
TMC Squared Newsletter                December 2008

Back by Popular Demand... Thom's list of Free Stuff!

  • Open Office emulates the capabilities of Microsoft Office without the price tag.
  • AVAST! Virus protection, free to residential users.  We have download instructions on our website: www.tmcsquared.com 
  • Free AOL: once you have said goodbye to dial up, you can convert you AOL email account to a free status.  Nothing changes except the bill that you don't to pay every month.

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Need a Check Up?

 In these uncertain economic times it's important to make the most of your technology and protect your investment. We recommend annual check ups. This little bit of maintenance can save you hundreds of dollars and untold stress.
  • Ensure Virus Protection is up to date and working properly
  • Ensure Microsoft Updates are current 
  • Clean up Temporary Files
  • Turn off / Uninstall unwanted Programs
  • Check for sufficient Disk Space and RAM 
  • Advise on maintenance and back up strategies 

Thom and Sue Martin
This holiday season's hot purchase
There are some fantastic buys out there. Here are some things we look for when shopping for a laptop:
  • Intel Duo Core Processor or better.  You may think you can save money settling for an AMD or Celeron processor but you won't in the long run.
  • At least 2 GB of RAM 
  • At least 160 GB Hard Drive
  • DVD burner That's RW not ROM 
  • Consider upgrading the battery for another $70-$100.  A standard battery will only give you 1-2 hours of power and will not last more than a year or 2.

Think you may have found a great deal? Not sure? Contact us: themartins@tmcsquared.com We  are always happy to advise our clients on new purchases.         No Charge!

Timing is everything
 College student home with their laptop?  
Going away for the holidays?
This would be a great time for a check up.
We will pick up your computer and deliver it back to you upon your return
Schedule your appointment now  Waiting will only cost you more time, stress and money.
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