
TMC Squared Newsletter       January 2010

Happy New Year!
Have you made any resolutions? May we suggest one?
 Most of our clients intend to do this but never get around to it.  We have some very sad tales of priceless pictures lost, thousands of dollars worth of music lost, critical emails and financial data lost.
There are a number of excellent back up options out there. We will be more than happy to advise you on the right one for you and your data. 
 Contact us: 
630 942 8622
Security Tip of the Month 
 When shopping online, make sure the website your are using before giving any credit card or financiall information. The url should begin with https://,  NOT http://.
Quick Links...

TMC Squared

Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce

Naperville Leads Club 

Thom and Sue Martin
5 things to know when purchasing a computer



  1. You can transfer your data from the old comptuer to your new computer. You cannot transfer the programs.  You must  reinstall any program you want to use on the new computer. That means you must have the installation disks or access to the download files to do this.
  2. Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office are 2 different programs. Windows comes with your computer and operates it. Office provides you with software to create documents and spreadsheets and other things. Many years ago, computers came with Office already loaded.  When purchasing a new computer, you must have install disks for Office or buy them.  Office software lists for $149 to over $300 depending on what version you buy.
  3. If your computer comes with virus protection or Office software, chances are these are trial versions that will disapear in 60 days.
  4. Laptops come with wireless capabilities.  Desktops typically do not. You can purchase a wireless adapter to give a desktop wireless capabilities
  5. If you want to use your laptop wirelessly, you must have a wireless network configured in your home or office.  This usually involves the additional  purchase of a wireless router or gateway.

 More questions? Contact us: 
 630 942 8622

Pet of the Month
 As promised, we are featuring some of our favorite pets of some of our favorite clients each month. Don't be shy! Send us your pet's picture.
Buddy belongs to Margaret Giffin. Margaret heads up the Glen Ellyn School District 41 Community Outreach program.  The program works hard at collecting needed items for the disadvantaged families in the school district.We were very proud to help out with some computers this year.