Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce |
NGCP Updates |
Survey to Programs Participating in the National Girls Collaborative Project Evaluation & Research Associates is working with the NGCP Leadership Team to investigate the reach and impact of NGCP. As part of the study, all contacts from Program Directory entries and NGCP event or webinar registrants will be asked to respond to an online survey opening on June 18, 2012. Questions will ask about NGCP resources, events, and program collaboration. You will receive the survey link via e-mail and it will remain open for responses until July 20, 2012. We encourage everyone to respond, regardless of your level of involvement. Thank you in advance for your participation. If you have questions, please contact Carrie Liston at cliston@eraeval.org.
NGCP Webinar Is Your Website Accessible? How Do You Find Out? June 5, 2012 10:00 - 11:00 AM Pacific In this webinar participants will learn the basics of the web accessibility. A fully accessible website is one in which all visitors, with or without disabilities, using a variety of devices, can easily find information and access all the features of a site. Participants will learn basic steps they can take to assess whether their website might be excluding particular groups. No prior knowledge is required. This webinar will be presented by Terrill Thompson, Technology Accessibility Specialist at the University of Washington, where his work is supported, in part, by AccessComputing, funded by the National Science Foundation to increase the participation of people with disabilities in computing fields. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/events/events.cfm?eventid=247.
Collaborative News |
Indiana Girls Collaborative Project Forum for Developing Leaders
Terre Haute, IN
June 13, 2012, 12:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern The Indiana Girls Collaborative Project (INGCP) invites project leaders to join them for a professional development forum designed to meet new colleagues and to identify collaboration opportunities. Participants will learn about leadership roles in the INGCP, collaboration strategies, and how to use the resources available to enhance Collaborative. An action plan and activities calendar for the INGCP will be developed during this forum. Current INGCP Champions Board and Leadership Team members, as well as those interested in serving in a leadership role are encouraged to attend. A minimal $10 registration fee will cover the costs of refreshments and lunch. Registration deadline is June 4, 2012. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/events/events.cfm?eventid=263. |
Exemplary Practice Spotlight |
The Exemplary Practice Spotlight for June focuses on exposing girls to STEM role models. It is widely acknowledged that role models can positively impact girls' interest in and attitudes about STEM activities, courses and careers. There is limited research on role models at the K-12 level for girls in STEM, but the research that exists along with that focused on higher education shows positive correlations between exposure to role models and self-efficacy, attitudes toward STEM occupations, and likelihood to pursue STEM activities, courses and careers. Role models can help counter negative stereotypes relating to girls and women in STEM and about STEM careers. Research suggests that effective role models do the following:
- Dispel stereotypes surrounding STEM and girls and women in STEM;
- Share that struggle and eventual success are normal;
- Are seen as 'attainable' rather than as an extremely gifted engineer or scientist for whom math and science came easily; and
- Are 'experts' in STEM. This includes STEM professionals, but could also be an older student who has taken courses at a higher level and succeeded.
Techbridge, a nonprofit organization focused on promoting girls' interest and skills in science, technology, and engineering has also found the importance of role models being personal and passionate about their career, explaining why technology, science and engineering matter, and providing academic and career guidance. Techbridge has developed evidence-based resources for role models and for programs working with role models.
Another resource with information about STEM role models for girls is available in the Institute for Education Sciences produced, Encouraging Girls in Math and Science. |
Featured Mini-Grant |
Go! Gals Only! Fire Camp A collaboration between GO (Gals only) Fire Science Career Exploration and UW-Oshkosh CEE Youth Programs provided girls with the opportunity to explore fire science careers and to understand how science and technology is used in fire service careers. Participants learned how fires behave in various scenarios as well as how to use the gear and equipment. Female firefighter role models participated in a panel discussion with girls. Field activities reinforced the instructional materials by presenting a realistic view of fire service careers and provided opportunities for young women to develop teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.
http://www.ngcproject.org/mini-grant/grants.cfm?grantid=726 |
Upcoming STEM Events
ITEST Webinar Research and Strategies for Engaging African American and Latino Families in Informal STEM Education June 6, 2012 2:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern The Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) will share strategies to meaningfully engage families in STEM activities in informal learning environments to promote student learning, and how to measure family engagement with a focus on Latino and African American families. Presenters will discuss what is meant by effective family involvement in STEM education; effective strategies for different communities, and share methods and results on measuring family engagement. Register: http://learningtimesevents.org/itest.
