bruce arnold's web marketing tips #76august 2011

Mobile Web 3.0 Development Offers Cost-Effective Cross-Platform
M-Commerce Alternatives To
South Florida Businesses
Mobile commerce mini-cart mashup melds Amazon
PayPhrase and PayPal Mobile SMS into economical
mCommerce alternatives to iPhone, Android
and other platform-specific mobile apps.
Mobile Web 3.0 Development Offers Cost-Effective Cross-Platform M-Commerce Alternatives To Smartphone Mobile Apps
Mobile Web 3.0 Ready = High Visibility + Broad Accessibility

According to, there are currently 5.3 billion mobile phones in use worldwide. 90% of them have Internet access, and 25% are "smartphones" with enough computing capacity to run their own operating system. Surprisingly for some, however, less than 5% are Apple iPhones. This means that despite all the buzz, iPhone Apps are accessible by only 1 in 20 mobile consumers, and only 1 in 4 can access smartphone mobile apps of any kind. Smartphone or not, on the other hand, "W3C mobileOK" pages and apps are accessible by 9 out of 10 mobile consumers. And with the introduction of mCartSB™, Miami web designer and front-end developer is extending its results-oriented Semantic Web (Web 3.0) design methodology to include W3C mobileOK mobile websites and m-commerce applications.


"Big companies with big budgets can afford to spend big bucks developing redundant mobile apps for Android OS, Apple OS, Blackberry OS, HP Web OS and so on." stated Bruce Arnold, the web designoper behind "But why should they? The principal beneficiaries of platform-specific mobile apps development--which tend to lock users into the platform vendors' offerings--are the programmers and producers of the operating systems and devices they run on. Using XHTML/CSS or HTML5/CSS3 and standard web development tools like PHP coupled with a cross-platform mobile DDR (device description repository), most if not all of their functionality can be delivered by a single browser-based Mobile Web app. And if it is coded in compliance with the W3C's 'keep it simple, keep it small' mobileOK standards, that single Mobile Web page or app will work not only on all smart phones but also on the vast majority of cell phones that aren't so smart. That means businesses won't have to ask customers to buy SmartPhone A or SmartPhone B if they want access to Sales Portal X or Tracking Resource Y. It also means reaching a much larger market for a much lower cost. And for cash-strapped small businesses in recessionary times, cross-platform m-commerce solutions like mCartSB make the Mobile Web an affordable way to reach new customers as well as serve existing customers in new ways."


W3C mobileOK!

mCartSB is not a standalone software product or web application, but rather an integration component and affiliate offer their website design and online merchant ecommerce clients to extend their web marketing reach by expanding it to include Mobile Web users, who already number in the billions globally, and who Microsoft Tag projects will outnumber "desktop" Web surfers by 2014. The Miami-based mobile website design and Mobile Web app development firm created the mCartSB mCommerce mini-cart mashup to serve as an example of how to use the Mobile Web to do big things in small ways. In this context, "small" refers not only to the size of microbrowser and minibrowser screens, but also to the computing demand placed on the client mobile device, and the amount of time the user must wait for server downloads, requests and responses. "Mobile web users are busy people with short attention spans for whom quick is just as important as cool." Bruce Arnold advised. "Many expect things to download as quickly on a phone as they do on their PC. And they have no patience for 'mobile' web pages that are 10 times larger than W3C mobileOK recommendations." His assertions are supported by a recent Compuware survey revealing that 74% of mobile consumers won't wait more than 5 seconds for a page or app to load, and 43% won't return to a site they have trouble accessing.


Amazon's online shopping and PayPal's payment processing technologies have made those companies market leaders, and the mCartSB mashup melds mobile-friendly aspects of both. Amazon PayPhrase, for example, minimizes the number of keystrokes it takes to complete a transaction by requiring the mobile consumer to enter only a unique PayPhrase and PIN combination to complete a purchase. And offering the PayPal Mobile SMS text-to-pay facility means that even mobile consumers using six year old cell phones with microbrowsers that don't support Javascript can shop online and make purchases. Online merchants must have accounts with Amazon and PayPal to offer both alternatives through mCartSB, but they have the option to implement either, both or Amazon PayPhrase with PayPal Mobile SMS as fallback.


An interactive demo of mCartSB is accessible by 9 out of 10 mobile phones using any number of mobile web browsers ranging from the old Openwave microbrowser to the new Opera minibrowser at or:  


mCartSB mCommerce Mini-Cart Demo 



About and


Miami web designer and Mobile Web applications developer Bruce Arnold's ( and ( form a Semantic Web design and Web 3.0 front-end development boutique that understands Net success requires high visibility plus broad accessibility. They deliver results in the form of search optimized, tableless, W3C validated Section 508 compliant HTML5/CSS3 source with unobtrusive Javascript, jQuery/Ajax and VA4Most™ HTML5 video/audio ( along with W3C mobileOK web pages, mobile websites, the mCartSB™ mCommerce mini-cart ( and custom cross-platform Mobile Web app development. Maximum ROI is assured by a proven and proprietary ( online marketing methodology that encompasses both search marketing and social media. 


Like us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter at, view us on YouTube at, or simply call us at 305-597-8340!


IF YOU HAVE A WEBSITE ... that is out of date, out of style, out of compliance, out of the rankings, or not ready for "what's next", contact us today and schedule a free Web 3.0 marketing consultation with Bruce Arnold.

IF YOU NEED A WEBSITE ...  speak with Bruce Arnold before you waste time and money on a "template" or "express" site that delivers only disappointment, or spend a pay-per-click fortune buying leads you could get for free.


Bruce Arnold :: Web 3.0 Designoper :: 305-597-8340  :: | Website designer and front-end developer Bruce Arnold has over 30 years of experience in business and technology.  Since 1997, he has delivered hundreds of successful internet marketing, web design, mobile website and eCommerce (mCommerce) solutions to a broad range of global, regional and local clientele. Websites he (re)designs are successful because they look good, rank high, get traffic and get results for their owners.  His Semantic Web design boutique is the only South Florida/Miami web design and W3C mobileOK Mobile Web app development firm to consistently deliver "Web 3.0 Ready" search optimized, tableless, W3C validated and WAI/WCAG (Section 508) compliant XHTML/CSS (HTML5/CSS3) web page source with Unobtrusive Javascript (including jQuery/Ajax), VA4Most.js video and audio, Flash with fallback, RSS and CMS custom coded for the LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) platform.  Maximum ROI is assured by a Pervasive Persuasion™ methodology that includes both search marketing and social media.

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