Precious Paws
best olive

Olive was living in a nursery with her mom and sibling behind a house in an industrial property in Ontario. There is a house on the property where a woman lives with her dogs. The woman was in her backyard with her two dogs and she saw her one dog grab something out of the plants and how our mutual friend described it," It looked like they were playing "hack e sack" with something. That something the woman realized was a small kitten and saved her.


Fast forward, Precious Paws took this kitten into our group. She has been to our regular vet and to an orthopedic doctor this past week. She has lost mobility of her hind legs and control of her bladder. She had a CT Scan and no breaks, fracture or dislocations could be found.   She spent the night at Veterinary Specialists of the Valley for observation. It has to be a soft tissue injury, bruise, swelling of the like, therefore only time will tell. Meanwhile she gets kitty physical therapy from me and her bladder expressed every few hours too. She has a 50/50 chance of getting back mobility in her hind end and control of her bladder. Only time will tell.


Her mom was found dead in the street a couple of days after Olive had been injured, she was probably out looking for Olive because she and her two babies were living on the property and did not wander out. Now the other baby has disappeared and we have the owner looking for her and if found we will take it in also.


Olive's bill from the specialty group ended up being $1,705.50. We are now fundraising to pay for this bill, I asked a friend to let me put it on her credit card so we could save this little girl. Now Precious Paws has to pay the bill when it comes in.


I have created a Paypal link for Olive. Even a dollar will help, it all adds up. I am including the link right here:




I was told that I should just put her down by quite a few people, because there are so many healthy ones out there homeless and being killed in shelters I don't view animals as disposable, Olive's life is just as important to me and our group as in saving the healthy ones. Olive by fate was brought to us and once we accept responsibility for her it is our obligation to do our best for her. If we heard she had no chance at all, then that would be different but we didn't hear that from two veterinarians. We can keep saving lives but she only has one and we will do our best to makes hers as quality as possible.










Georgyne La Lone


Board of Directors


Georgyne La Lone - Founder/President 

LeAnn Moen - Vice President  

Paula Robertson - Secretary 

Suzanne Welke - Treasurer 

Carla Roselli - Director, TNR/Ferals

Susan Olsen - Director, Media & Special Projects   




Wendy Allen, Jeanna Crawford, Celeste Crawford, Barb Randall,

 Daniel Hausmann, Penny Juday, Kristen Klegseth


18034 Ventura Blvd. 430
Encino, California 91316
Precious Paws