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The Worthy Organization
McBassi Newsletter
July 2007
In This Issue
The Worthy Organization
Quick Self-Assessment
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About McBassi
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The Worthy Organization 

Sustainability is no longer just a concern of the political left; it is a mainstream economic issue that organizations around the world are confronting.

As both public policy and (increasingly well-informed) consumers push organizations to embrace sustainable strategies, major shifts are unfolding in business fundamentals.  Sustainable strategies are becoming good business, and are increasingly necessary for an organization to continually earn the loyalty of its investors, customers and employees - in other words, a "worthy organization."


The concept of a worthy, sustainable organization is expanding to incorporate sustainable human capital strategies and management (indeed, it is dependent on them).  Early signs of this can be seen in organizations' attempts to very publicly establish themselves as "employers of choice." 


And a handful of investment funds and advisory services have already begun to incorporate human capital explicitly into their money management decisions and advice (see, for example, Innovest, Generation Investment Management, or our own Bassi Investments). 


A Google search on "sustainability report" generates over 645,000 results, a number that will only grow over time.  Ultimately, firms will be forced - by some combination of legal mandate and/or pressures from the marketplace - to incorporate reporting about their human capital strategies and policies into their sustainability reports.  And as the scope and influence of the world wide web of information continues to grow, unworthy employers will find it increasingly difficult to hide and to sustain themselves.


Quick HCM Sustainability Assessment
How does your organization stack up in regard to the sustainability of its human capital management?  Click here for a quick self-assessment.
Want to Read More? 
Check out this week's Business Week article on the relationship between a company's reputation and its stock performance.

About McBassi & Company

McBassi is a survey firm that helps organizations improve their performance through more effective management and development of people.  We have proprietary research-based measurement methodologies, the analytic know-how, and a proven track record in serving as a catalyst for change and generating win-win results. Click here for a brochure describing McBassi and our services.

We can be contacted at 413.233.6558 or