Sole Practitioner/Small Firm Section

The Information Exchange
A Sole Practitioner/Small Firm Section Publication
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
A Message From the Chair
Douglas Ashworth Discusses the Transition into Law Program
Dr. Roger Tutterow Speaks at Joint Meeting with IMCUSA
Vivian D. Hoard Discusses Tax Tips
Katherine Adams-Carter Speaks on the Attorney Lien Statute
The Information Exchange is Looking for Articles of Interest
Quick Links
September 2011
Newsletter Editor: 
Clark A.D. Wilson
Sole Practitioner/Small Firm Section Board of Directors
Chair: David M. Lilenfeld
Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: L. Katherine Adams-Carter
Secretary: James A. Attwood
Treasurer: David G. Richards
Immediate Past Chair: Scott E. Atwood

The Hon. T. Jackson Bedford, Jr.
Timothy M. Curtin
Monroe J. Feldman
Frank G. Goldman
Ronne G. Kaplan
William J. Piercy
Rachel Platt
Beth E. Rogers
Thomas L. Walker
Robert G. Wellon
Clark A.D. Wilson
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars for these upcoming Section events
Please check your emails and for updates.
Details are subject to change.
Section Breakfast
Thursday, September 15, 2011 - 7:30 am

"NetWeaving - Building Your Practice While Helping Others Build Their Careers and Businesses"
  Bob Littell
Chief NetWeaver and Principal,
Littell Consulting Services 
Location: Buckhead Club
3368 Peachtree Road NE
Please register online or return the detailed brochure
Cloud Computing 101: Considerations for the Small Firm Lawyer
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 12:00 pm
It's a webinar! It's convenient! Attend from your office, home or wherever you have a computer and Internet connection.
CLE credit: 1.5 CLE/0 E/0 TP/0 P
Please register online or return the registration form

Section Luncheon
Thursday, September 22, 2011 - 12:00 pm
"Calendaring as a Risk Management Strategy"
Speaker: Joseph C. Scott, J.D.
Vice President and General Manager,
CompuLaw LLC/
Please register online or return the registration form  
A Message From the Chair

 Section Members,

 As we close the first quarter of
 the Bar year, I hope you feel
 that the Section is serving you
 well.  If not, let me know what
 else we can do.
 In May 2011, the Board chose to
 resume the Section's traditional
 schedule of a breakfast and
 lunch meeting each month.
 Since June, our Section has
 hosted 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches
 and co-hosted an event with
                           on August 24, 2011.
In addition to regular breakfast and lunch meetings, the Section has planned a Wine Tasting event planned with the Women in the Profession Section.  This is scheduled for January 19th.  We are also planning a comedy club event, which we did last year as well. A few other special events are in the works too.
The Board is striving to provide you with program content that will have a meaningful impact on your practice.  If there are topics you would like to see covered in future events, please email suggestions to me at:
Best wishes for a fantastic Fall!
All the best,
David Lilenfeld
Douglas Ashworth Discusses the Transition into Law Program at the
August Luncheon 

The speaker at the section's August 25th lunch was Douglas Ashworth, the Director of the Transition into Law Practice program for the State Bar of Georgia.  Mr. Ashworth discussed how and why the Transition into Law program started and why it is important for experienced attorneys to become involved.  This program has been very successful, as evidenced by the significant reduction of bar complaints against new attorneys since its inception. 
In operation, the Transition into Law program provides mentors to new attorneys.  Some mentors can be assigned from a new attorney's firm.  By contrast, more and more new attorneys are choosing to hang a shingle very early in their career.  It is with these new attorneys that our section can become influential.  Our role as mentors will not require too much time and the State Bar will assist with any questions you may have.  We encourage you to volunteer your time and wisdom to help guide the next generation of lawyers.  If you wish to participate in this program, please contact Doug Ashworth at DOUGA@GABAR.ORG.

Dr. Roger Tutterow Speaks at Joint Meeting with IMCUSA
 The section was invited to
 attend a meeting with the
 Institute of Management
 Consultants (IMCUSA) on August
 24th.  In attendance from our
 section were Jeffrey Evans,
 Price Williams and Clark Wilson. 
 The IMCUSA is an organization
 of small firm or solo practice
 management consultants.  Each
 of their members offer
 management and business
 experience in a variety of competencies.  As such, our two organizations mesh well with each other and we are invited to participate in their future activities.  Similarly, one of the IMCUSA members accepted my invitation and attended our section lunch meeting the next day.
The IMCUSA meeting speaker was Dr. Roger Tutterow, who is a Professor of Economics at Mercer University.  Dr. Tutterow's presentation was entitled "State of the Economy: Is there Good News?"  This presentation provided a keen insight into which indicators are followed by economists to gauge economic health.  The takeaway for those in attendance was that while the economy is improving, it is doing so slowly.  Specifically, a full, or near-full, recovery is probably going to take until 2014.  Besides this news, the presentation produced some interesting discussion and some new contacts for our members.  If you would like to attend one of the IMCUSA's future meetings, please let us know.   
Vivian D. Hoard Discusses Tax Tips at the August Breakfast

Vivian D. Hoard of Taylor English Duma LLP and Pauline D. Reynolds, CPA, of HLB Gross Collins, were the speakers at the August 18 SP/SF Section Breakfast.  The topic ("Tax Tips for Your Law Practice") was anything but dull.  The attendees were full of questions and they got plenty of answers-all properly couched in lawyerese or CPA speak, as the case may be.
They began by discussing the various organizational forms a sole practitioner or small firm can take and the tax implications, benefits and downsides attendant to each.  Limited Liability Corporations, Professional Corporations, Partnerships and S Corporations have somewhat varied tax treatments but each have other attributes that should be taken into consideration when a lawyer or lawyers are deciding what form their venture should become. 

Katherine Adams-Carter Speaks on the Attorney Lien Statute at the July Luncheon

The July luncheon was held on July 28, 2011 at Gordon Biersch with a record crowd in attendance. SPSF Board Member L. Katherine Adams-Carter spoke on the attorney lien statute, O.C.G.A. �15-19-14 and lead a lively discussion of the statute's application and its uses.  The statute is a useful tool for an attorney in obtaining payment for the work an attorney performs for a client which yields money or property. The statute is strictly construed and will not be interpreted so as to apply to any factual situation not strictly within its wording.  Therefore, it is necessary to know and understand the statute's interpretation, as some of the nuances of its application may not be as clear as they appear at first glance.   


megaphoneSpace for Rent

Morningside/Ansley area
Available Offices - 2 small approx. (10x12) and 1 large (18x15) window office available for rent in converted
                                            house on 2nd floor. 
Phones, high speed dsl, parking, etc. Some referral & association cases possible. Negotiable.
Contact: Monroe Feldman, 404-881-0800.
Space for Rent
Executive Office Share
- Phone and Internet Service Included in Rent
- 1 large window and one inside office
- Perfect for a Lawyer & Paralegal  
- Class A+ building (Resurgens Plaza) at a fraction of the
  cost of signing a direct lease.
Includes: use of reception area, conference room, large break room, copier/scanner, fax, internet, unlimited long distance.

Conveniently located in Buckhead adjacent to MARTA; easy access to 400/75/85. Walk to restaurants & Lenox Mall.  
Debra Schwartz or Jay Rollins, 404-844-4130
The Information Exchange is Looking for Articles of Interest
typewriter newsThe Information Exchange is looking for articles of interest to the SPSF Section. 

If you would like to submit an article for publication, please email the editor, Clark Wilson.