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November 1, 2011                                                                                                            



It's another big week for Peace Corps issues, so read below and get ready to take action:


Breaking News as of 7:00 PM (Eastern) Tuesday:  Congress has just given final passage to landmark legislation aimed to further support and protect currently serving volunteers subjected to sexual assault and other forms of violence.


Later this week: The Senate is expected to consider Fiscal Year 2012 spending for Peace Corps and other international affairs programs.


Commemorative Legislation Update: There's some good momentum in the Senate and House to pass Peace Corps Commemorative legislation, but we continue to need you to make sure this bill passes!


Details below in our November monthly update.



Congress Gives Final Passage to Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act 

Early Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives gave final passage to the Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act of 2011.

The House approved a version of the bill - Senate Bill 1280 - that had been unanimously approved last month in the U.S. Senate.

Congratulations to all advocates who made their voice heard in passing this legislation.  Congratulations to the leadership of the Congress and the Peace Corps, who worked through various versions of the legislation to build the momentum to passage.  Finally and especially, congratulations to the members of the groups First Response Action and Kate's Voice, for their steadfast and passionate work which led to the passage of this landmark legislation.

Be sure to contact your lawmakers to thank them for passing this legislation.

(photo above:  Senator Johnny Isakson - 2nd from right - meeting with Georgia RPCVs on September 22nd.  The group thanked Senator Isakson for his leadership on the Kate Puzey legislation and other Peace Corps issues.)

US Capitol
Senate Action Expected This Week on Peace Corps, International Affairs Funding 

As the Congressional "Super Committee" continues its work on a possible long-term fiscal plan for the nation, work continues on finalizing a spending package for Fiscal Year 2012.

The Senate floor is the next anticipated arena for discussion on the international affairs portion of our spending.  The State/Foreign Operations Budget is expected to be one of several appropriations packages that will be considered this week, possibly as early as Thursday.  Earlier committee work on this budget includes a recommendation to maintain a funding level of $375 million for Peace Corps.

Please be on the lookout for action opportunities late this week/early next week.  The possibility exists that there will be floor amendments introduced that could impact the Peace Corps, or other international affairs programs that are important to the Peace Corps community.  

Please look for action alerts and prepare to take swift action with your Senators.

More Progress on Peace Corps Commemorative

More Action Needed! 

50th anniversary legislation that would authorize a commemorative work near the National Mall to mark the lasting historical significance of the founding of the Peace Corps in 1961 and the values that Peace Corps represents is moving forward in both houses of the U.S. Congress.  But there is still a lot of work to do to bring this legislation to final approval.

The Senate National Parks Subcommittee brought the legislation (S. 1421) up for a hearing in October.  Subcommittee Chairman Mark Udall (D-CO), an original co-sponsor of the bill, expressed his support and said he would work to see the legislation moves forward.  Follow this link to read about the hearing.

We need you to mobilize and secure more co-sponsors for this legislation in the Senate!  Please follow this link, take action, and ask other friends across your state to do the same.

In the House 129 Democrats and 18 Republicans are current co-sponsors of companion legislation (H.R. 854).  We will be reaching out to targeted constituencies to build further support for the House legislation.

(photo above:  RPCVs Roger Lewis and Bonnie Gottlieb, of the Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation, have been instrumental in efforts to advance this legislation.)

RPCVs with Allen West
Photos From 50th Advocacy Day

Thanks to all of the advocates who have (so far) forwarded images from the 50th Anniversary Advocacy Day.  The day featured many face-to-face meetings with lawmakers.  It also produced results!  In the photo above, RPCVs Gretchen Bloom (Togo 66-68) and Ana Cierszko (St. Vincent 69-71) met with freshman Congressman Allen West (R-FL). Shortly after this meeting, Congressman West became a co-sponsor of Peace Corps Commemorative legislation!

Follow this link to view our growing 50th Advocacy Day photo album. And, keep those images coming! 

Five City Fall Trip Takes NPCA to Upstate New York and West/Central Pennsylvania 

(l to r) Amy Cooper White (Panama 00-02) and Lori Smith (Benin 93-95) are mothers of young children who connected in State College Pennsylvania not only because of their kids, but also because they learned they shared the Peace Corps experience.  They came out on October 22nd to connect with Advocacy Coordinator Jonathan Pearson during a "Coffee and Conversation" gathering to hear about the recent 50th anniversary celebration, get a glimpse of next plans for the NPCA and find out more on how they can help with our advocacy initiatives.

Jonathan also set up shop in October to connect with members of the Peace Corps community in Erie Pennsylvania, as well as Ithaca, Syracuse and Amherst New York.

Be on the lookout for future NPCA advocacy trips to your area...or invite us to come your way!

Featured Advocates:
NPCA Board Members

 In between her many meetings on September 22nd with other members of the Peace Corps community from New York,  Priscilla Goldfarb (Uganda 65-67) connected with Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams in a hallway on Capitol Hill.

As a member of the National Peace Corps Association Board of Directors, Priscilla is a regular participant and leader in NPCA Advocacy efforts.  And, she is not alone.  Many NPCA Board members take time out of their extremely busy schedules to serve as citizen advocates for the Peace Corps and its values.  Despite their many other roles and responsibilities during the 50th celebration (Board and other leadership meetings, assisting with country gatherings, networking and fundraising to support the 50th) 60% of the NPCA Board made time in their schedule to participate in the 50th anniversary Advocacy Day.  Many of them took on leadership roles to support our efforts.

Along with Priscilla, special thanks to Board Chair Tony Barclay (Kenya 68-70), Vice Chair Pat Wand (Colombia 63-65), Advocacy Committee Chair David Magnani (Sierra Leone 68-71), Committee members Janet Greig (India 66-68), Darryl Johnson (Thailand 63-65) and Gary Schulze (Sierra Leone 61-63), and Board members Jayne Booker (Benin 73-75), Barbara Junge (Togo 85-87), Kate Schachter (Ghana 04-07) and Joby Taylor (Gabon 91-93).  We deeply appreciate their outstanding contributions to NPCA advocacy and the entire Peace Corps community.
Kate Puzey Act Passes!

Peace Corps Funding Goes to Senate Floor

Act Now to Advance Peace Corps Commemorative

Images From 50th Advocacy

Our Latest Road Trip

NPCA Board Members? Our Featured Advocates!

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This Month's Featured Advocates...        



Members of the National Peace Corps Association Board of Directors    

Read More Below 

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We Need Your Financial Support to Advance Key Advocacy Initiatives


 Charity Navigator


Please help support our ongoing advocacy work by making a gift to NPCA's Advocacy Program today.  It's up to you to help advance initiatives for a bigger, better and bolder Peace Corps.


The National Peace Corps Association is recognized by Charity Navigator as a Four Star Charity, the highest rating given by this independent evaluator which analyses the financial health and efficiencies of non-profit organizations.





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Check out our new online store !  We offer a wide selection of Peace Corps and NPCA logo merchandise--from t-shirts and coffee mugs, to pins and license plate frames.

A portion of your purchase supports the efforts of the National Peace Corps Association.  Thank you!



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August Lujan   

August District Meeting Photos


With all the recent planning and attention to our 50th anniversary advocacy day, we have not given sufficient thanks to the fantastic group of advocates who took part in our first concerted effort to coordinate district office meetings during the August congressional recess.  


With at least 25 confirmed meetings in 14 states, this was a significant step forward in our advocacy.  


Follow this link for a photo album featuring some of these meetings.


(photo above:  RPCV Amy O'Neill of Farmington New Mexico helped coordinate a local meeting with her Congressman, Ben Lujan)



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