NPCA Global Education News - Spring 2012
We continue our focus on "bringing the world back home" (the Third Goal of Peace Corps) in our Spring 2012 issue of Global Education News, now available in the Education section of the NPCA website. Here are some of the highlights of this issue:
- 9-12 Corner: Lesson plans on "Running" and "Making and Testing Cultural Inferences"
- K-8 Corner: Water of the World
- Book reviews: Connecting Across Cultures: Global Education in Grades K-8 and Kamakwie - Finding Peace, Love and Justice in Sierra Leone
- Peace Corps Third Goal Expos
- Global Education Resources, Professional Development Opportunities and more!
I hope you enjoy this issue and that you will let us know how you are using these and other resources in classrooms and communities. Please send your letters or materials for the next issue by June 8 to Susan Neyer, editor, as Our next issue will feature suggestions for summer reading. Do you have a favorite "global" book to share?

Anne Baker Vice President National Peace Corps Association
ps - The work of NPCA Global Education is dedicated to you, but also could not happen without you. Please support this monthly e-newsletter and other global education resources with your membership in NPCA. |
Peace Corps Third Goal Expos to Focus on Global Education
NPCA and Peace Corps are kicking off the next 50 years of Peace Corps by focusing on the "third goal" of Peace Corps: bringing the world back home. One way we are doing this is through a series of four Third Goal Expos - events open to the Peace Corps community, the general public and - especially - educators. These expos will showcase the countries and cultures where Peace Corps Volunteers have served and highlight Volunteers' experiences and projects. The Expos will feature Peace Corps' Speakers Match, Correspondence Match, and Coverdell World Wise Schools programs and showcase ways that educators and returned Volunteers can share Peace Corps experiences in classrooms and communities.
Here is the schedule of expos to date (subject to change):
- Saturday, June 9 - Nashville, TN
- Sunday, July 1 - Minneapolis, MN
- Saturday, September 22 - Providence, RI
- Saturday, September 30 - Los Angeles, CA
All expos are free and open to the public. Complete details and registration information will be posted, as available, to the NPCA website. If you are interested in being a presenter at any of these expos, please contact Anne Baker at See you there!
TakingITGlobal for Educators' e-courses
> posted by request:
TIGed is offering two professional development e-courses for teachers this Spring: "Education for Environmental Stewardship" and "Project-based Learning for Global Citizenship", starting on April 3rd and 4th, 2012. These graduate-level, accredited courses is designed to support teachers in bringing the world into their classrooms through the use of e-technologies and international partnerships to help students understand global perspectives and environmental issues. |
Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization
> posted by request: The Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change invites you to attend its 4-day Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization (ICCI), which takes place each May in Bloomington, IN. This unique institute facilitates the internationalization of your campuses, curricula, and/or courses, to better prepare students to be effective scholars, practitioners, and citizens of the 21st century. This institute is open to all college and university faculty, staff, and administrators, so feel free to share with colleagues in and outside of your institution. There is also an optional pre-institute workshop "Introduction to Internationalization in Higher Education". For queries, please contact us at: or (812) 856-4827.
GEEO Summer Travel Programs for Educators
> posted by request:
Global Exploration for Educators Organization (GEEO) is a 501c3 non-profit organization that runs summer professional development travel programs designed for teachers. GEEO is offering 13 different travel programs for the summer of 2012: India/Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand/Laos/Cambodia, China, Russia/Mongolia/China, Turkey 8 day, Turkey 15 day, South Africa/Mozambique/Zimbabwe/Botswana, Morocco, Peru, Ecuador, The Galapagos Islands and Costa Rica. Space is limited! Educators have the option to earn graduate school credit and professional development credit while seeing the world. The trips are 8 to 24 days in length and are designed and discounted to be interesting and affordable for teachers. GEEO provides teachers educational materials and the structure to help them bring their experiences into the classroom. The trips are open to all nationalities of K-12 and university educators and administrators, as well as retired educators. Educators are also permitted to bring along a non-educator guest. GEEO can be reached 7 days a week, toll free at 1-877-600-0105 between 9AM-9PM EST.
>> Detailed information about each trip, including itineraries, costs, travel dates, and more |
New TeachUNICEF High School Educator's Guide
> Posted by request: is excited to share a brand new resource that has been developed related to HIV and AIDS. This just released standards-based unit for grades 9-12 focuses on the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and AIDS. PMTCT is one of the key strategies UNICEF and its partners have utilized to significantly reduce HIV infection in many developing nations. PMTCT is a set of services, which includes diagnosing women and providing them with the education and treatment necessary to dramatically reduce the chance of transmitting the virus to their child during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Using an interdisciplinary approach that potentially incorporates skills in science, health, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and art education, the TeachUNICEF unit will help students develop an understanding of the gravity of the pandemic and better understand the steps UNICEF and its partners are taking to reduce new infections and treat those who are already infected, particularly women and children.
>> Access the lesson plan |
New Teaching with the News Lesson from Choices
> posted by request:
The Choices Program has just release a new Teaching with the News lesson titled The United States and the Iranian Nuclear Program. In this free online lesson students:
- Analyze the issues that frame the current debate on U.S. policy towards Iran.
- Identify and articulate the core underlying values of different policy options.
- Work cooperatively within groups to integrate the arguments and beliefs of the options into a persuasive, coherent presentation.
- Explore, debate, and evaluate multiple perspectives on U.S. policy towards Iran.
American Youth Leadership Program
> posted by request: High School Students and Educators: Apply now for World Savvy's 2012-13 American Youth Leadership Program with Bangladesh. Explore the country and culture of Bangladesh through this fully funded program. The program includes:
- Pre-trip workshops and orientations;
- Exploration of cross-cultural affairs and climate change in Bangladesh through one month of travel (tentatively from Dec . 16, 2012- Jan. 11, 2013); and
- Post-trip follow-up through social action projects in home communities.
Who will go:
- Thirty U.S. high school students (between the ages of 15-17) from the regions of New York City, San Francisco, and Minneapolis-St. Paul
- Five U.S. educators from the regions of New York City, San Francisco, and Minneapolis-St. Paul
The American Youth Leadership Program (AYLP) is funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and World Savvy, and administered by World Savvy. All applications are due April 16, 2012. Email for more info or questions. |

April 3 & 4, 2012 TIGed e-courses begin
April 15, 2012 AFSA Essay Contest deadline April 16, 2012 American Youth Leadership Program May 20 - 23, 2012 Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization June 23, 2012 Peace Corps Third Goal Expo - Nashville, TN June 28 - July 1, 2012 Peace Corps Connect - Minneapolis 2012 July 1, 2012 Peace Corps Third Goal Expo - Minneapolis, MN July 9 - 13, 2012 Choices Summer Leadership Institute July 23 - 27, 2012 Teaching for Global Understanding in the 21st Century July 30 - August 3, 2012 Cultural Proficiency for Today's Diverse Schools September 22, 2012 Peace Corps Third Goal Expo - Providence, RI September 29, 2012 Peace Corps Third Goal Expo - Los Angeles, CA |

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SUBMIT ANNOUNCEMENTS If you would like to submit an item to be included in an upcoming posting, please send it to globaled@ Submissions should be no longer than 150 words and should include follow-up details for those interested in learning more.
ABOUT NPCA GLOBAL EDUCATION NPCA Global Education is the global education network of the National Peace Corps Association and ASCD.
ABOUT NPCA Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Washington, DC, the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is the nation's leading 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization supporting Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and the Peace Corps community through networking and mentoring to help guide former volunteers through their continued service back home. It is also the longest-standing advocate on behalf of the Peace Corps and its values. To become a member or get more information, visit