NPCA Education Header


May 2011                                                                            


Have a great summer!

Expo FlagsWhile the academic year may be winding down, we are gearing up for a full summer of planning and events around the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps - including three more Around the World Expos!  Come see us in Sacramento, San Diego or Santa Fe.  All expos are open to the general public and are a great way to talk one-on-one with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.

Please share your resources and ideas with us at any time.  Have a great summer!

Anne Baker
NPCA Vice President

Constance Speake

Speakers Match - Connecting Classrooms and Returned Volunteers

At the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA), we like to say that the Third Goal of the Peace Corps (to strengthen Americans' understanding about the world and its peoples) is our first goal.  That means throwing a spotlight on returned Peace Corps Volunteers like Constance Speake, a former teacher and Armenia RPCV who now shares her experience through Speakers Match, a Peace Corps program that helps to connect returned Peace Corps Volunteers with those who want to hear about Peace Corps experiences.

>> Sign up for Speakers Match


Timeline Captures Key Documents, Touchstones of the Peace Corps

Springing from the idea that better knowledge about the Peace Corps and its history will help make better volunteers, Sanna Thomas (Tanzania 1964-1966) provided generous support to compile and make accessible to students, teachers and future Volunteers some of the "foundational documents and seminal moments" related to Peace Corps' history.

Thanks to her generosity, and as part of our 50th anniversary celebration, we recently built an interactive timeline.  While by no means exhaustive, we hope you'll take a few moments to read those early calls to service, just as relevant today as they were 50 years ago.

To view the timeline, scroll down to just below the Community section of our 50th Anniversary page.

Send in your Recommendations for Summer Reading 


New NPCA Logo


Our award-winning Education electronic newsletter, NPCA Global Education News, connects K-12 classroom teachers and other interested educators with ready-to-use materials and information for infusing a more global perspective into everyday curriculum in all subject areas. 


The Summer NPCA Global Education News, which will go out in June, is our annual "suggested summer reading" issue. If you would like to recommend books, please send at least the title, author, and a paragraph or two about the book. Full reviews are also welcome.

We're also looking for any lessons, articles, or resources you may have which would be of interest to teachers. 


Send all submissions by June 4 to Susan Neyer, editor, at   Then stay tuned to this e-newsletter, so you can stop at the library before heading out for summer vacation!



2009 NCSS International AlleyShare your Global Education Resources in the International Alley 



National Council for the Social Studies highlights global education


International Alley is intended as a way to focus attention on the importance of international education within the NCSS Exhibit Hall at this year's conference in Washington, DC, December 2-4, 2011.  


If you represent or know of an organization whose primary focus is international or global education, contact the International Alley co-facilitators, Susan Graseck and Anne Baker.  Space is limited.

Speakers Match

Peace Corps Timeline

Summer Reading

International Alley

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June 1-14, 2011
Azerbaijan: TCPN

June 4, 2011
Around the World Expo (Sacramento, CA)

June 11, 2011
Around the World Expo (San Diego, CA)

June 25-July 4, 2011
Amazon Rainforest Workshop

July 7, 2011
Around the World Expo (Santa Fe, NM)

August 1-5, 2011
Korea Academy for Educators Seminar

iEARN Professional Development Webinars

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Speakers Match

Through the Peace Corps' Speakers Match program, elementary and secondary school teachers can enhance their students' learning through classroom presentations by returned Peace Corps Volunteers. Interested classroom teachers and returned Peace Corps Volunteers can enroll in the Peace Corps' Speakers Match program here.

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Please note: The materials and information included in this email are provided as a service to you and do not necessarily reflect endorsement by the National Peace Corps Association.

We encourage subscribers to pass the information along to colleagues and other interested parties. Please credit this email as the source and include subscription information.

If you would like to submit an item to be included in an upcoming posting, please send it to globaled@  Submissions should be no longer than 150 words and should include follow-up details for those interested in learning more.

NPCA Global Education is the global education network of the
National Peace Corps Association and ASCD.

Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Washington, DC, the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is the nation's leading 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization supporting Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and the Peace Corps community through networking and mentoring to help guide former volunteers through their continued service back home. It is also the longest-standing advocate on behalf of the Peace Corps and its values. To become a member or get more information, visit

Copyright (c) 2011 NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION, All rights reserved.