March 2012
Conference of Western Attorneys General
Alliance Partnership Newsletter


The CWAG Alliance Partnership facilitates collaboration between U.S. and Mexican state Attorneys General's Offices. Available services include:

  • Contacts Database
    • Comprehensive, sortable contact information for people involved with AP trainings, meetings and events
  • Quick-Response Contact Information
    • Direct contacts within the U.S. and Mexican AGO's for help on specific cases
  • Case Consulting
    • Help preparing a case for oral trial, from investigation to arguments, by an experienced U.S. criminal prosecutor
  • Office Reviews/Efficiency Audits
    • A team of experts observes and advises on processes and procedures, to help address a specific issue or give a general perspective
  • Best Practices Consulting
    • Experienced professionals share hard-earned knowledge about relevant matters
How Has the CWAG Alliance Partnership Impacted You?

Has being involved with the Alliance Partnership had lasting effects beyond your initial involvement? We would love to hear about it!


One of the goals of the AP program is to encourage lasting professional relationships and cross-border collaborations. If you've reached out to the Attorney General's Office of a state on the other side of the border for an inquiry, investigation or prosecution on a case with cross-border elements based on a contact you met at a CWAG AP training, meeting or event, let us know.
You may be invited to present a case report at the upcoming Binational Attorney General Exchange at Disneyland, California, in July 2012, to dozens of state Attorneys General from both the U.S. and Mexico. Send your story to Alejandra Caraveo, Program Liaison, at 
2012 Training Schedule

Oral Advocacy Skills for Prosecutors

  • January 24-26: Distance Learning broadcast from Phoenix, Arizona, to Baja California and Chihuahua
  • February 28 - March 1: Distance Learning broadcast from Carson City, Nevada, to Baja California Sur, Chihuahua and Sonora
  • March 12-16: Live Program and Distance Learning Broadcast from San Antonio, Texas, to Sonora
  • March 30 - April 2: Live Program and Distance Learning Broadcast from Seattle, Washington, to San Luis Potosi
  • April 17-19: Distance Learning Broadcast from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Zacatecas
  • May 7-11: Live Program and Distance Learning Broadcast from San Diego, California to San Luis Potosi and Durango
  • June 18-22: Live Program and Distance Learning Broadcast from Phoenix, Arizona, to Sinaloa
  • July 10-12: Distance Learning Broadcast from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Baja California
  • August 7-9: Distance Learning Broadcast from Phoenix, Arizona, to Chihuahua
  • August 27-31: Live Program and Distance Learning Broadcast from Boise, Idaho, to Baja California Sur
  • September 9-11: Distance Learning Broadcast from Phoenix, Arizona
  • September 25-27: Distance Learning Broadcast from Denver, Colorado
*Schedule subject to change. Contact us for the latest schedule.

Visit the CWAG Alliance Partnership Website

USAID Alumni Community Online 

Register and Join! State Alumni is a global community, a dynamic and interactive networking experience for all past and current participants of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs. State Alumni allows participants to stay connected with their exchange experiences and explore the various opportunities available to participants. Members can find fellow alumni in their country and in all regions of the world, and can share ideas, learn from fellow alumni, and find out about alumni activities being implemented in communities the world over. USAID participants are now able to log-in using the address below. Once they are granted access by State and USAID, and are logged-in, they are taken into the alumni website where they will see a pull-down list of USAID participant training programs under which they can associate themselves and become community members of.

Issue: 2012-1
In This Issue
Impact Statements
2012 Schedule
CWAG AP Website
USAID Online

Binational Attorney

General Exchange

July 24-26, 2012

Anaheim, California

State Attorneys General from Mexico and the U.S. gather to share cross-border perspectives on today's important issues.




For all information and requests, contact:


Alejandra Caraveo

AP Program Liaison

Cell: 303.304.9206




Frank Collins

AP Legal Advisor

Cell: 602.505.2927

�gora Magazine is published by the US Northern Command, the Department of Defense's unified homeland security command. Their area of operations includes all of North America, and as part of their outreach, they publish the magazine in English and Spanish to highlight topics of interest to Mexican government and law enforcement.


You can subscribe at no cost on their website:

This material was funded by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.
INL-Mexico Logo

Council of State Governments


Border Legislative Conference


Border Governors' Conference


Southwest Border Alliance


National Association of Attorneys General


United States Agency for International Development


US State Department Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement


Join Our Mailing List
The CWAG Alliance Partnership promotes the Rule of Law in Mexico, offering a forum for strengthening relationships between U.S. and Mexican State Attorneys General, and providing oral advocacy training in support of Mexico's constitutionally mandated criminal justice system reforms. 

 Conference of Western Attorneys General Alliance Partnership