoolers Take To The Courts
AAACTA & Sixth Graders... A Great Match!

Take 140 eager adolescents.  Add stalwart volunteers, happy to share time and tennis know-how.  Mix 'em up for 7 weeks on the Ann Arbor Middle School courts across town, and what do you get?

AAACTA's Intramural Middle School program, 8 years old and going strong. 

This spring, AAACTA volunteers met once a week with their 6th grade charges at Forsythe, Slauson, Ann Arbor Open, Clague, Tappan and Scarlett.  During that one hour a week, volunteers taught tennis basics which were met with kid-powered enthusiasm, interest and energy.

AAACTA provided balls and racquets, as well as instruction. The kids provided lots of smiles.

Check out lots of other photos of the Middle School Program including team photos at


AAACTA & UM Host a Big Day at the Big Courts

The weather was a winner - super sunny and just as lovely as an early June can be.  And the kids hopping out of the school buses had their own spring-thing going.  It was the annual Ralleyball Tournament at the UM Varsity Tennis Center, and they had come to play.

Every year AAACTA's Intramural Middle School Program ends with an all-City Ralleyball event.  This year the fun-for-all was held on June 5th.

The competition was friendly and high-spirited, the AAACTA donated T-shirts were stylin'.... and the pizza was terrific too!


Our Valuable & Valiant Volunteers
AAACTA's Middle School Intramural Program runs on the generosity, talent and good humor of many folks.  We thank them all!
Manju Beier, Maggie Conger, Jack Converse, Candi Dufek, Cheryl Grant, Bil Hinton, Carol Hoffer, Nick Holland, Ann Holz, Sue Kiss, Kathy Legatski, John McReynolds, Marcia McCay, Polina Mlynarzh, Hugh Morgan, Barbara Mueller, Dave Parker, Helen Peters,  Rebecca Rae, Barry St. Pierre, Lichee St. Pierre, Linda Sprankle, Kelly Thomas, Barbara Wasneski, Wendy Wilkes, Tom Wielenga, Linda Woodland.
Special mention to the young man from the audience who filled in as a scorekeeper when we were caught short-handed at the last minute. (But we don't know his name!).
High school Varsity tennis players from Huron and Pioneer: Mac Moore, Henry Belden, Brett Williams, Spencer Hogikyan, Robin Harn, Brian Kim, Ronald Liu, Jake Markel, Hunter St. Pierre, Taylor Zdanowski, Anand Bahl, Kevin Chang, Mauro Galus, Matt Hing, Grant Smith, Courtney Yates.
Special big thanks to the folks who rode the buses to the Ralley Ball Tournament!: Cheryl Grant, Sue Kiss, Polina Mlynarzh and Marie Levenduski.

And a tip of the hat to Bill Meeks for donating the VTC courts for the tournament.

Found:  Ann Arbor Tennis Courts
Locate tennis courts and see descriptions, maps and satellite views. 
Here's the link for the Ann Arbor area:
Tennis court locator from nNetis

This link is also on the AAACTA web site


Sandell Bennett
AAACTA Newsletter Editor
Got a comment or an idea about the newsletter?  Contact Editor