TopppBeachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association Newsletter
Monday January 26, 2009
Newsletter at a Glance
Griffith Park Hearing TOMORROW.
My name is Mei Mei - I'm LOST!
Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association's Annual Meeting
Mansionization Watch
JOIN The Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
BeachwoodCanyon.org Evolves
Beachwood Canyon Celebrates Inauguration Day
Compact Flourescent Lighting (CFL) Disposal Made Easy
Recognizing a Stroke

I hope this newsletter finds you healthy and entering this new year with a high level of optimism and energ! In this issue, you'll hear about upcoming hearings, our annual meeting, ways to join the association, cool new aspects of our website, a lost dog in our neighborhood, how Beachwood Canyon got into the L.A. Times on Inauguration Day
(a video), an additional way to recognize a stroke - right away, and an easy and LOCAL place to safely dispose of flourescent bulbs.


Fran Reichenbach
Griffith Park Hearing TOMORROW

Will Griffith Park become an official Historic Site?

This is it! The big day for Griffith Park will be Tuesday when the vote for designation as a Historic-Cultural Monument goes to City Council for approval. It is thanks to your fantastic support and most of all your presence at City Hall that the nomination has gotten this far. Your physical presence sends a powerful message. Let's continue to show the city how much we care about Griffith Park!

The attorney for the Griffith J. Griffith Charitable Trust would like the nomination approved on a consent agenda. Normally recommendations for Historic-Cultural Monuments coming from the Cultural Heritage Commission and PLUM are approved en masse without discussion - provided no speaker cards are submitted.

We should be prepared for both eventualities. The landmark designation may be automatically approved without any speakers, or we may need speakers to address City Council.

Here's what we need you to do. Attend the City Council meeting:

Tuesday, January 27     10:00 a.m.
City Hall, Room 340
200 N. Spring Street

Representatives from the Los Feliz Improvement Association and the
Greater Griffith Park Neighborhood Council will be outside the door
with speaker cards. Fill out a speaker card and give it to them. Do
not turn the card in to the city clerk. We will turn in your cards
only if it is necessary.

Of course you should continue to send e-mails supporting the designation of the entire park to the councilmembers. Their email contact is readily available at www.lacity.org.

Please forward this e-mail to anyone or to any group that you think
will be supportive.

Thanks for your continued support. We'll see you on Tuesday!

Marian Dodge, President
Los Feliz Improvement Association

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My name is Mei Mei - An urgent plea from a lost doggie
equestrian meeting My name is Mei Mei. A few days ago, I got out and took a walk in the area of Fountain and Gower. That was on the 23rd, last Friday. I haven't been able to find my way home and I'm sure that my owner, Sean, is sick with worry. Here's my photo. I am a female Sharpei. I'm a bit skittish and don't want to approach strangers. I left my id collar at home but I have a microchip.

If you see me, please call Sean at 323-580-1249.

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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association's Annual Meeting
BCNA logo

This coming Saturday - January 31st, 2009 at 4 p.m.


The Reichenbach Home, 2751 Westshire Dr. (park in the Village)

Special Guest Presentations:
Assemblyman Mike Feuer
Hollywood Police Captain Beatrice Girmala

Maurine Kornfeld - MTA Tours
Wildlife Officer Gregory Randall
(Coyotes and other Wildlife in the Canyon)
Election of Officers

Five board members are running for re-election and our bylaws allow us to add two more board members if we like. So please let us know if you would like to run for a seat in 2009! We are a fun group lacking in drama and full of energy!

To see the current line up of board members, go to: http://www.beachwoodcanyon.org/BoardProfiles.htm

For more info or to volunteer for a board seat, call 323-462-1514 or send e-mail to FranReichenbach@beachwoodcanyon.org

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Keeping a Watchful Eye Against Mansionization
  Both Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association & Hollywoodland Homeowners Association Agree!

Working Together to Preserve Hollywoodland!

The Hollywoodland Specific Plan's Design Review Board decided that the construction of a new three story over basement, 36' high project that totals 6,425 square feet (on two lots) is just TOO BIG for the area in which it is planned.

The Hollywoodland Homeowner's Association and the Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association agree with the Design Review Board and the City Planning Department's determination. But the builder is appealing the decision.

We're prepared to make our voices heard and together we will support the DRB and the City at the appeal hearing planned for:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. (at City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., L.A., CA 90012).

Will you join us?

