Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce |
NGCP Updates
SciGirls CONNECT Partnership Program: Call for Applications SciGirls is an important NGCP partner and is looking for organizations with a commitment to gender-equitable STEM programming for girls ages 8-13. Selected organizations will receive a full day of training, support via monthly webinars, and access to the SciGirls CONNECT online community. For questions contact Adine at aathoreen@tpt.org.
Application deadline is September 14, 2012. Apply: http://scigirlsconnect.org
NGCP Extended Webinar Session Increasing Program Impact: Best Practices in Collaboration September 19, 2012, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Pacific
Are you interested in providing more effective program services? Have you faced barriers in identifying collaboration opportunities? The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) has been designed to encourage collaboration between girl-serving STEM organizations and higher education, community-based organizations, corporations, professional organizations, and groups interested in increasing the number of girls and women in STEM fields. NGCP uses a number of strategic activities to encourage collaboration among girl-serving STEM projects and programs.
This webinar will examine the key elements of effective collaboration by providing lessons learned from NGCP partners, including an opportunity to see collaboration in action by hearing from successful collaborative projects. Karen Peterson, Principal Investigator for the National Girls Collaborative Project, will lead this professional development opportunity.
Participants are encouraged to attend with other program staff, potential partners, and to participate in the webinar with a group. Opportunities for planning collaborative projects and practicing collaborative strategies will be provided.
Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/ngcp-extended-webinar-session-increasing-program-impact-best-practices-collaboration
Collaborative News
Boosting Girls' Interest in Engineering with PBS' Design Squad Nation DeKalb, IL August 27, 2012, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Central
The Illinois Girls Collaborative Project (ILGCP), PBS' Design Squad Nation, and Northern Illinois University (NIU) STEM Outreach will host a one-day training to discuss how to boost girls' interest in engineering using multimedia resources and activities from PBS' Design Squad Nation. We invite members of the education and engineering communities - including afterschool providers, school administrators, engineers, technical professionals, K-12 educators, and university educators to attend. Participants will have opportunities to collaborate and will receive valuable resources. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/event/boosting-girls%E2%80%99-interest-engineering-pbs%E2%80%99-design-squad-nation
GRITS Collaborative Project Forum Murfreesboro, TN September 22, 2012, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM Central Parents, teachers, guidance counselors and those who support girls in STEM education are invited to attend the Girls Raised in Tennessee Science (GRITS) Forum at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) Expanding Your Horizons (EYH). GRITS Leadership Team members will introduce the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) model and participants will learn about the Program Directory, mini-grants, and other available resources. A panel discussion composed of administrators from Columbia State Community College and MTSU will answer questions on how to prepare young women for higher education. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/event/grits-collaborative-project-forum-mtsu-eyh-0
CalGirlS Kick-Off Conference Berkeley, CA November 1, 2012, 10:00 AM-3:30 PM Pacific Connect, communicate, and collaborate California style at the CalGirlS Kick-Off conference as we launch our statewide initiative to increase girls' involvement in STEM. Participants will learn to collaborate, how to implement effective role modeling, gain access to mini-grants that help fund collaboration with other partners, and network, share promising practices, and resources. Program managers, guidance counselors, business partners, technical professionals, K-12 teachers, parents, representatives from professional organizations, and higher education are invited. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/event/calgirls-kick-conference
Exemplary Practice Spotlight
The Exemplary Practice Spotlight for August focuses on the Design Principles for Effective STEM Philanthropy, developed by the Change the Equation (CTEq) coalition, a national nonprofit coalition of corporate CEOs committed to improving STEM learning for every child.
CTEq's Design Principles for Effective STEM Philanthropy and companion Rubric draw on research and the collective experience of leaders in corporate philanthropy. Although the principles are focused on guiding philanthropic efforts, they also serve as a valuable tool for youth-serving STEM organizations and programs. The Design Principles consist of fourteen principles with supporting examples, including:
- Address a compelling and well-defined need;
- Identify outside factors or conditions that can accelerate or thwart progress;
- Ensure organizational capacity to achieve goals;
- Inspire interest and engagement in STEM; and
- Ensure the capacity of program staff or volunteers to promote student learning in STEM.
The companion rubric describes what organizations or programs look like that are underdeveloped, developing, or accomplished on each of the fourteen principles, helping organizations and programs assess their own development in each area.
The Design Principles are a work in progress, and serve as one of many existing valuable resources to guide the efforts of STEM-focused youth programs. For examples of effective STEM programs, based on the principles, visit the CTEq STEMworks database.
