NGCP Updates |
NGCP Webcast Engaging and Supporting Latinas in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Thursday, April 7, 2011
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific
Join practitioners from informal and formal education to discuss strategies and programming ideas for engaging and supporting Latinas in STEM. Presenters include Melissa Cigarroa and Lisa Chappa of the Imaginarium of South Texas and Melissa Hosten and Andria Disney of TI Inspire, a program in the Chandler Arizona Unified School District.
Computer Science Collaboration Project Launches Web site The Computer Science Collaboration Project uses the most successful elements of the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) to connect the various alliances and K-12 outreach organizations that are part of the Broadening Participation in Computing community, specifically focusing on outreach to and collaboration with persons with disabilities, African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and women. The CSCP interactive Web site offers resources, an online Program Directory, and information about events and webcasts. If your program content is Computer Science, and you are in the NGCP Program Directory, your information is also viewable in the CSCP Program Directory.
Collaborative News |
NGCP Collaborative Mini-Grants NGCP mini-grants are designed to enhance access to and build collaboration between programs and resources. Mini-grant application resources, including a sample application, research based strategies, and evaluation requirements are available online at The following collaborative is currently offering mini-grants:
- Ohio Girls Collaborative Project mini-grants close March 14, 2011.
Florida Girls Collaborative Project Annual Conference
Maitland, FL
April 1, 2011 Learn more about the Florida Girls Collaborative Project, how to use the online Program Directory to promote summer programs, and the many free resources available for practitioners. Mini-Grant awardees will share promising practices from their funded programs. Help celebrate local girls who have been awarded the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing. Dinner and keynote address from Alex Sink, former Chief Financial Officer for the state of Florida.
Featured Mini-Grant |
Girls Count A service project of Future Educators of Math and Science (FEMaS), Girls Count was founded by a group of math and science undergraduates studying to be secondary teachers. FEMaS meets bi-monthly with girls from Sgt. Roberto Ituarte Elementary School for an exciting enrichment program integrating math and science into the real world. Inquiry-based activities, aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Standards (TEKS), are both field-based and offered as workshops at the school. In the first year, this program had an impact on the 5th grade math & science scores; the math scores increased from 78 to 92% passing with 49% commended and the science scores increased from 66 to 80% passing with 34% commended. The future high school math and science teachers are gaining invaluable experience in lesson planning, project management, and leadership. The Ituarte teachers are gaining content knowledge and pedagogy.
Upcoming STEM Events |
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
February 24 - May 8, 2011
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day serves as a call to action for parents and professionals to focus on getting more girls into engineering and technology. Each year during Engineers Week, "Girl Day" encourages thousands of women engineers, with support from their male counterparts, to directly mentor girls and young women in K-12 with hands-on experiences in engineering. In honor of its tenth anniversary, Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day 2011 has set a goal to reach 10,000 10-year-old girls with positive engineering experiences during a ten-week period: February 24 - May 8.
Dream. Engineer. WISH. Women In STEM High School Aerospace Scholars
Spring - Summer 2011 This online community begins Spring 2011 and culminates with an experience at NASA Johnson Space Center in Summer 2011. Collaborate with girls from across the country and female NASA engineers and interns. Deadline: March 14, 2011.
Engineering Education Service Center's (EESC) 2011 Music Contest: Sing the Song of Engineering
Create a two to three minute song about engineering, technology, or computer science that shows your appreciation for the amazing inventions that make our lives better, easier, and more fun. From speakers and microphones to the instruments, amps, computers, and other technology -- engineers have designed it all. Deadline: March 22, 2011.
Solar Week
March 21-25, 2011 UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory provides a weeklong series of Web-based educational classroom activities and games geared for K-12 students, with a focus on the Sun and its interactions with Earth. Activities are augmented with a day dedicated to career issues for women in the physical sciences.
NanoDays 2011: March 26 - April 3, 2011
NanoDays features a week of community-based educational outreach events to raise public awareness of nanoscale science, technology, and engineering throughout the United States. Events are organized by participants in the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net), and take place at more than 200 science museums, research centers, and universities from Maine to Hawaii. NanoDays resources are available for digital download.
Google Launches a Global Online Science Fair
Google has partnered with NASA, CERN, National Geographic, Scientific American, and the LEGO Group to create a global STEM competition. Students aged 13 - 18 can enter as individuals or as teams of up to three. The Google Science Fair will culminate in a celebratory event at Google headquarters in California in July 2011, where finalists will compete for internships, scholarships, and prizes in front of a panel of celebrity scientist judges including Nobel Laureates and household names. Deadline: April 4, 2011.
The Art of Science Learning: Shaping the 21st-Century Workforce
April 6 - 7, 2011; Washington, D.C.
May 16 - 17, 2011; Chicago, IL
June 14 - 15, 2011; San Diego, CA The Art of Science Learning explores ways in which the arts can help improve how people learn the sciences. This conference will convene scientists, artists, educators, business leaders, researchers and policymakers to explore how the arts can be engaged to strengthen STEM skills and spark creativity in the 21st-Century American workforce.