Take Action: The Central Los Angeles Area Planning Commission would like to hear from this community by or before January 31, 2009. Please send your statements to all three e-mail addresses (separated by a comma):
Cut and paste this into your subject line:
RE: DIR-2008-3227-SPP-DRB-1A - 3314-20 N. Lugano Place
If you write a letter in hard copy for the commission, you will need to send them one original and 15 copies via U.S. Mail or hand deliver these copies to their office on the 2nd floor of City Hall (Room 272).

If you send e-mail, City staff will do that duplicating for you. Meanwhile, we will make the 16 copies of your e-mails when gathered together and hand deliver just in case!
Your presence at this hearing will help!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 4:30 p.m.
(at City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., L.A., CA 90012)

Please plan to attend the hearing and show the city that Hollywoodland values its quaint European Village atmosphere and wishes to preserve it.

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JOIN The Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
  Only $20/year for a house - $10/year for an apartment - send your check today!
We recently sent out membership notices to neighbors in Beachwood Canyon. If you haven't gotten one, you may not be included in our mailing list. Please take a minute to visit our Membership page at:


From that page, you can download the Membership Form and send your check to BCNA, 2751 Westshire Dr., L.A., CA 90068.

Please do this right away so you can vote in our upcoming election and even more important - you can be part of what holds this neighborhood together. We're here for you. We're committed to enhancing the quality of life in our canyon and your participation is valuable to us.

For more info, call us at 323-462-1514.

Fran Reichenbach, founder and current secretary

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BeachwoodCanyon.org Evolves
Will You Find Yourself on These Neighborhood Pages?

Neighborhood Network ONLINE

What do your neighbors do? Some of them would LOVE for you to know. So we're starting a list. This list will grow organically. It will list their names and what they create, produce, provide or otherwise. Take a look at the list and enjoy the rich landscape of neighbors that fill our canyon.

If you live in our canyon and perform a service or produce a play, perform in a band, create jewelry, teach yoga, massage, walk dogs or any other talen that you would like your neighbors to know about, this could be a great thing for you. We are please to give you an avenue through which to brag a bit.


Canyon Rentals ONLINE

We're trying something new - so new that we don't have any listings or participants - so new that you could be the first landlord to list your vacancy. Check it out and see if you would like to participate. We only ask that you inform us right away when your rental is no longer vacant.


Submit your info to FranReichenbach@beachwoodcanyon.org

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Beachwood Canyon Celebrates Inauguration Day

L.A. Times was there - see the video footage

Right after the 1964 interview with Martin Luther King, watch the lower left quadrant and see footage and an interview with neighbor, Eda Hallinan. See the URL below. (note the L.A. Times man with camera)


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Pothole on the Green Highway
Compact Flourescent Lighting (CFL) Disposal Made Easy
equestrian meetingSo your fluorescent bulb just went out after years of use. Yes, they do finally die. But then what? They contain a toxic substance-mercury. They must be disposed of with care. But who has the time to drive out to special sites on special days and times? So many end up just dropping them into the trash.

Thanks to the thorough research conducted by neighbor Len Efron, we now know exactly where to take these bulbs LOCALLY: Home Depot on Sunset Blvd and St. Andrews. Their "RETURNS" area provides a bin for both fluorescent light tubes/bulbs and batteries.

Please go to http://www.beachwoodcanyon.org/CFL%20Disposal.htm and read the entire article. It's very informative with guidelines on how best to encourage the city to make safe disposal of items such as fluorescent bulbs (CFL's) more convenient. Your voice counts and could cause change to happen for all of us.
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Recognizing a Stroke
There is yet one additional method for recognizing a stroke - this may save a life.

equestrian meetingThank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S - Ask the individual to SMILE.

T - Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. It is sunny out today)

R - Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke: Stick out Your Tongue

Another sign of a stroke is this: Ask the person to stick out his tongue. If the tongue is crooked, if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.

Forwarding this email could actually save a life.

Information provided by Jeff Singer

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Our Association
The Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association represents renters as well as homeowners in Beachwood Canyon from the Hollywood Sign all the way to Franklin Ave. We are here to help make this community a better place to live, work, play, and raise our children. We can use your support in any way that you can provide it. Maybe it's writing a check for the annual dues. Maybe you have some free time and would like to join the team going to City Hall, writing letters to lawmakers, visiting neighbors, creating neighborhood watch groups, interacting with law enforcement, brush clearance, and more. This is a people-oriented group and we're happy include you in our neighborhood volunteerism. Together we can make a difference.

Our most recent service to the community is our new website - please check it out:

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