Trombone Christmas on Glen Green TONIGHT!
(Friday December 19th at 6 p.m.) 
You'll be there, right? It's going to be COLD so dress like it's a real winter here in Beachwood. Bring your own chair or pillow. Park in the Beachwood Market parking lot. If you have any walking issues, or just want a lift, Steve Rogers will have his golf chariot at Beachwood Market starting at 6 p.m. He can take two people at a time and deliver them FRONT and CENTER to the event. He'll be warming up the chariot at 9 p.m. for the ride up the hill.
Bring a dish to pass around - we are calling this a pot luck but bring whatever you can. If you make something special, bring the recipe so we can add it to the recipe book being created as we speak!
See you tonight!

equestrian meeting

SUNDAY: Hear the Trombones in Concert at Immanuel Lutheran Church (This Sunday December 21st at 7 p.m.) Located at 6020 Radford Ave., N. Hollywood, CA 91606.
The acoustics are perfect and you'll be warmly treated to the same wonderful Christmas Trombone Music!
equestrian meeting 
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