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) Professional Development Institute 2011
Arlington, VA
April 11 - 14, 2011
This year's theme is "Equity Matters in College & Careers." Learning opportunities and sessions include increasing the participation of women in STEM careers and implementing best practices for ensuring the success of special population students.
To register:
2011 National AfterSchool Association Annual Conference
Orlando, FL
April 16 - 18, 2011
This year's convention will feature themes focused on the key issues afterschool professionals face every day: STEM Beyond the Classroom, Global Learning in Afterschool, Advancing the Afterschool Profession, and Leading Afterschool. Observe projects and interact with young scientists at the NAA Science Fair and network with your peers and colleagues to share promising practices.
InvenTeam Initiative
The Lemelson-MIT Program is dedicated to honoring the acclaimed and unsung heroes who have helped improve our lives through invention. Applications are currently being accepted for 2011 - 2012 InvenTeams, which are teams of high school students, educators, and mentors. Teams receive grants up to $10,000 to invent technological solutions to real-world problems. The InvenTeam initiative is designed to excite high school students about invention, empower students through problem solving, and encourage an inventive culture in schools and communities. Deadline: April 22, 2011.
Advancing Girls in STEM: An NCGS Symposium
Wellesley, MA
June 21, 2011 The National Coalition of Girls' Schools will convene key players, both in and out of school time, for girls and STEM to create and strengthen bridges between and among girls' schools, colleges, and the professional world. All educators are welcome.
ASEE 8th Annual K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education
British Columbia, Canada
June 25, 2011 This daylong program "Collaboration Can Improve Engineering Education" is for teachers and engineering educators from both Canada and the United States. A fast-paced, interactive, results-oriented overview of engineering education for the K-12 classroom will be provided.
Resources |
NCWIT Talking Points- Why Should Young Women Consider a Career in Information Technology? NCWIT Talking Points are short advocacy and conversation cards to help adults talk about computing and IT to young women. The main message is that IT offers meaningful work, security, and high salaries (with a bachelor's degree), along with flexibility and variety. Download at: http://www.ncwit.youngwomen.
A Spanish version of this card is also available: ¿Por qué las jóvenes deberían considerar una carrera en tecnología de la información?
Innovate: Fueling Change- Resource for International Women's Month In honor of Women's History Month, WQED Multimedia is offering Innovate: Fueling Change, a film that communicates a story of engineering and the environment, diversity, and teamwork. The film includes role models for girls and minorities who are underrepresented in engineering and STEM fields. Video, brochure, discussion questions, and additional resources are available online for educational use through April 2011.
Faces of Science
The Faces of Science blog is moderated by a female astrophysicist to teach the world about the real people behind the science. Scientists and students answer a series of interview questions that help dispel common stereotypes and offer a glimpse of the daily life of scientists.
WGBH's Dot Diva Revamps Web site Dot Diva features stories, blogs, videos and resources designed to bring girls into the computing field at a critical time in their lives. Resources are tailored to appeal to girls as well as educators, computer science professionals, and parents.
Nature Education's Women in Science Online Forum Co-curated by Dr. Laura Hoopes, Halstead-Bent professor of Biology at Pomona College, and the American Association of University Women (AAUW), Women in Science is a forum about issues of parity and the female experience in science and engineering.
The Institute for Broadening Participation
The Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP) mission is to design and implement strategies to increase access to STEM education and careers for all students, and particularly those from diverse underrepresented groups. IBP provides a portal infrastructure for gathering, storing and exchanging information between programs, potential students and minority serving institutions and organizations.
Basics About Disabilities and Science and Engineering Education Did you know as many as 11 percent of undergraduate students in science and engineering fields have one or more disabilities and more than half of them have learning disabilities? "Basics About Disabilities and Science and Engineering Education" introduces basic facts and data, as well as case studies and new methods being tried in higher education classrooms.
Global Resources |
Global Marathon
Join the National Engineers Week Foundation in a live worldwide forum on topics for, by and about current and future generations of women in engineering and technology. During the week of March 7 - 12, 2011, women in engineering and technology will "meet" with girls via live Internet chats, telephone conversations, webcasts and face-to-face events. Presenters and participants can join in the experience in any of six general regions including North America, Mexico/Latin America, UK/Europe, India, Africa/Middle East, and China.
UN World Water Day 2011 International World Water Day is held annually on March 22 to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Briefs, resources, and event information available at:
Association of University
(AAUW) members across the
country are serving as
Regional Liaisons for the National
Collaborative Project. These
Liaisons help the people involved
in the NGCP
to make connections - to one
another, to
resources on gender equity, and to
is the Assessing Women and Men
Project, which provides exportable
instruments, literature resources,
and methodologies
for Women in Engineering and
similar programs. AWE is developing
resources for
use by K-12 STEM programs as part of
The goal of the National Girls
Collaborative Project
is to maximize access to shared
resources within
projects and with public and private
organizations and institutions
interested in
expanding girls' participation in
Find out more....