World Oceans Day
June 8, 2012 World Oceans Day is an opportunity to raise global awareness of the challenges faced by the international community in connection with the oceans. This year, World Oceans Day is encouraging the community to reach out to young people and help inspire them for the 2012 theme" Youth: the Next Wave for Change." The website includes resources and information about how to be involved. Details: http://worldoceansday.org.
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) K-12 Workshop San Antonio, TX June 9, 2012
This workshop, "Employing Engineering for STEM Learning", will focus on advancing K-12 STEM education in the classroom and is open to pre-college/K-12 educators in STEM, school administrators and counselors, and anyone with an interest in engineering education. Learn about hands-on, innovative, effective ways to integrate engineering education into the STEM classroom. Learn new knowledge and best practices, fun ideas for lessons, and participate in networking opportunities. After June 1, registration must be completed in person.
Details: http://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences/k-12-workshop/2012.
American School Counselors Association (ASCA) 2012 Conference Minneapolis, MN June 23-26, 2012 From networking opportunities to educational and professional development sessions, this conference offers a wealth of opportunities to expand your learning - and to meet other school counselors. This year's theme is "Be Brilliant: Celebrating ASCA's Diamond Anniversary." Register: http://schoolcounselor.org/regconference.asp.
WEPAN 2012: Getting to the Heart of it All Columbus, OH June 25-27, 2012 Conference presentations highlight initiatives that advance the prominence of women engineering faculty, students, and the workforce. Participants will explore the connections between gender research, women in engineering programs, faculty, and corporate partners. Register: http://wepan.affiniscape.com/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=481.
National Coalition of Girls' Schools (NCGS) 2012 Annual Conference
Dallas, TX
June 25-27, 2012
The NCGS conference will provide educators with the tools to empower girls to be media-aware and redefine the images and messages that inform and shape their world. NCGS envisions a world where girls not only consume media but learn to look at it with a discerning, critical eye and are motivated to create their own narrative with relevant and authentic digital content.
Register: http://www.ncgs.org/annualconference2012/registration.
U.S. News STEM Solutions 2012 - A Leadership Summit Dallas, TX
June 27-29, 2012 STEM Solutions 2012 brings together, for the first time on a national stage, business, education, and government leaders to address the country's mission-critical need for a competitive workforce skilled in science, technology, engineering, and math. Join us as we work to determine the solutions, policies, and collective changes that are needed now to carry our country, and its economy, into the future.
Register: http://www.USNewsSTEMSolutions.com.
Visitor Studies Association (VSA) Annual Conference Raleigh, NC July 24-28, 2012 The 2012 VSA conference theme is "Knowing Our Past, Shaping Our Future: What's Next for Visitor Studies?" Workshops and sessions include: survey design, wireless ways to study visitors, developing rubrics for measuring informal learning, involving practitioners in research and evaluation, and art + science = new engaged communities. Register: http://visitorstudies.org/conference-overview.
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) Tucson, AZ August 4-8, 2012 Featuring a three-day symposium on "Communicating Science, " plenary speakers will address topics including: science denial in the U.S., the state of K-12 teaching and the challenges of being a science teacher, and the state of science journalism in the era of Twitter.
