50-State Prayerwalk begins September 17th (40 days from today!)

God surprised me with an out-of-the-blue download for a short-term mission, adjunct to our greater long-term mission of repentance-in-unity:

A much-needed reminder (during the political feeding frenzy) that the hope for our nation DOES NOT rest on our elected officials, but in CHRIST ALONE.

Does that mean voting isn't important? Quite the contrary! In Christ, our hands on the voting lever are an extension of His sovereign hand over our nation, for a government that rests "on His shoulders." (Isaiah 9:6)
  • Prayerwalks at 51 State Capitols (including City Hall in DC) in 51 days  
  • September 17th through Election Day, November 6th  
  • Culminating in nationwide agreement-in-prayer on "Election Sunday," November 4, 2012, praying the following prayer... 

Pre-Election Prayer for America


ALMIGHTY GOD, we thank You that it is for freedom You have set us free! In this critical hour for the destiny of our nation, we cry out for Your mercy, that America would truly be "the land of the free."


You are the source of all true freedom--yet even now, we take it for granted. We squander our liberty, blaming others for the state of our nation, when Your Word clearly says, "IF MY PEOPLE...."


Forgive us O God. You have called us to a place of profound responsibility, that we might be Your ambassadors of reconciliation in these polarizing times. Only through You, Lord Jesus, can we rise to the call. Teach us Your humility. Keep us grounded in Your strength, as You strengthen us to stand our ground--not just on Election Day, but every day.


Re-unite these United States! Restore our families; transform our communities; stir up the hearts of our leaders as we hold them up in prayer. Lord, You are good and Your mercy endures forever!


Have mercy on us and heal our land. AMEN.

Tom & Deanna


We will need your help. Yours are the shoulders the Lord would use to carry us across the country.   


Thankful for you...     

Tom's Signature 




P.S. Day-to-day schedule and details to follow in the days ahead.

Your generous support
makes the way. Please pray about giving...thanks.     
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