Peace Corps 50th Anniversary Year Begins at University of Michigan
The Peace Corps' anniversary year got off to a fabulous start last week when the University of Michigan hosted several days of events to mark the moment 50 years ago when then-presidential candidate John Kennedy first gave public voice to the idea that would become the Peace Corps. Highlights included:
- A Tuesday evening reception at the Hatcher Graduate Library, followed by curator Kay Clifford (Uganda 69-71) giving a personal tour of of the exhibit "U-M and the Peace Corps: It All Started Here." The exhibit explores for the first time the unique role of University of Michigan students and faculty in the creation and popularizing of the Peace Corps.
- The daylong National Symposium on the Future of International Service, co-organized by NPCA, the Brookings Institution and the University of Michigan (stories here, here and here). Former President Alejandro Toleldo, the luncheon keynote speaker, spoke eloquently about the impact of Peace Corps on his life.
- A 2 a.m. celebration that included the screening of the forthcoming documentary " A Passing of the Torch," and remarks by Alan Guskin--student leader in 1960 who with others advocated for the creation of the Peace Corps--and Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams.
- Dedication of a historical marker and a second ceremony at the Michigan Union, including remarks by the second Peace Corps Director Jack Vaughn and Kennedy aide early architect of the Peace Corps, Harris Wofford.
Read the wrap-up blog post about Peace Corps at Michigan here. And be sure to check out our gallery of photos here.
Don't miss out on the other exciting events taking place around the country and the world in 2011. Make sure you and your Peace Corps friends are "in the loop" by completing our online Anniversary RSVP. Also watch for the launch of our special Anniversary microsite and calendar, coming soon
Sign the Service World Declaration In a major effort to build momentum for an expanded Peace Corps and other international service opportunities, the Service World initiative has launched a global petition drive. NPCA - a primary convener of this initiative - is urging all supporters to sign the Service World Declaration and leave a comment that includes a reference to your Peace Corps service. Follow these links to learn more about this effort, and about a recent gathering of international service supporters.
NPCA Enters New Joint Project with Encore Service Corps International In celebration of the 50th anniversary year of the Peace Corps, Encore Service Corps International (Encore) and the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) are pleased to announce a Joint Project to build capacity of host institutions in developing countries through the recruitment and placement of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) and others with similar experience in short-term assignments.
"Volunteers from every walk of life and every decade of Peace Corps experience will have a chance to make a difference in developing countries - again," says Encore chairman Russell Morgan, who was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kenya from 1965-68. "Once a Peace Corps Volunteer, always a Peace Corps Volunteer!"
2010 NPCA School for International Training Scholarhips Awarded NPCA is pleased to announce the winners of the 2010 SIT Graduate Institute scholarships to pursue master's degrees in international programs at the school's Brattleboro, Vermont campus. The NPCA scholarship was established in 2000 to recognize the long-standing ties between SIT and the Peace Corps. Members of the NPCA who have one year or more of significant intercultural experience are eligible to apply and several awards of $10,000 are made each year.
ARC 3.0 Launches in Time for Close of 2010 Contest Using YOUR feedback and suggestions, we have revamped communication tools and collaboration features on Africa Rural Connect. Check out our ARC 3.0 Update to learn about all of the exciting new features!
If you want your project to be considered for the fourth round, or for the final Grand Prize of $12,000 - you only have 3 weeks left to submit it to Africa Rural Connect.
Now is also the time to Vote/Endorse ideas to help them get the opportunity to win the fourth round, or even the Grand Prize! Help us decide which development projects in rural Africa will receive our support!
Peace Corps 50th Anniversary House Party Kit Now Available Online
We're helping you to host House "Birthday" Parties around the world. Invite your friends, host country nationals, diaspora members, family, and anyone else who wants to come share a moment in Peace Corps time with you in your village, town, state, or country. This is a great activity for groups or individuals to host. An online toolkit to help you with your planning is now available--just click here to download.
You still want to make a difference.
Be a member to continue serving, connect with others, and support the legacy of the Peace Corps.
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RPCV CAREER EVENTS Mark your calendars for FREE Peace Corps career events for RPCVs only. Peace Corps' Office of Returned Volunteer Services is beginning to offer one-day regional career events throughout the United States in an effort to reach out to RPCVs regardless of where they live. Attend the morning career workshops to learn RPCV-specific job-search tips, and chat with RPCV-friendly employers in the afternoon.
To learn more, click here. Next regional career event: Boston, MA Friday, November 19, 2010
Our online store offers a wide selection of Peace Corps and NPCA logo merchandise--from t-shirts and coffee mugs, to pins and license place frames. Wearing logo merchandise is a great way to spark conversations about Peace Corps!
Your purchase supports the efforts of the National Peace Corps Association.
With the Peace Corps' Speakers Match program, elementary and secondary school teachers can enhance their students' learning through classroom presentations by returned Peace Corps Volunteers. Interested classroom teachers and returned Peace Corps Volunteers can enroll in the Peace Corps' Speakers Match program by clicking here.
Sometimes the hardest thing about Peace Corps is adjusting to life back home. It can feel like being a fish out of water.
That's why the NPCA, in conjunction with the Peace Corps, created this unique program to help returning Volunteers link up with RPCV mentors.
For more information or to apply for the program, visit

with NPCA
The NPCA Career Center is a free privacy-protected service offered to the entire Peace Corps community. You can:
- See the newest job postings around the world listed below.
- Search types of jobs by regions of the world at Job Search. View specific postings and click to reply directly to any employer. Apply today.
- Register at Applicant Login to store cover letters and resume, manage and update your account and register your work/interests profile to have matching career opportunities emailed to you.
