WEPAN Webinar Stereotype Threat: The Nature and Nurture of Intelligence May 8, 2012 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Stereotype threat depresses the standardized test performance of black, Latino and female college students. Join this free webinar, conducted by Dr. Joshua Aronson, to learn what we can do to counter the power of these situations and to encourage the expression and the development of intelligent thought and academic achievement. Register: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/556849352
The Rosenthal Prize for Innovation in Math Teaching
Awarded annually to a classroom teacher in the US, the Rosenthal Prize celebrates innovation in the math classroom by rewarding a teacher who uses hands-on methods to engage and inspire students. The winning teacher will have the opportunity to share their innovation with teachers across the country and receive a cash award of $25,000. Fourth through twelfth grade math teachers are invited to apply. Application deadline is May 11, 2012.
Nominations Open for the MetLife Innovator Award
The Afterschool Alliance is partnering with the MetLife Foundation on awards and issue briefs that highlight promising afterschool programs across the country, and for the third year in a row the focus is on middle school youth. Five exemplary afterschool programs that serve middle school youth will win a $10,000 MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Award. Nominations are due May 15, 2012.
Students are invited to compete in the 2012 Spring GOT GAME? Competition. STEM Fuse wants to get students excited about STEM learning by tapping into their natural passion for playing and making video games. The competition is open to high school students ages 15 - current high school seniors. Games must be created using Game Maker or Game Maker Lite (available as a free download). Submission deadline is May 31, 2012.
Prepárate: Help Prepare Latino Students for Opportunities and Success in Education
Miami, FL
May 31 - June 1, 2012
Prepárate brings together professionals from higher education, secondary schools, middle schools and community-based organizations for thought-provoking sessions and plenary speakers that address crucial topics in education.
Register: http://preparate.collegeboard.org
NASA Seeks Hosts for Space Station Interactive Education Events
NASA is seeking formal and informal education organizations to host live in-flight interactive conversations between the next generation of explorers and astronauts aboard the International Space Station. NASA crew members will participate in 20-minute Q and A sessions with students who will learn what it is like to live and work in space. U.S. education organizations including school districts, museums, science centers, national and regional education organizations and local, state, and federal government agencies are eligible to participate. Submission deadline is June 1, 2012.
2012 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) K-12 Workshop San Antonio, TX June 9, 2012 This workshop, "Employing Engineering for STEM Learning", will focus on advancing K-12 STEM education in the classroom and is open to pre-college/K-12 educators in STEM, school administrators and counselors, and anyone with an interest in engineering education. Learn about hands-on, innovative, effective ways to integrate engineering education into the STEM classroom. Count on new knowledge and best practices, fun ideas for lessons, useful take-away materials, and networking opportunities. Early bird registration ends on June 1, 2012. Register: http://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences/k-12-workshop/2012
American School Counselors Association (ASCA) 2012 Conference Minneapolis, MN June 23-26, 2012 From networking opportunities to educational and professional development sessions, the conference offers a wealth of opportunities to expand your learning - and to meet other school counselors outside the breakout sessions. This year's theme is "Be Brilliant: Celebrating ASCA's Diamond Anniversary." Register: http://schoolcounselor.org/regconference.asp
National Coalition of Girls' Schools (NCGS) 2012 Annual Conference
Dallas, TX
June 25-27, 2012
This conference will provide educators with the tools to empower girls in the classroom and beyond to be media-aware girls who can redefine the images and messages that inform and shape their world. NCGS envisions a world where girls not only consume media but learn to look at it with a discerning, critical eye and are motivated to create their own narrative with relevant and authentic digital content.
Register: http://www.ncgs.org/annualconference2012/registration

U.S. News STEM Solutions 2012 - A Leadership Summit
Dallas, TX
June 27-29, 2012
STEM Solutions 2012 brings together, for the first time on a national stage, business, education, and government leaders to address the country's mission-critical need for a competitive workforce skilled in science, technology, engineering, and math. Join us as we work to determine the solutions, policies, and collective changes that are needed now to carry our country, and its economy, into the future.
Register: http://www.USNewsSTEMSolutions.com |