Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce |
NGCP Updates |
SciGirls Season 2 Full-STEM ahead! Starting in October, ten new episodes will showcase bright, curious, real girls using science, technology, engineering, and math in their everyday lives. They design an underwater robot, engineer a "chill" ice-cream-making bike, apply real forensic methods to solving a mysterious crime, and more!
In Season Two, there's even more of the unique combination of TV and web that won the series a Daytime Emmy for "New Approaches" in its premiere season. Every episode of the TV show features onscreen clues that lead girls to a "mash-up" game on the website, where they can create their own, unique SciGirls stories. Plus, in other new interactive games, kids can search for underwater treasure, care for a colony of honey bees, and design wildlife dioramas.
Youth can join the SciGirls safe social network to create personal profiles, upload projects, and connect with other sci-minded girls nationwide. It's all about tweens and screens, and SciGirls' sophomore season will empower girls - and their parents and educators - to tap into the collaboration, exploration, and authentic discovery. Every girl can be a SciGirl! http://pbskids.org/scigirls
NGCP Webinar: Online Resources and Tools: Using the New NGCP Website to Build Program Capacity November 28, 2012; 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Pacific The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) recently launched an enhanced website with easier navigation and more tools and resources. Join us for this informative website tour that will focus on helping programs find relevant links, resources, statistics, and other information to build organizational capacity to offer high quality STEM opportunities to increase girls' interest in STEM. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/online-resources-and-tools-using-new-ngcp-website-build-program-capacity
Collaborative News |
Collaboration: The Key to Successful Programming for Girls in STEM Bowling Green, KY October 12, 2012; 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Central
The Kentucky Girls STEM Collaborative is proud to present their fourth annual Collaboration Conference for organizations and individuals committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The goal of the conference is to encourage collaboration, improve communication, and explore partnerships. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/collaboration-key-successful-programming-girls-stem
Kentucky Girls STEM Collaborative "Girls STEM Day" Bowling Green, KY October 13, 2012; 12:00 - 3:00 PM Central As a follow-up to the Collaboration Conference held on Friday, October 12th, girls in grades 5-8 are welcome to join an afternoon of hands-on, minds-on exploration into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Female STEM practitioners and educators will lead girls through activities that mirror real-world STEM tasks and highlight creative and innovative problem solving.
Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/kentucky-girls-stem-collaborative-girls-stem-day
Maine Girls Collaborative Project: Boards on Fire! Inspiring Leaders to Raise Money Joyfully Orono, ME October 19, 2012; 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Eastern This session will be presented by Susan Howlett, an author, board member development director, executive director, and consultant. This interactive session features no-cost solutions to remove the barriers organizations have unwittingly put in the way of board members to raise money. University of Maine students are admitted free with Maine Card. Group rates and scholarships are available. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/maine-girls-collaborative-project-boards-fire-inspiring-leaders-raise-money-joyfully
PA STEM GCP Fall 2012 Collaboration Forum Hermitage, PA October 26, 2012; 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Eastern The Fall 2012 Collaboration Forum brings together organizations and individuals committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to encourage collaboration and improve inter-program communication. Participants will learn about mini-grants and have the opportunity to share exemplary practices and resources. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/pa-stem-gcp-fall-2012-collaboration-forum
Boosting Girls' Interest in STEM: Louisiana STEM Girls Collaborative Project Kick-Off Conference with PBS' Design Squad Nation Baton Rouge, LA October 27, 2012; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Central The newly formed Louisiana Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Girls Collaborative Project (LaSTEM GCP), offers the chance for those committed to informing, motivating and inspiring girls in the state of Louisiana to pursue careers in STEM to share exemplary practices and develop new collaborations. Informal educators, school administrators, engineers, technical professionals, business partners, professional organizations, K-12 educators, and university staff are encouraged to attend. The Emmy award-winning PBS' Design Squad Nation will host a hands-on breakout session to discuss how we can boost girls' interest in engineering using multimedia resources and activities. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/boosting-girls-interest-stem-louisiana-stem