Register: http://www.astrosociety.org/events/2012mtg/registration.html. |
Resources |
NASA Summer of Innovation Mini-Grant Program The National Space Grant Foundation is working with the NASA Summer of Innovation office to administer the awarding of approximately 200 mini-grants to community and school based organizations that inspire and engage middle school students in STEM disciplines. There will be two rounds of awards made within the next two months. The first deadline for applications is June 8, 2012; the second deadline is June 29, 2012. Apply: https://soi.spacegrant.org
Discover Earth Discover Earth: Hands-on Activities is a curriculum module to support hands-on earth science explorations in libraries and other places of community learning. Activities focus on earth science topics close to home - such as local weather and the plants, animals, crops, and environmental features unique to your region - as well as a global view of our changing planet. The activities are designed to be easy to implement, and use readily available materials. The curriculum is part of the STAR Library Education Network (STAR_Net), led by the National Center for Interactive Learning at the Space Science Institute in partnership with the American Library Association, the Lunar and Planetary Institute, and the National Girls Collaborative Project. Details: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/education/explore/discoverEarth
NCWIT Counselors for Computing: University Pathway to IT and Computing Careers Part of Counselors for Computing (C4C), this computing and IT pathway card connects students' interests with IT and computing career paths that can be achieved through enrollment in a university or four-year college. Degree programs are linked to job titles, projected growth, and wages. C4C is a project of the National Center for Women & Information Technology K-12 Alliance, made possible by the Merck Company Foundation. http://www.ncwit.org/pdf/C4C_PathwayCard_University_WEB.pdf
Spirit of Innovation Challenge This annual competition challenges high school student teams to use science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills to develop the products of tomorrow. Student teams compete for awards and recognition, including a chance to attend the annual Innovation Summit where they will present their products and vie for seed grants, patent support, and commercial opportunities. Along the way, coaches, world-renowned scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs mentor the teams and help turn ideas into reality. Proposal deadline is October 24, 2012. Register: http://conradawards.org/pages/rules-and-regulations Ventures Scholars Program The Ventures Scholars Program (VSP) is a national membership program designed to help underrepresented and first-generation college-bound students interested in pursuing STEM-based careers. Through collaboration with colleges, universities, professional associations, and organizations nationwide, VSP offers a variety of tools to link students, their families, and school counselors to the partners' information, resources, and opportunities. http://www.venturescholar.org
Webinar Archive: STEM Careers Partnerships: How Business Partnerships Can Be Used to Engage Students in STEM Careers Learn how involving the business community can increase student engagement in STEM careers and learning. In this archived webinar STEM Careers Partnerships: How Business Partnerships Can Be Used to Engage Students in STEM Careers you will hear from Pfizer and General Electric about how they are involved in work-based learning projects designed to encourage students to enroll in STEM Advanced Placement courses.
Why Green Is Your Color: A Woman's Guide to a Sustainable Career Why Green Is Your Color: A Woman's Guide to a Sustainable Career is a free, downloadable comprehensive manual designed to assist women with job training and career development as they enter into innovative and nontraditional jobs. The guide is a resource to help training providers, educators, counselors, and other workforce development professionals promote the recruitment and retention of women in green career paths. Details: http://www.dol.gov/wb/Green_Jobs_Guide Best Buy Foundation Community Grants Through the Community Grants program, Best Buy teams across the United States are selecting non-profit organizations that serve youth in out-of-school time and give teens (ages 13-18) access to opportunities through technology to help them excel in school and develop 21st century skills. Application deadline is July 1, 2012. Apply: http://www.easymatch.com/bestbuygrant NGCP Program Directory - Register your Program Today! The online Program Directory lists organizations and programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. When you sign up for the Program Directory, you will enter your program description, resources available within your organization, program and/or organizational needs, and contact information. http://www.ngcproject.org/directory
Global Resources |
USAID's Tech Challenge on Atrocity Prevention USAID and Humanity United issued a Tech Challenge on Atrocity Prevention to support innovative ideas and best-in-class solutions to prevent mass atrocities. Technology is driving tremendous innovation in many social sectors and some of the tools and solutions used elsewhere might be transformative when applied to atrocity prevention. This challenge encourages individuals, including students, to bring new perspectives to these problems. Following the initial round of prizes, Humanity United will utilize its convening power to bring together key voices, experts, and practitioners on atrocity prevention to meet with prize winners in order to further develop their innovations and work toward bringing these ideas to scale in specific country contexts. http://www.usaid.gov/press/factsheets/2012/fs120423.html
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The EdLab Group is a private, non-profit center with funding from federal and state governments, private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Our mission is to leverage the power of technology and diversity to transform teaching and learning.