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December 2010, Volume 7 Issue 11                                                                                www.PeaceCorpsConnect.org
Anniversary logo
Host a House Party to Celebrate the Peace Corps

Have friends with whom you want to reminisce about your Peace Corps service? Want to make more friends? Have a country reunion? Meet others in your town?

Now's your opportunity:  Host a "House Party" on March 1, 2011 to join with us in celebrating the 50th "Birthday" of the Peace Corps. NPCA wants to connect 500 House Party celebrations around the world. Get involved to help us reach this goal!

Sign Up to host your party here and we'll email you information and updates.  This is a great activity for groups or individuals to host. An online toolkit to help you with your planning is now available -- just click on the link below to download.

Make Peace Corps A Part of your Holiday Traditions

In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps, SerendipiTea (SerendipiTea.com) has created Peace and Harmony teas for the Peace Corps community. Each blend contains 5 ingredients from 5 countries served by Peace Corps Volunteers. 20% of all proceeds from the sale of the two teas will benefit the National Peace Corps Association. Click here to try these two blends.
And this holiday season, don't forget NPCA's online store. You can find a range of Peace Corps logo and themed merchandise (like the tree ornament at right) for your special Peace Corps Volunteer or Returned Peace Corps Volunteer. Your purchase helps support the work of the NPCA.

Directors Circle
Join the Director's Circle!

Each year our Director's Circle Members join the National Peace Corps Association staff in Washington, DC for once-in-a-lifetime experiences that reflect the impact of the Peace Corps. 

This coming year, from March 3-5, Director's Circle Members will engage in a number of special 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps activities.  We are pleased to have former Ambassador to Iraq, Christopher Hill, Cameroon (1974-76) as the keynote speaker at our annual dinner on Saturday night.  For more information on Director's Circle Weekend, please contact Khalisa Jacobs.  Many thanks to the current NPCA Director's Circle Members!

Africa Rural Connect
NPCA Announces Two $1,000 winners of Africa Rural Connect Round 4

Two business plans will receive $1,000 in seed funding for winning the 4th round of the Africa Rural Connect contest. The ideas won based on a combination of number of community endorsements and the judges' selections. You can read more about the winning ideas in our press release. The $12,000 Grand Prize winner will be announced next week.

The Stories Behind the Videos:  My Piece of the Peace Corps

Last month we highlighted the winners of our "My Piece of the Peace Corps" video contest.  Since then, on our website, we've been bringing you the stories behind some of the top entries. The stories are fun, inspirational and just plain "Peace Corps." Check out our blog to learn about the making of: And watch for more "Making of" stories!

Global Ed
New York State Afterschool Network (NYSAN) and NPCA Partner in New Program for NY RPCVs

Today's youth require global knowledge and skills for success in college, careers, and civic life.  However, not all young people have meaningful opportunities to learn about the world.

Recognizing this, NYSAN and NPCA have partnered to connect Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) with local afterschool programs. RPCVs can volunteer to build upon and extend their Peace Corps experience to create global learning opportunities for children and youth from pre-kindergarten through high school.

Encore Linda
Encore Update; Rwanda Opening

Our Joint Project with Encore Service Corps International (Encore) is off to a great start! 
  • Linda Layfield completed her fundraising and communications project with Operation ASHA in India. (Read more on our blog here.)
  •  The first scholarship for a PhD nursing student from Moi University in Kenya was awarded to Geoffrey Maina. This scholarship was initiated by Encore Volunteer Gene Marsh following her Encore service there earlier this year. (Read more here.)
But we could use your help:  We are currently seeking individuals to assist with a feasibility study for a high tech park in Rwanda. Learn more on our website and contact us right away if you are interested!

50th Anniversary House Party Kit

Make Peace Corps Part of Your Holidays

Join the Director's Circle!

Round 4 ARC Winners

The Stories Behind the Videos

Afterschool Partnership

Encore Update, Rwanda Opening

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January 2011 Regional RPCV Career Event: San Francisco, CA

Attend Returned Volunteer Services' first-ever career event in San Francisco! Practice telling your professional Peace Corps story to a variety of audiences, connect with other returned Volunteers, and explore ways to get involved in Peace Corps activities with the San Francisco Regional Recruitment Office. Chat with local employers in the public, private, and nonprofit sector at the afternoon career fair.

First-year RPCVs with noncompetitive eligibility are especially encouraged to attend. Click here to register online! (Registration closes at midnight EST on Wednesday, January 26, 2011)

Click here for a full listing of RVS events for RPCVs.

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50th calendar

Want to find an event near you for the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps? Need people to attend your event? Starting now, you can visit the NPCA / Peace Corps Calendar of Events to keep track of all of the exciting, meaningful, fun celebrations happening around the world during the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary year. You can find the site here: http://events.peacecorps50.org/ Don't forget to add your own events!

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Speaker Match

With the Peace Corps' Speakers Match program, elementary and secondary school teachers can enhance their students' learning through classroom presentations by returned Peace Corps Volunteers. Interested classroom teachers and returned Peace Corps Volunteers can enroll in the Peace Corps' Speakers Match program by clicking here.

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Mentoring Fish Logo

Sometimes the hardest thing about Peace Corps is adjusting to life back home. It can feel like being a fish out of water.

That's why the NPCA, in conjunction with the Peace Corps, created this unique program to help returning Volunteers link up with RPCV mentors.

For more information or to apply for the program, visit RPCVMentoring.org.

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The NPCA Career Center is a free privacy-protected service offered to the entire Peace Corps community. You can:
  • See the newest job postings around the world listed below.
  • Search types of jobs by regions of the world at Job Search. View specific postings and click to reply directly to any employer. Apply today.
  • Register at Applicant Login to store cover letters and resume, manage and update your account and register your work/interests profile to have matching career opportunities emailed to you.

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