bruce arnold's web marketing tips #81june 2012

KTI Systems Taps Mobile Friendly
Semantic Web Design To Promote
FilterBOSS™ Diesel Fuel Polishing
An enterprising marine diesel fuel filtration systems developer proves that when EPA standards-compliant ULSD produces a problem, W3C standards-compliant web design can propagate the solution.
Mobile-Friendly Miami Web Development & Web Design
Mobile Web 3.0 Ready = High Visibility + Broad Accessibility
Q: iPhone App, Android App or Mobile Web Pages?
A: Accessibility: iPhone Apps: 5% | All Native Mobile Apps combined: 25% | W3C mobileOK Mobile Web Pages: 90%


Beginning this month, large refiners and importers of marine diesel fuel subject to U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations must meet their ULSD (ultra low sulfur diesel) fuel standard of 15 ppm sulfur [].  ULSD standards compliance means decreased emissions for the environment but increased onboard fuel filtration or "polishing" requirements for marine diesel engines.  To handle them, KTI Systems now offers boaters a comprehensive range of FilterBOSS™ marine diesel fuel polishing solutions through their recently re-designed, mobile-friendly and Web 3.0-ready website

"Our FilterBOSS Commander Series is a complete marine fuel maintenance solution, providing improved system reliabilty and better vessel safety." stated Andy Keenan, President and chief product designer of KTI Systems.  "These marine diesel fuel polishing systems come fully integrated with monitoring and troubleshooting tools, and even give a warning at the helm to prevent unwanted engine shutdowns.  That's what sets us apart from the competition."

What sets apart from the websites of most other marine industry manufacturers is that it's been thoroughly re-engineered and optimized by Miami web developer Bruce Arnold's Web 3.0 design team at and Semantic Web developers at to leverage World Wide Web Consortiun (W3C) standards compliance for maximum visibility and accessibility.  "Success on the Web is a function of traffic and conversion," Arnold explained.  "Visibility in search engines and social media gets you traffic; accessibility across a broad range of web browsers and mobile devices gets you conversions; and standards-based web design and development is crucial for both."
Every web page at now consists of PHP-scripted HTML5 and CSS3 that is validated W3C standards compliant and passes up to five additional tests of Semantic Web (Web 3.0) Readiness as to behavior, accessibility, semantics, syndication and links.  This assures maximum visibility in search engines - like Google, Bing and Yahoo - plus almost universal accessibility across the entire spectrum of major PC, Mac, desktop, laptop, notebook, tablet and smartphone browsers - including FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera and Opera Mobile.  For Web-enabled but not-so-smart cellphones - roughly 75% of the Mobile Web market - the website sports a "W3C mobileOK" minipage directly accessible using microbrowsers like OpenWave.  An integrated DDR (device description repository) is used to identify and adjust content presentation for mobile and other requesting user agents, and social media facilitation resources are embedded in the website template.

"As cellphone coverage approaches universal, having a 'mobile friendly' website will allow more boaters, boating dealers and marine suppliers to access our content from wherever they are using whatever device they have," observed KTI Systems Marketing VP Carole Keenan.  "That takes our sales, installation and support potentials to a whole new level we might never have reached without the professional web development and online marketing expertise of Bruce Arnold.  Pooling our respective knowledge of 'engines' and 'standards' has proven to be a winning combination..."

About KTI Systems and the FilterBOSS Commander Series

Headquartered in Southwick Massachusetts USA, KTI Systems, Inc. ( or is a designer, developer and distributor of marine fuel management solutions and diesel fuel polishing systems such as the patented and trademarked FilterBOSS™ Commander Series with Racor dual filters.  KTI FilterBOSS systems combine onboard diesel fuel filtration with integrated monitoring and alerts to deliver efficient and reliable marine fuel maintenance.


About and


Miami web designer and Mobile Web applications developer Bruce Arnold's ( and ( form a Semantic Web design and Web 3.0 front-end development boutique that defines success on the Web as high visibility plus broad accessibility.  Maximum ROI is assured by a proven proprietary ( methodology that encompasses search marketing and social media.    


Like us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter at, view us on YouTube at, or simply call us at 305-597-8340!


IF YOU HAVE A WEBSITE ... that is out of date, out of style, out of compliance, out of the rankings, or not ready for "what's next", contact us today and schedule a free Web 3.0 marketing consultation with Bruce Arnold.

IF YOU NEED A WEBSITE ...  speak with Bruce Arnold before you waste time and money on a "template" or "express" site that delivers only disappointment, or spend a pay-per-click fortune buying leads you could get for free.


Bruce Arnold :: Web 3.0 Designoper :: 305-597-8340  :: | Website designer and front-end developer Bruce Arnold has over 30 years of experience in business and technology.  Since 1997, he has delivered hundreds of successful internet marketing, web design, mobile website and eCommerce (mCommerce) solutions to a broad range of global, regional and local clientele. Websites he (re)designs are successful because they look good, rank high, get traffic and get results for their owners.  His Semantic Web design boutique is the only South Florida/Miami web design and W3C mobileOK Mobile Web app development firm to consistently deliver "Web 3.0 Ready" search optimized, tableless, W3C validated and WAI/WCAG (Section 508) compliant XHTML/CSS (HTML5/CSS3) web page source with Unobtrusive Javascript (including jQuery/Ajax), VA4Most.js video and audio, Flash with fallback, RSS and CMS custom coded for the LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) platform.  Maximum ROI is assured by a Pervasive Persuasion™ methodology that includes both search marketing and social media.

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing on Facebook

Social Media Marketing on YouTube

Social Media Marketing on Blogger

Social Media Marketing on Twitter

Social Media Marketing on WordPress

Social Media Marketing on MySpace

Social Media Marketing on Flickr

Local Search Marketing on Yahoo

Social Media Marketing on Delicious

Social Media Marketing on Technorati

Social Media Marketing on StumbleUpon

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