CalGirlS Kick-Off Conference Berkeley, CA November 1, 2012; 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM Pacific Connect, communicate, and collaborate California-style as we launch our statewide initiative to increase girls' involvement in STEM. Participants will collaborate and learn how to implement effective role modeling. Gain access to mini-grants that help fund collaboration and network to share exemplary practices and resources. Program managers, guidance counselors, business partners, technical professionals, K-12 teachers, parents, representatives from professional organizations, and higher education are invited. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/event/calgirls-kick-conference
Missouri Girls Collaborative STEM Initiative Kick-Off Event St. Louis, MO November 3, 2012; 12:00 - 7:00 PM Central This Kick-Off Conference will be held in collaboration with the Missouri School Age Community Coalition's annual Professional Development Institute (PDI) and includes a luncheon, STEM-specific workshops, and a networking dinner. Afterschool administrators and frontline staff, business partners, K-12 teachers, parents, and representatives from higher education are invited to attend. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/missouri-girls-collaborative-stem-initiative-kick-event
NMGC Kick-Off & NM Celebration of Women in Computing Las Cruces, NM November 8, 2012; 10:00 AM - November 9, 2012; 3:00 PM Mountain The New Mexico Girls Collaborative (NMGC) Kick-Off Conference and the New Mexico (NM) Celebration of Women in Computing will bring together students, faculty, business leaders, informal and formal K-12 educators, and technology experts from across NM and neighboring states to discuss the role of women in today's computing and STEM fields. The goal is to provide an opportunity for women to explore opportunities in computing, to network with other groups from academia, industry, and government, and to create friendships among women and men in the region who share the same interest and passion for computing and STEM. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/nmgc-kickoff-nm-celebration-women-computing
Exemplary Practice Spotlight |
The Exemplary Practice Spotlight for October focuses on a recently released research brief on mathematics and science engagement. 'Math and Science Engagement: Identifying the processes and psychological theories that underlie successful social-psychological interventions' provides an overview of social-psychological theories and interventions that show promise for impacting students' engagement in mathematics and science. The theories and interventions discussed help students alter their 'academic mindsets - the beliefs, attitudes, and ways of perceiving themselves as students and their learning environment.' We know this can be particularly important for girls, women, and other underrepresented minorities in mathematics and science-related courses and activities.
Interventions highlighted range from having 9th grade science students write brief essays on how the material they are studying applies to their lives (Hulleman & Harackiewicz, 2009) to a comprehensive program designed to change Algebra teachers' and students' beliefs about the nature of intelligence (that it is malleable and can grow with effort) (Bush-Richards, et al., 2011).
The research brief acknowledges that social-psychological interventions do not take the place of rich content and instruction, but rather help students take advantage of their learning environment. The research presented has limitations and future work needs to be done related to informal learning environments, in particular, but the research and examples presented provide valuable information for practitioners interested in increasing students' motivation, interest, and/or achievement in mathematics and science.
FabFems Spotlight |
The FabFems Spotlight is a new monthly feature highlighting inspiring women from the FabFems Role Model directory. There are over 100 FabFems profiles in the database and this number is growing. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Visit FabFems to search profiles, connect with role models, and find resources on career pathways.
Meet Dr. Tonya Matthews from Cincinnati, Ohio, whose interests have led her to become a scientist, educator, community activist, and a writer/poet. Dr. Matthews received her undergraduate degree from Duke University and her graduate degree from Johns Hopkins University, both in biomedical engineering. Her career history has been varied, including community science education, creating a biotechnology program with the Maryland Science Center, developing a biomedical science curriculum with Project Lead the Way, and working as a biomedical engineer for the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Matthews currently serves as the Vice President for Museums at the Cincinnati Museum Center. Her message to girls: "My advice for you is to declare a dream and get on the path... any path. If I have learned anything, it is that it really is the journey, not the destination. I have never ended up where I thought I would be, but every moment has been worth it and every place I have ended up has surpassed my dreams." To learn more about Tanya, visit her FabFems profile at: http://www.fabfems.org/users/tonya-matthews. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a FabFem, visit: http://www.fabfems.org.
