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February 2012                                                                            


Publish your ideas in our Spring Global Education Newsletter     


We invite you to submit your articles and share your resources through our quarterly Global Education News.  Perhaps you prepared an innovative presentation on your Peace Corps experience, were inspired by a session at a conference or seminar, or developed a lesson plan you'd like to share.  Send your ideas (and/or photos) along to editor Susan Neyer at this week.  (Or at least give her a heads up that you have something to contribute.)  We particularly welcome submissions for elementary level or for math and science. 

Featured in this upcoming issue:  Central Asia.  Have you traveled there?  Collaborated on a project online?  Been in contact with a Peace Corps Volunteer serving there?  Write it up for publication!  Student submissions always welcomed.

Need other ideas based on what we tend to include in the newsletter?  Read the latest issues in our archives.

Thank you.   

Anne's signature

Anne Baker
Vice President
National Peace Corps Association

ps - It is Peace Corps Week!  Bring the world back home to your classroom or community and/or take action in support of Peace Corps.   Then write it up and send it to us with some photos.  Who knows?  You may be our next featured educator or advocate!


Help us update globaledyellowpages    

> Posted by request:

The globaledyellowpages by Ken Tye @ Chapman University is a comprehensive directory of global education resources available to teachers interested in global education.  It has been in existence for six years and has been widely used by teachers.  It is currently undergoing an update.  Organizations interested in being included should contact expressing such an interest and giving their name and contact information.  We are particularly interested in including school and/or school district based programs that would be interested in sharing their work with others.  If you are not familiar with the website, just google globaledyellowpages by Ken Tye or contact him at the above e-mail address with questions.

2012 Choices Leadership Institute
> posted by request from Choices:  

Competing Visions of Human Rights 

2012 Choices Leadership Institute

July 9-13, 2012

Watson Institute for International Studies  

Brown University, Providence, RI


The Choices 2012 Summer Leadership Institute provides teachers with an opportunity to examine the concept of human rights and the challenges of enforcing human rights at an international level. Using the Choices curriculum unit, Competing Visions of Human Rights: Challenges for U.S. Policy, participants will learn from leading scholars in the fields of international law and foreign policy, explore effective instructional strategies for engaging students in the topic, and share best practices with other dedicated and innovative teachers.  Time is also allocated to discuss and plan new ways to conduct educational outreach, which is a requirement of the Leadership Institute.


There is no charge for the Leadership Institute.  Meals, housing, reading materials and a certificate of completion are provided.  Participants pay their own round trip travel.  


Applications are due by Friday, March 16, 2012.


Global Education Summer Institutes from Primary Source

> posted by request from Primary Source:

Both courses are open to all K-12 teachers and administrators and offer PDPs and graduate credit.  The cost of each course is $600.  To register or for more information, email

Teaching for Global Understanding in the 21st Century
Online orientation dates: Approximately 6 hours, completed between June 22 and July 14
Course dates: July 23-27, 2012
Course time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Boston College (Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts)
Follow-up session: October 2012 (date TBA)

Educators are increasingly aware that the challenges of our changing world will require students to think and learn in new ways. In addition to teaching core academic content, our schools need to cultivate key skills: global awareness, critical thinking, media literacy, collaboration, intercultural communication, technological ability, and civic engagement. This course will explore the importance of such skills and will build a case for re-envisioning how we prepare students for an interconnected world. Participants will examine the global economy, the environment, health, social justice, and peace & conflict resolution. Interested participants should be willing to take on a leadership role in their districts and to be advocates for global education across disciplines and grade levels.

Cultural Proficiency for Today's Diverse Schools: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Online orientation dates: Approximately 6 hours, completed between July 5 and July 26
Course dates: July 30 - Aug 3, 2012
Course time: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: TBA (greater Boston area)
Follow-up session: October 4, 2012, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

How are new patterns of immigration, residence, and family structure reshaping the nation's demographics and those of local schools and communities? What do "culturally proficient" schools and classrooms look like in this shifting context? In an institute designed for teachers, administrators, and other school staff, we'll take a multidisciplinary and thematic approach as we discuss cultural and racial diversity in schools today. Focal themes will include religion, culture, and language; student and school culture and peer relationships; families, parents, and school involvement; and the legal and socioeconomic challenges facing refugee and immigrant youth and communities. Drawing insights from education research, social policy, and the law, as well as literature, history, the arts, and global studies, we'll gain a deeper understanding of students within their home and community worlds, and develop ideas about how better to connect with them. Classroom practices and school policies that promote achievement for students of all backgrounds will be foregrounded throughout the institute. A field site visit and small team research assignment will be key components of the course.  

>> More information about all summer institutes 

Extended deadline for summer programs in Bosnia, Rwanda, and New York City

> Posted by request from Global Youth Connect:


Global Youth Connect, a human rights education and activism organization based in NYC, is accepting applications from young leaders for its Summer 2012 programs, which will take place in Bosnia, Rwanda, and in New York City.

Each program brings 15 visiting youth from around the world together with 15 youth in the host location (Bosnia, Rwanda, or NYC) to engage together in: a human rights workshop, key visits with policy makers and to historic sites, and volunteer service with grassroots NGOs on a variety of human rights issues.

Given the age range of the programming 16 - 30 (NYC) & 18 - 35 (Rwanda/Bosnia), this is an opportunity for not only students but also for young teachers and professionals to gain intercultural human rights experience and get involved in the global human rights movement (including the movement for Human Rights in the USA).

Several spots are remaining on all three programs, for both host and visiting participants. The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2012.

An earlier decision on all delegations is possible. If interested in
an earlier decision, please contact us at, although some positions will be reserved for the final deadline.   

>> Full list of offerings 

Update globaledyellowpages

2012 Choices Leadership Institute

Primary Source Summer Institutes

Global Youth Connect Summer Programs

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March 2, 2011

Intensive Summer Language Institute 


March 8, 2012

Amazon Rainforest Workshop scholarship application deadline 


March 15, 2012

Seminar on Korean History & Culture application deadline


March 15, 2012

Deadline for Summer Human Rights Programs 


March 16, 2012

Choices Leadership Institute deadline 


April 15, 2012

AFSA Essay Contest deadline 


July 9 - 13, 2012

Choices Summer Leadership Institute 


July 23 - 27, 2012

Teaching for Global Understanding in the 21st Century 


July 30 - August 3, 2012

Cultural Proficiency for Today's Diverse Schools 



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Please note: The materials and information included in this email are provided as a service to you and do not necessarily reflect endorsement by the National Peace Corps Association.

We encourage subscribers to pass the information along to colleagues and other interested parties. Please credit this email as the source and include subscription information.

If you would like to submit an item to be included in an upcoming posting, please send it to globaled@  Submissions should be no longer than 150 words and should include follow-up details for those interested in learning more.

NPCA Global Education is the global education network of the
National Peace Corps Association and ASCD.

Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Washington, DC, the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is the nation's leading 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization supporting Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and the Peace Corps community through networking and mentoring to help guide former volunteers through their continued service back home. It is also the longest-standing advocate on behalf of the Peace Corps and its values. To become a member or get more information, visit

Copyright (c) 2012 NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION, All rights reserved.