Time Well SpentTM   

An Eco-Arts & Creative Repurposing
Community Enrichment Center
(my revised tagline - a work in progress - what do you think??)
Pre-Launch Update ~ April 2009
In This E-Newsletter
Painting Supplies, Furniture and Bedding Needed at Cornerstones
DeClutter For Good Fun & Games Drive
DeClutter For Your Good, Too!
WeBlog Highlights
Nancy Gallant, Social Entrepreneur
Nancy Gallant
Time Well Spent 
Pre-Launch Office
89 Turnpike Rd/Rte 1 
Ipswich, MA 01938
In-Office Hours Vary. Throughout
March, Visits and Drop-Offs are Welcome by Appointment Only.
 (call or text)
It's my Personal Blog & the Temporary
Cyber-Home of
Time Well SpentTM
Time for April Showers and Spring Cleaning already?! 
This month's DeClutter For Good efforts are inspired by, and primarily on behalf of, Cornerstones Ipswich ~ a group care residential facility with an onsite day school that serves children in need from age 6-13. Cornerstones is staffed by incredibly hard-working and caring people who try each day to help make their very special students find a sense of safety, normalcy, and happiness in their childhood. 
Click here to go to my post with more about Cornerstones or read on to learn about their needs including April's DeClutter For Good Fun & Games Drive, a wish list of furniture needs, and a "call to action" for your decluttered painting supplies needed at Cornerstones this weekend!
On the business front, I continue to work on my business plan and financial projections while striving to serve my mission, each day. Though still in my pre-launch phase, I am spreading the word of my efforts to increase daily awareness  and actions that support those in need and the environment ~ even as we clear the clutter from our own homes, and lives, so that we can live a happier, more authentic life each day.
Time Well Spent will continue to grow and take hold ~ even before the official launch ~ shaped by the community that believes in, contributes to, and benefits from its mission. In that spirit, don't hesitate to be in touch ~ email a reply, comment on the blog, text or call with questions, ideas, and feedback ~ or just to say hello.
                                            Carpe Diem! 
Supplies Needed @ Cornerstones
Cornerstones House Manager Elissa Covello has her hands full just getting through the day. Still, she wants to give the residents at Cornerstones a feeling of a safe and cozy home. She is hoping to paint bedrooms this weekend!  Can you help make Elissa's wish for these kids come true?
Paint and Painting Supplies ~ ASAP!!! 
Bedding ~ blankets, bottom sheets, pillow cases
Furniture ~ couches, comfy chairs, end tables, coffee tables, dining room furniture, chairs, dresser
If you can provide any of these items, reply to this email. I'll get you in touch with Elissa!
               On behalf of Elissa and the kids,

April DeClutter For Good Fun & Games Drive

Knowing that Cornerstones is planning some spring sprucing up, I thought it would be good timing to help them fill the game shelves in their study/play room with some nice choices for playtime. For parents receiving this, April vacation is a great time to get your kids decluttering to help other kids ~ those struggling just to be a kid... So, a teachable moment, as well:
For Whom?           Kids! Especially Pre-School - Pre-Teen

With Whom?        Cornerstones Ipswich
What?                      Games, Puzzles, Personal Computer Games
                                   Educational Games Preferred.
                                   No violent games. No missing pieces, please!
When?                     Sunday, April 19th 10am-4pm
Where?                   Time Well Spent Pre-Launch Office
                                    89 Turnpike Road/Route 1, Ipswich, MA 
Know of another local service organization that could use some fun & games? Forward this message and encourage them to contact Time Well Spent. 
No young kids at your house? You can still help with this month's DeClutter For Good focus - just by forwarding this message to a friend or two with a full house - that's one minute very well spent! 
*If you can't make it , please contact me for alternative drop-off arrangements. 
Help Time Well Spent reach our goal 
of a total of 50 games & puzzles donated this month
and watch for the results next month!
Click on these underlined links to see the results of the
DeClutter Your Spring ~ For Your Good, too!
Clearly, I have a vision of decluttering with purpose, taking our collective clutter and putting it to good use. Folks will feel empowered by the impact of our combined efforts, inspired to take action and jump on the decluttering bandwagon. The DeClutter For Good schedule helps us to plan for one focus area a month, helping to divide decluttering into manageable tasks.  Still, if your starting point is like mine, there's a lot of work to be done and the task can be overwhelming!
That's right! Don't mistake my mission-driven decluttering to mean that I'm anything but a life-long clutterer myself. Full disclosure: I may have some great ideas of what to do with it once it's out of the house ~ just visit my photoblog for a glimpse ~ but taking control of the constant clutter is not my forte (just ask my family). Of course, decluttering shouldn't add stress to your life, it's supposed to relieve stress...
So, to jumpstart your spring cleaning and decluttering without causing a panic attack, may I suggest you consider a cyber-visit with Sallie Felton...
I met Sallie, via a freecycle exchange, when Time Well Spent was just a germ of an idea. Sallie's a life coach who walks the walk. In 2008, she blogged about her  year-long decluttering journey (and I have a lovely desk donated by Sallie at the office from her efforts). Sallie's mantra is "start where you stand."  She hosts a a weekly radio show called "A Fresh Start" that includes conversations with inspirational people who share Sallie's mind-set and positive attitude and
the archives of her shows are downloadable for a free listen from your laptop.  
The first Thursday night of each month, Sallie also hosts a complimentary declutter conference call from 7 to 8pm  (EST). Sign up with Sallie and call in this Thursday, April 2nd, from the comfort of your home (jammies allowed!), and share your greatest clutter challenge. Sallie will surely have some suggestions to help you get started. Tell her Nancy sent you!
~ Pages from my Weblog ~ 
To Click or Not to Click ~ You Decide! 
In lieu of monthly post highlights, this month I'm sharing a few key pages of my weblog, chosen because they provide a glimpse of my overall vision for Time Well Spent. Read more by clicking on the bold title of anything that catches your attention ...And, of course, I welcome your comments on the pages if you have any questions or feedback.
and a "post de resistance" ~ Old Route One Greenway
Check out my vision of what could be... 
DeClutter For Good
Drop-Off Info 
 Check the lists of items we are looking for
and then call, text or email to confirm your items will be 
accepted at Time Well Spent
and to arrange a drop-off.

Sorry but no surprise drop-off visits for now!  

I can meet you at the office on very short notice as long as I'm not tied up.
Where Caring for Yourself, Others and the Environment 
is Easy, Inspiring & Fun!
Time Well Spent TM