Upcoming STEM Events
Day of the Girl October 11, 2012
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly has adopted a resolution to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, establishing a day to recognize girls' rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. The Day of the Girl website includes events across the country, a free Proclamation Project Toolkit, and a set of issue briefs with introductions to 10 topics facing girls locally and globally. http://dayofthegirl.org
Lights On AfterschoolOctober 18, 2012Lights On Afterschool, a project of the Afterschool Alliance, is a nationwide celebration of afterschool programs designed to draw attention to the reality that high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs are crucial to children, youth, families, and communities. Visit the Lights On Afterschool website to register an event, access event planning tools, or find out what is going on in your area. Those who register receive free posters and their events will be promoted to media and the public. Register: http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/loa.cfm
2012 STEMtech ConferenceKansas City, MOOctober 28-31, 2012Educators, industry leaders, and others will discuss increasing student access into and success in STEM majors and careers. Highlighted sessions for 2012 include implementing STEM education in a manner that reflects the interdependence of STEM subjects, as well as sessions about partnerships involving school districts, community colleges, four-year institutions, and business and industry to provide a comprehensive community-based approach to STEM education. Register: http://www.league.org/2012stemtech
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) 2012 ConferenceAnchorage, AKNovember 1-3, 2012The 2012 conference theme "Adapt-ability "will explore such questions as: What is the role that Native traditions and strong STEM talent play in addressing "adapt-ability" issues? Register: http://www.aises.org/nationalconference Annual Conference for Women Engineers: WE12Houston, TXNovember 8-10, 2012Organized by the Society of Women Engineers, the WE12 conference provides an opportunity to participate in professional development sessions, network with engineering professionals and students, and attend a career fair with more than 200 companies, government agencies, and universities. Register: http://we12.swe.org |
Resources |
Award for Aspirations in Computing
The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) is seeking applications from women in grades 9-12 for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing. Awardees are selected for their computing and IT aptitude, leadership ability, academic history, and plans for post-secondary education. National award winners will receive cash and prizes. Many states have local affiliates that also offer awards and recognitions. Applications will be accepted online through October 31, 2012. Apply: http://ww2.ncwit.org/award/award.apply.html
NCWIT Case Study: How Do You Introduce Computing in an Engaging Way? Teaching
Programming and Language Concepts Using LEGOsŪ

This National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) study details how to engage students not already drawn to computing by creating academic and social environments where they feel like they belong. Students respond positively to solving real-life problems that draw on their existing knowledge and interests and that involve collaboration in hands-on projects. This easy-to-implement classroom activity, individual LEGOsŪ bricks are used to express a special-purpose programming language, allowing students to kinetically approach concepts and skills in computing in a non-intimidating fashion.
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Various programs carried out throughout the month increase the public's awareness of the contributions and skills of American workers with disabilities and also highlight the specific employment barriers that still need to be addressed and removed.
Community Grants for Children with Disabilities
The CVS Caremark Charitable Trust will give up to $5,000 to organizations making a difference in the lives of children with disabilities including a focus on academic and enrichment programs at public schools. Eligible organizations must have a CVS pharmacy store located in their state. Application deadline is October 31, 2012.
Disability Mentoring Day: October 17, 2012
The American Association of People with Disabilities' (AAPD) Disability Mentoring Day
(DMD) program connects students and jobseekers with all types of disabilities to thousands of employers each year and currently takes place in more than 300 locations in every US State and Territory. DMD promotes career development for students and jobseekers with disabilities through hands-on career exploration, on-site job shadowing, and ongoing mentoring leading to internship and employment opportunities.
Our Ability
Our Ability's goal is to inspire youth with disabilities to achieve their education and employment dreams. Our Ability specializes in mentoring people with disabilities worldwide though video stories, social media, and peer-to-peer connection.
Spirit of Innovation Challenge
The Spirit of Innovation Challenge invites students from around the globe to submit an idea to create the next world-changing, commercially-viable product or solution in the areas of: Aerospace and Aviation, Cybertechnology and Security, Energy and Environment, and Health and Nutrition. Free access to mentors, webinars, and forums to answer participant questions are available. Student teams will compete for a chance to attend the 2013 Innovation Summit at the NASA Johnson Space Center and vie for $10,000 seed grants, patent assistance, and commercial opportunities. Submission deadline is October 24, 2012.
Register: http://www.conradawards.org
NGCP Program Directory - Register Your Program Today!
The online Program Directory lists organizations and programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. When you sign up for the Program Directory, you will enter your program description, resources available within your organization, program and/or organizational needs, and contact information.
Global Resources |
10X10: Collaboration on International Day of the Girl
10x10 is a global action campaign to raise the value of the girl - in her home, her community, her nation, and in the world. 10x10 affects change in three ways: 1) by driving resources to girl-focused programs already operating that are proven models for change; 2) by penetrating the public consciousness and creating a vast grassroots network; and 3) by using that groundswell of support to provoke governmental, institutional, and policy changes that empower adolescent girls. On October 11, 2012, the United Nations first-ever International Day of the Girl, 10x10 will launch a global campaign to educate and empower girls all around the world. To join the campaign and find an International Day of the Girl event in your area visit: http://10x10act.org/take-action/act-on-idg.
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The EdLab Group is a private, non-profit organization with funding from federal and state governments, private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Our mission is to leverage the power of technology and diversity to transform teaching and learning.