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November 2010, Volume 7 Issue 10                                                                                  www.PeaceCorpsConnect.org
50th calendar
It's here! NPCA Launches 50th Anniversary Calendar and Site

Want to find an event near you for the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps? Need people to attend your event?

Starting now, you can visit the NPCA / Peace Corps 50th Anniversary Calendar of Events at http://peacecorps50.org.  Keep track of all of the exciting, meaningful, fun celebrations happening around the world during the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary year.  50th Microsite screenshotDon't forget to add your own events on the calendar!

Today we're also launching NPCA's special 50th Anniversary page.   In addition to a link to the calendar, you'll find special blog posts and 50th anniversary "tweets."   Bookmark http://www.peacecorpsconnect.org/50/.

Winning Video - My Piece of the Peace Corps
Meet the "My Piece of the Peace Corps" Video Contest Winners

It was a hard-fought contest, but on October 28 the National Peace Corps Association announced the winners of the "My Piece of the Peace Corps" YouTube video contest. (Winner's names are linked to fun stories about the making of their videos.)
  • Carrie Pavlik of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, won first place for her video, "My Piece of the Peace Corps," and will receive a $2,500 cash prize. The video features scenes from her Peace Corps service in Zambia, and subsequent work in urban farming.
  • John Garvey, a Peace Corps Volunteer serving in Burkina Faso as second place who will receive a $1,000 cash prize for his light-hearted video, "A Peace Corps Song."
  • Matthew Hardwick, a Peace Corps volunteer serving in Vanuatu, came in third place and will win a $500 cash prize for his video, "Leaving Home (Vanuatu)."
Participants submitted their videos for consideration on the popular video-sharing website YouTube between July 1 and Sept. 30.  Be sure to check all of the wonderful entries!

Colombia I
First Colombia Volunteers Reunite at Rutgers

Peace Corps 50th Anniversary celebrations continue to unfold, this time at Rutgers University, which recently hosted a two days of events to honor Colombia I -- the first group to enter Peace Corps training. The trainees arrived at Rutgers on June 24, 1961, resided in Hegeman Hall during their training and became the first of 200,000 Volunteers to serve in Peace Corps to date.

More that 250 Peace Corps community members, including 37 members of Colombia I, attended a symposium on the future of the Peace Corps on November 4. The following morning Colombia I and guests gathered to hear remarks about the impact their service made and to unveil a plaque commemorating their place in Peace Corps history. Check our Polyglot blog stories here and here for links to photos, videos and more.

Milwaukee RPCVs
NPCA Member Groups to President: $500 million in Peace Corps' 50th

From Burlington and Miami to Seattle and San Diego -- and a whole lot of places in between -- 91 member groups of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) are urging President Obama to support $500 million for the Peace Corps in its 50th anniversary year.

In the letter, member groups also ask the President to highlight Peace Corps' 50th anniversary during his State of the Union address and recognize the service and contributions of current and returned Volunteers. "Behind the names of each of these groups is a story of ongoing service to our nation," said NPCA President Kevin Quigley.

Teas and Tees: Give Gifts with a Peace Corps Message

In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps, SerendipiTea (serendipitea.com) has created Peace and Harmony Teas for the Peace Corps community. Each blend contains 5 ingredients from 5 countries served by Peace Corps Volunteers. 20% of all proceeds from the sale of the two teas will benefit the National Peace Corps Association. Click here to try these two blends.

And this holiday season, don't forget NPCA's online store.  You can find a range of Peace Corps logo and themed merchandise for your special Peace Corps Volunteer or Returned Peace Corps Volunteer.  Your purchase helps support the work of the NPCA.

RVS Careers
Peace Corps Offers Regional Career Events for RPCVS

"The practice was crucial.... After all was said and done, I had gotten my resume into a couple employers' hands, [and] got call-backs from half of them." -- Chicago Regional Career Event participant Rich Lopez (Mongolia 08-10)

This summer, Peace Corps' Returned Volunteers Services began offering FREE one-day events in cities where Peace Corps has Regional Recruitment Offices, to further expand support of returned Volunteers throughout the United States.

Regional events are smaller-scale versions of the comprehensive four-day conference offered in Washington, D.C. three times a year, and help RPCVs strategically position themselves in the job market.  RPCVs learn how to tell their Peace Corps stories in a way that highlights their professional qualifications, participate in hands-on workshops, and interact with potential employers.

Speakers Match
"What is Peace Corps?" RPCV Responds to Students

"While it amazes me, so many Americans have never heard of us!" says Nancy Gehron, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer of Falls Church, VA, who served in Togo from 1983 to 1985.

Nancy participates in Speakers Match -- a program that brings RPCVs into classrooms to teach students of all ages what Peace Corps is, and why it's important. "I love talking to kids about Peace Corps and my experiences," says Nancy, "Since the day I came back from Togo, I've been recruiting the next generation of Volunteers."

Anniversary logo
Host a 50th Anniversary House Party

We're helping you to host 50th Anniversary House "Birthday" Parties around the world on and around March 1, 2011. Invite your friends, host country nationals, diaspora members, family, and anyone else who wants to come share a moment in Peace Corps history with you in your village, town, state, or country.

This is a great activity for groups or individuals to host. An online toolkit to help you with your planning is now available -- just click here to download.

NPCA Launches 50th Anniversary Calendar & Microsite

Video Contest Winners

Colombia I Volunteers Reunite

Member Groups Ask Obama for $500 million for Peace Corps

Teas & Tees: Give a Gift with a Peace Corps message

Peace Corps Offers Regional Career Events

Speakers Match

50th Anniversary House Party Kit

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All Official NPCA Groups


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Peace Corps Patch Logo
Mark your calendars for FREE Peace Corps career events for RPCVs only. Click here.

Share your Peace Corp experience.  Sign up for Speakers Match here.

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PC Logo Fleece Jacket

This holiday season give a gift you won't find anywhere else!

Our online store offers a wide selection of Peace Corps and NPCA logo merchandise--from t-shirts and coffee mugs, to pins and banners. Wearing logo merchandise is a great way to spark conversations about Peace Corps! Your purchase supports the efforts of the National Peace Corps Association.

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Mentoring Fish Logo

Sometimes the hardest thing about Peace Corps is adjusting to life back home. It can feel like being a fish out of water.

That's why the NPCA, in conjunction with the Peace Corps, created this unique program to help returning Volunteers link up with RPCV mentors.

For more information or to apply for the program, visit RPCVMentoring.org.

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The NPCA Career Center is a free privacy-protected service offered to the entire Peace Corps community. You can:
  • See the newest job postings around the world listed below.
  • Search types of jobs by regions of the world at Job Search. View specific postings and click to reply directly to any employer. Apply today.
  • Register at Applicant Login to store cover letters and resume, manage and update your account and register your work/interests profile to have matching career opportunities emailed to you.


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