Palmetto Cycling Coalition Update
March 9, 2010
Good Afternoon!rich

We're reporting from Washington, DC at the 10th annual National Bike Summit, and we've got some great news that just couldn't wait.  Enjoy!

Rachael Kefalos, Executive Director
(803) 445-1099

2010 Advocate of the Year: Paul LeFrancois

From the Alliance for Biking & Walking Press Release:

Washington, DC - March 9, 2010 - The Alliance for Biking & Walking will honor seven organizations and individuals with its 2010 Advocacy Awards at a special reception and awards presentation March 9th, 2010 in Washington, DC. The following award recipients not only show dedication and success in advancing biking and walking, but also demonstrate exceptional work ethic to their peers and communities.
Paul LeFrancois, President and a founding board member of the Palmetto Cycling Coalition, is being honored with the 2010 Advocate of the Year Award. Paul has gone above and beyond the call of duty to transform South Carolina into a better place for biking and walking. Among his many accomplishments, Paul worked with others to create and secure passage of a SC Share the Road license plate (one of the first in the U.S.), has coordinated bicycling legislative events in cities throughout South Carolina, and has assisted communities throughout the state in securing bicycle-friendly designation from the League of American Bicyclists. With his leadership the PCC had its most significant success passing major reforms to South Carolina's bicycle traffic safety laws in 2008. Paul's knowledge, creativity, and commitment are the highest standard of excellence making him a role model in the Palmetto State and for biking and walking advocates across North America.
What is National Bike Summit?

National Bike Summit is an amazing congregation of industry leaders,
advocates, and everyday cyclists that are making a difference in the state and the nation.  Tuesday evening's activities include a welcoming/plenary dinner, as well as an awards reception hosted by the Alliance for Biking & Walking (and SC has a lot to celebrate at the reception).
rk and clyburn
Tomorrow's agenda includes plenary sessions and educational workshops, as well as opportunities to rub elbows with fellow advocate colleagues, friends in the industry, and many many others.

Thursday is a day of meetings with members of Congress on Capitol Hill.  The PCC has worked to schedule meetings with each SC member of Congress, so Thursday will be back-to-back meetings with our eight members.

We're uploading photos as time permits, so check it out.

Rachael ran into House Majority Whip and SC
Representative Clyburn at the airport on the way to
DC.  He already got an earful about bicycling in SC.


The Coalition needs the support of cyclists like yourself to continue our efforts of making SC more bicycle friendly.  We are THE voice for cyclists across South Carolina.  If your membership has lapsed, please renew today!  If you are not currently a member, please consider becoming one.
Your donations ensure our success.  Thank you for your support!