Upcoming STEM Events
STEM Equity Pipeline Webinar Moms Night Out for STEM: A Strategy to Engage Parents Tuesday, August 28, 2012 12:00 PM Central
Moms Night Out for STEM is a program that engages parents, especially moms, in developing the interest and motivation in children to explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Participants will learn strategies to unite the assets of communities in engaging youth and parents in STEM. Register: http://www.stemequitypipeline.org/registration/WebinarRegistration20120828.aspx
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education Conference Arlington, VA October 1-2, 2012
This conference will focus on building world-class leadership in STEM education. Participants will explore approaches recognized in international settings for their success and current programs that are showing promise and results in the United States. The culmination of the conference will take place as participants meet with their Congressional delegations to discuss legislative issues and STEM education as a national priority. Early Bird registration ends August 31, 2012. Register: http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1107407
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
Baltimore, MD October 3-7, 2012 This year's theme "Are We There Yet?" will focus on making an impact in both technical and social domains. The Grace Hopper Celebration is designed to bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. Register: http://gracehopper.org/2012 Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) 2012 Conference Columbus, OH October 13-16, 2012 The ASTC is an organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering public engagement with science among increasingly diverse audiences. This year's conference features more than 100 sessions on a range of topics including: education, development and fundraising, equity and diversity, and outreach. Register: http://conference.astc.org
2012 STEMtech ConferenceKansas City, MOOctober 28-31, 2012Educators, industry leaders, and others will discuss increasing student access into and success in STEM majors and careers. Highlighted sessions for 2012 include implementing STEM education in a manner that reflects the interdependence of STEM subjects, as well as sessions about partnerships involving school districts, community colleges, four-year institutions, and business and industry to provide a comprehensive community-based approach to STEM education. Register: http://www.league.org/2012stemtech
2013 National Women's History Month Honoree Nominations Nominate a woman to be honored for National Women's History Month 2013 whose life and work is a testament to the 2013 Theme, "Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics".
Future City Competition
The Future City Competition is a national, project-based learning experience where teams of middle school students imagine, design, and build cities of the future. Students work with an educator and engineer mentor to design a virtual city using SimCity software. The competition provides students with an opportunity to do the things that engineers do: identify problems; brainstorm ideas; design solutions; test, retest and build; and share their results. The competition is now open to afterschool programs and other informal education groups.
Girls in STEM: A New Generation of Women and ScienceA part of the "Educate to Innovate" campaign, the Girls in STEM: A New Generation of Women and Science video features young women scientists and engineers who wowed the President and the nation at the White House Science Fair in February. This short video shines a spotlight on these young role models and their exciting projects - ranging from a machine that detects buried landmines, to a prosthetic hand device, to a lunchbox that uses UV light to kill bacteria on food.
NCWIT's CS Unplugged: An Engaging Way to Introduce Computing Engage students not already drawn to computing by creating academic and social environments where they feel like they belong. Students respond positively to solving real-life problems that draw on their existing knowledge and interests and that involve collaboration in hands-on projects. " CS Unplugged: An Engaging Way to Introduce Computing" demystifies computing through hands-on activities. The activities employ kinetic learning and teamwork to illustrate parallel sorting networks to organize data.
WEPAN Webinar: Some Here, More There: What Attracts Women to Engineering Majors?
Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) offered the webinar, "Some Here, More There: What Attracts Women to Engineering Majors?" on March 27, 2012. Using national data from the Engineering Workforce Commission, survey data from 21 schools in the Project to Assess Climate in Engineering Study, and Carnegie Foundation classification information, Dr. Elizabeth Litzler presented findings about improved student experience and perceptions in engineering departments where women are better represented. Webinar: http://vimeo.com/39890560
Who Wants to Be a Mathematician National ContestThe American Mathematical Society is organizing the 2013 Who Wants to Be a Mathematician national contest where high school students compete for cash and prizes by answering multiple choice mathematics questions. Qualifying for the 2013 contest begins August 2012. http://www.ams.org/programs/students/wwtbam/wwtbamnational
NGCP Program Directory - Register your Program Today!
The online Program Directory lists organizations and programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. When you sign up for the Program Directory, you will enter your program description, resources available within your organization, program and/or organizational needs, and contact information.
Global Resources |
Global Education Conference November 12-16, 2012 The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. The conference will be broadcast online and is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity. http://www.globaleducationconference.com/page/2012-conference
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The EdLab Group is a private, non-profit center with funding from federal and state governments, private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Our mission is to leverage the power of technology and diversity to transform teaching and learning.