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February 5, 2010                                                                 

Call for Contributions for Spring Global TeachNet Newsletter

Although we're ankle-deep in snow here at NPCA, we're already preparing for the Spring issue of the Global TeachNet News. We're asking that if you have any lessons, articles, or resources that foster a global perspective in the classroom that you'd like to share, please let us know!

New to the Global TeachNet community? You can find out more about the Global TeachNet News by visiting our Global TeachNet website or our archives of past issues.

Send all contributions to the Global TeachNet newsletter editor, Susan Neyer, at Submissions are due by February 15th.

Global TeachNet is the global education program of the National Peace Corps Association.

Anne Baker
Vice President, NPCA

PS - We have added to and posted last week's educational resources on Haiti to our website. Click here to view.  If you have other resources to suggest, please share them with Susan for the newsletter or email them to
New Issue Briefs from

Posted by request: is proud to announce the addition of two new Issue Briefs to the site:

The Global Education Issue Brief analyzes education as a business, examines public sector, and pedagogical and curricular developments related to the theory of global education, highlights the role of civil society and international organizations, and looks at governmental policies regarding education. 

The Global Media Issue Brief addresses what the media is and how it interacts with society-specifically, the types of media, the media's role in society, governmental roles in media, control of media, alternative media, the economics of the media industry, and a case study on a pivotal moment in history involving the media and its implications.

2010 CTAUN Atlanta Conference

Posted by request:

The third annual CTAUN Atlanta Conference will take place on Friday, March 12, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Emory University. The conference topic is "Who Needs the UN Now?" The CTAUN Atlanta conference will provide educators, journalists, students, and others with a framework for understanding and communicating the continuing relevance of the United Nations in the 21st century. This conference is for interested educators and administrators at all levels and in a wide range of disciplines, as well as concerned citizens. It will provide resources for enriching school and university curricula.


The deadline for registration is Tuesday, March 2, 2010


See for:

  • Copy of registration form

  • Conference program

  • Past CTAUN conference reports

  • Teacher resources and plans


For further information, please contact: Julia A. Farrigan, CTAUN Registrar, (770) 775-6449 (phone),

Sustainable Harvest International Educators Workshop

Posted by Request:


SHI's Educators Workshop in Nicaragua: Stewardship in Action

August 7 -15, 2010

Engage in dialogue about community-based service-learning that involves concepts of sustainability, organic agriculture and environmental restoration.


Through activities in our schools, at our training center and afternoon visits to SHI family farms, participants will develop and share curriculum ideas that can be brought back to their home schools.  All participants will be able to shape the service-learning curriculum guide that will be produced at the end of the trip. Participants will be exposed to rural culture through homestays and other cultural activities - and even relax a bit in the subtropical sunshine!



For more information, please visit our website.

Lesson on Haiti from The Choices Program


The Haitian Crisis: Thinking Historically
Free One-day Lesson

On January 12, 2009 a powerful earthquake devastated Haiti, killing thousands upon thousands and laying waste to the country's capital, Port-Au-Prince. Known as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti faces a terrible crisis that it cannot begin to cope with alone. Many in the international community have rushed to help, raising larger questions about how to best assist the impoverished country in its recovery.

In this free one-day lesson, students are challenged to think beyond the earthquake and consider the role of Haiti's rich history in the current crisis. Students explore the historical reasons for Haiti's poverty and Haiti's relationship with the United States. Using video and audio of scholars from Brown University, the lesson asks students to consider how historical understanding affects our response to the current crisis.

Spring Global TeachNet News

New Briefs

CTAUN Atlanta Conference

SHI Educators Workshop

The Haitian Crisis: Thinking Historically

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WorldView Magazine

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Please note: The materials and information included in this listserv are provided as a service to you and do not necessarily reflect endorsement by Global TeachNet or the National Peace Corps Association.


We encourage subscribers to pass the information along to colleagues and other interested parties. Please credit this listserv as the source and include subscription information.


If you would like to submit an item to be included in an upcoming posting, please send it to  Submissions should be no longer than 150 words and should include follow-up details for those interested in learning more.

Global TeachNet is the global education network of the National Peace Corps Association and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.


The National Peace Corps Association is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization committed to fostering peace through service, education and advocacy. The activities of the NPCA are focused on connecting, informing and engaging current and returned Peace Corps volunteers, Peace Corps staff and friends of Peace Corps. The NPCA network includes 140 member groups in the U.S. and abroad. To become a member or get more information, visit

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Federal Employees:  support the NPCA through the CFC #11708 - one of the Human Care Charities of America.
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You can still sign up for Global Connections, NPCA's global education parternship with The Globalist. The goal of Global Connections is to improve the "global literacy" of U.S. high school students and prepare them for the global services economy of the 21st century. To view a sample week of Global Connections, click here.

Participation in this program includes a free subscription to Global Connections, as well as a free subscription to the NPCA's Global TeachNet newsletter

To sign up or for more information about Global Connections, please contact NPCA at

Copyright (c) 2010 NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION, All rights reserved.