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April 5, 2012                                                                                                            



Happy April!


Front and Center:  Advancing Peace Corps Commemorative Legislation.


Action opportunity to support the International Affairs Budget.


And much, much more!


Anne's signaturePeace Corps Commemorative:

A House Majority?

As bi-partisan Peace Corps commemorative legislation awaits floor action in the Senate, RPCV Congressman Sam Farr's companion legislation awaits final consideration before the House Natural Resources Committee.

Meanwhile, the number of co-sponsors continues to grow.  In fact, in the House, we are only 64 co-sponsors shy of having a majority of the House of Representatives demonstrating support for this legislation.

Please take action now to help us move towards a House majority. See if you need to urge your Senators to become co-sponsors.

Peace Corps Funding Letters:

A New Record

The results are in! One point of emphasis during the March 1st National Day of Action was securing indications of support for strong Peace Corps funding.

Every March since 2005, members of the Senate and/or House of Representatives have been given the opportunity to show their support for strong funding for the Peace Corps by signing onto so-called Dear Colleague letters.

Thanks in no small part to your excellent efforts, the combined Senate and House signatures on these letters reached a new single year record!
50th Kucinich and DanielsenVoice Your Support for the Entire International Affairs Budget

Last week, the NPCA submitted this written testimony to the House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, urging a return to a $400 million funding level for the Peace Corps.

In the coming weeks, this subcommittee will be given an overall funding level for International Affairs programs that they cannot exceed.  The stronger that number, the greater the opportunity for strong Peace Corps funding.  Not only that, the many development and humanitarian assistance programs funded under this part of the federal budget are familiar and important to most all of us who have Peace Corps in our background.

You can be an important voice for the entire international affairs budget by following the link below for an action alert provided by the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition.  Reference your Peace Corps service in reaching out to your lawmakers.

Final Thoughts on the National Day of Action
Our March 1st National Day of Action was bolstered on Capitol Hill by 75 National Peace Corps Association advocates, representing 26 states, the District of Columbia and every era of Peace Corps service.

What is it like to be on Capitol Hill during the Day of Action?  We asked some members of one of our California RPCV advocacy team to take a hand-held video camera and share their experience.   here's what they had to say...

The California Group!
California Group Video

Milwaukee meeting
Seeking Volunteer Advocacy Coordinators    

When we need to mobilize advocates in and around Milwaukee Wisconsin, we often call upon Cheryl Nenn, Advocacy Coordinator for the Milwaukee Peace Corps Association.  Along with some timely outreach this past March, Cheryl (above, second from left) helped coordinate a 2010 district office meeting with staff of Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl.

If you are ready to take your advocacy commitment to the next level, we are looking for dedicated volunteers to help lead our advocacy efforts in key geographic regions all around the country.  Along with helping to disseminate information included in our monthly updates, we will ask coordinators to assist with outreach and mobilization  2 - 3 times a year in conjunction with NPCA advocacy activities.

Want more details?  Contact for our Volunteer Advocacy Coordinator job description.

Hope to See You in Minneapolis! 

Want to come together face-to-face to talk advocacy?

The next best opportunity will be June 29 - July 1 when we
 - with tremendous assistance from the Minnesota RPCVs - hold Peace Corps Connect: Minneapolis 2012.  Meet up with National Peace Corps Association Advocacy Director Jonathan Pearson, other members of the NPCA staff and hundreds of members of the Peace Corps community from all around the country.  Get connected.  Get informed.  Get engaged. Get registered!

John Prothro and fellow advocatesFeatured Advocate - John Prothro

Meet John Prothro of Washington DC.  He is becoming an active member of the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer community.  

Only thing is, his Peace Corps service, as a Rural Development Agent in Burkina Faso, hasn't started yet!

But that is about to change.  
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More Co-Sponsors for Peace Corps Commemorative

Record Setting Results in March

Take Action on International Affairs Budget

A March 1st Look Back

Wanted: Volunteer Advocacy Coordinators

Minneapolis Here We Come!

Featured Advocate: John Prothro

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You still want to make a difference. Be a member to continue serving, connect with others, and support the legacy of the Peace Corps.

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This Month's Featured Advocates...        



 John Prothro

(Burkina Faso 2012 - ??)


Washington, DC 


Read More Below 

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We Need Your Financial Support to Advance Key Advocacy Initiatives


 Charity Navigator


Please help support our ongoing advocacy work by making a gift to NPCA's Advocacy Program today.  It's up to you to help advance initiatives for a bigger, better and bolder Peace Corps.


The National Peace Corps Association is recognized by Charity Navigator as a Four Star Charity, the highest rating given by this independent evaluator which analyses the financial health and efficiencies of non-profit organizations.




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2012 NDA Grubb and others

National Day of Action Photos

Follow this link to check out photos from Capitol Hill during the 2012 National Day of Action
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Peace Corps Fast Facts


White House 


United States Senate  


Contact Information for Senators


United States House


E-Mail Your Congressman/woman


Congressional Legislation






  Congressional Record








State Department






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   T-Shirt time!  

US Capitol    

Check out our  online store !  We offer a wide selection of Peace Corps and NPCA logo merchandise--from t-shirts and coffee mugs, to pins and license plate frames.

A portion of your purchase supports the efforts of the National Peace Corps Association.  Thank you!



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