Stop By the NPCA's New Website
Interested in learning more about the National Peace Corps Association's ongoing efforts, reading more about Africa Rural Connect, or learning about the Education for All Act? Click here to access this information and more!
As part of our new look, we launched a new and improved logo and website at the end of June. While you're there, take a minute to RSVP for the upcoming 50th anniversary celebration, read the latest Polyglot blog post, and sign up for NPCA membership. Continue to explore our Ning and Facebook communities through the links provided on the site.
Action on Peace Corps Funding Moves to Senate
In a difficult fiscal environment, the key House subcommittee that addresses international affairs funding is supporting President Obama's recommendation of $446 million for the Peace Corps in Fiscal Year 2011. Will its Senate counterpart - which has traditionally recommended lower funding - do the same?
Save the Date: Don't Miss the Celebration!
The Peace Corps turns 50 in 2011! You're an important part of our history, and we'd like you to help us celebrate!
We're planning several events around the world to recognize this landmark achievement. We want to make sure you don't miss out on this global celebration, but we need to know the best way to keep in touch.
Update your contact information and share the good news about the 50th Anniversary Celebration with at least three of your Peace Corps friends. You'll be automatically eligible to win a two-week volunteering trip in Central America for you and a friend, courtesy of Global Vision International (GVI).
Peace Corps Commemorative Gains Momentum
RPCV Congressman Sam Farr's legislation to authorize a commemorative in Washington to mark the historic significance of the founding of the Peace Corps and the values and ideals it represents, is scheduled to be taken up by the House Natural Resources Committee next Wednesday. The legislation continues to gain support. RPCV Congressmen Mike Honda (D-CA), Tom Petri (R-WI), Steve Driehaus (D-OH) and John Garamendi (D-CA) are original co-sponsors of the legislation. Nikki Tsongas (D-MA) and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) are the two most recent co-sponsors.
Next Wednesday's committee action follows a positive public hearing held on June 24th. Establishing a Peace Corps Commemorative is a key component of NPCA's 50th anniversary campaign. |
Enter the My Piece of the Peace Corps Video Contest
The Peace Corps has changed your life. We want you to tell us about it.
It's on! To enter the My Piece of the Peace Corps Contest video contest, submit a YouTube video of no more than 2 minutes on how the Peace Corps, a Peace Corps Volunteer, or Returned Peace Corps Volunteer changed your life. This contest is open to all--you don't have to have been a Peace Corps Volunteer to enter.
- Grand Prize: $2,500
- Second Prize: $1,000
- Third Prize: $500
The contest runs through September 30 and the winner will be announced on October 7, 2010. Visit our website for details on how to enter.
New Judges for Africa Rural Connect Essay Contest
Two new judges, Ferial Haffajee and Dr. Hans Herren, will assist with our summer Essay Contest. Haffajee is the Editor in Chief of City Press, a South African newspaper, while Herren is a former recepient of the World Food Prize. We want to hear your insights on how to approach the larger issue of food
security in rural Africa. Submit your entry now until July 31. The winning essay will be published in World Policy Journal. Please share the Africa Rural Connect site with those who you think don't know about it but would be interested--we are always looking to highlight people with creative ideas.
Returned Peace Corps TV Interviews Now on YouTube
From Swaziland to Thailand to Ecuador, each episode of "Bring the World Home"--a weekly 30-minute television program airing on public cable access television in Hawaii--tells a different story about the lives of Peace Corps Volunteers.
In order to "fulfill the third goal of the Peace Corps, to educate Americans about the other countries in which volunteers have served," the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Hawaii (RPCVHI) have produced 77 television episodes since 2002--all of which are now accessible on YouTube.
Funding for Projects in Rural Africa
Today, July 15, was the last day to vote on which projects in rural Africa will receive funding. The projects aim to help address poverty and other issues in the community and create better living situations for communities in Africa. Check back for winners within the next few weeks.


With the Peace Corps' Speakers Match program, elementary and secondary school teachers can enhance their students' learning through classroom presentations by returned Peace Corps Volunteers.
Interested classroom teachers and returned Peace Corps Volunteers can enroll in the Peace Corps' Speakers Match program by clicking here.
On the Road with NPCA
Eight states... Nineteen days...
Are we coming to a city near you?
Check out NPCA's Upcoming Roadtrip to find out.
Take Peace Corps to the Beach
Our online store offers
a wide selection of Peace Corps and NPCA logo merchandise--from
t-shirts and coffee mugs, to pins and license place frames. Wearing logo merchandise is a great way to
spark conversations about Peace Corps!
Your purchase
supports the efforts of the
National Peace Corps Association.
Sometimes the hardest thing about Peace Corps is adjusting to life back home. It can feel like being a fish out of water.
That's why the NPCA, in conjunction with the Peace Corps, created this unique program to help returning Volunteers link up with RPCV mentors.
For more information or to apply for the program, click here.
Yes, we are now Tweeting!
Follow NPCA at:
Follow Africa Rural Connect at:
... with NPCA
Are you a person with Peace Corps experience who uses the professional online
networking community LinkedIn? Well we have
created a Peace Corps Network ...and you're invited.
Join NPCA's LinkedIn group |