2012 Presbytery Directory Now Available
The 2012 Directory for the Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse is now available, in several formats. Each church receives a number of printed copies (most were distributed at the Presbytery meeting on March 27). Some additional printed copies are available on request.
The Directory is also available online on the new Presbytery website: www.cayugasyracuse.org . Click on "About Us" on the horizontal bar at the top of the home page, then click on "Directories," fill in the Username and Password (both "presbycs2012"), and a page listing a number of directory options will open up. You can simply open one of the sections in the Directory, or you can download the entire Directory into your computer (and/or print it out).
If you need help with this, please call Renee Perry (Mon-Tues-Weds) at 315.446.6610. Enjoy! |
Vanderkamp News
Space is still available for high school youth to participate in the Alternative Spring Break work trip, April 10-13, to assist in flood recovery in Scoharie County, near Albany. Any one interested should contact James Davis at Vanderkamp as soon as possible: vkcenter@vk.org or (315) 675-3651.
A Garage Sale to benefit Vanderkamp will be held Saturday, May 12 at the First Presbyterian Church in Liverpool from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Help us support the ministry of Vanderkamp as the dollars raised from this event do just that. Last year's sale was well received both in donations and sales. The Venturing Crew 1657 of the Boy Scouts, who meet at First Presbyterian Church, will sell refreshments like coffee, soda and hot dogs, etc. to raise money for Crew 1657. For a bulletin insert about the Garage Sale, click here: Garage Sale Bulletin
Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering
Presbyterian Women will hold their annual Spring Gathering in Geneva, NY on Saturday, April 21, beginning at 9 am. A SERVV gift shop will be available, the Birthday Offering will be dedicated, and Lucy Janjigian will report on her participation in the PW Global Mission trip to India last year. For a Spring Gathering flyer, click here:
"Ministering to a Missing Generation" - NEXT Church Spring Regional Gathering set for April 26 11 am to 2 pm at Pebble Hill Church
Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church will host a "micro-regional" gathering of persons interested in conversations about the future of the mainline church on Saturday, April 26 from 11 am to 2 pm. Sponsored by the NEXT Church group that held its second national gathering in Texas in February, this gathering will focus on Ministering to a Missing Generation: creating the highways for young adults to enter our churches. Three recent articles will provide food for thought.
To learn more about the gathering, download the flyer here: NEXT Spring 2012 Micro-Regional . You can also find them on FaceBook-Look for "Next Church-western and Central NY."
2012 Pulpit Supply List
For an up-to-date list of teaching and ruling elders who are available to serve as pulpit supply, click here: Pulpit Supply April 5, 2012
2012 Pulpit Supply List
For an up-to-date list of teaching and ruling elders who are available to serve as pulpit supply, click here: Pulpit Supply April 5, 2012
220th General Assembly to Convene June 30
in Pittsburgh
Hosted by the Presbytery of Pittsburgh, the theme of this year's 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is "Walking, Running, Soaring into Hope,"drawn from Isaiah 40:31: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Opening worship will begin at 1:45 pm on Saturday, June 30 in the Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh. The Moderator's Election will be held that evening. Four Teaching Elders have announced their candidacy for the office of Moderator of the Assembly: Robert M. Austell Jr. of Charlotte Presbytery, Randy Branson of Palo Duro Presbytery; Sue Krummel of Great Rivers Presbytery; Neal Presa of Elizabeth Presbytery; and Janet Edwards of Pittsburgh Presbytery. The winner of the election will preside over the Assembly and represent the PCUSA for the next two years.
Pittsburgh is a lovely, historic City to visit, and absolutely loaded with Presbyterians. It's a six hour drive from Syracuse. Why not invite a few friends and go out to watch the Assembly in action? Opening worship and the Moderator's election on Saturday, June 30 would be a joy to behold. For complete information, including schedules and visitor registration information, go to www.pcusa.org/ga220 .
The Parish Paper:
Ideas and Insight for
the Active Congregations
For the April 2012 issue Click here:
PP 4-2012 How Is Your Congregations Health
For the May 2012 issue Click here:
PP 5-2012 How to Turn Bystanders in to Active Disciples
When you (a) distribute copies to your organization's staff, constituents, and congregations, or (b) post issues on your organization's Website, please include the following notice:
The Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse's purchase of photocopy rights for The Parish Paper INCLUDES
1. Permission to provide copiesto our staff and the congregations within our constituency in any of the following ways: E-mail, U.S. Mail, newspaper, newsletter, meetings, training events, and our Website.
2. Permission for each congregation within our constituency to (a) photocopy or electronically distribute for local use as many copies as it needs, (b) post them on its Website, and (c) quote sentences and paragraphs.
Your congregation does NOT have permission (a) to delete the copyright notice on page 2; (b) to re-write, paraphrase, or change the wording of sentences and paragraphs; or (c) to give ANY THIRD PARTY-other than your staff and constituents-permission to photocopy or reprint (in any quantity, no matter how small, whether for free distribution or for sale).
If your congregation uses a U.S. Post Office Nonprofit Mailing Permit to distribute photocopies with its newsletter or other mailings, most local Post Offices require that every item carry your congregation's name and address. Above The Parish Paper masthead, type your congregation's name, address, and "Photocopied by Permission." (Insert whenever sending out the "Parish Paper")
Thursday in Ministry is an e-newsletter sent twice a month to all Commissioners, Ministers, Clerks, Christian Educators, and others interested in the life of the Presbytery of Cayuga - Syracuse. It is our goal to reduce the number of separate emails being sent to you by combining the information into one e-newsletter.
Each newsletter will feature timely announcements and worthwhile information-assembled from notices we receive from you in our churches, the Synod of the Northeast, and various programs and offices of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Would you like something included in Monday in Ministry? Send your information to admin@cayugasyracuse.org
Moderator's Musings
When I was installed as Moderator in January 2011, I spoke these words: "We have a mutual covenant which we have agreed to follow. For our time together in meetings, I would like you to consider the following: When a member approaches the microphone to speak, that we as the gathered body hold that person in prayer for clarity of thought and speech. And, similarly, that the person approaching the microphone pray that the body receive them with an open mind."
At our gathering last Tuesday at First Pres United, I held up our mutual covenant once again as a reminder that we all have agreed to hold each other in prayer and respect. In the midst of change that feels often like loss, it is easy to allow our anxieties to get the better of us. Therefore a reminder to hold each other in prayer is a gentle nudge for all of us.
After every presbytery meeting, I always run through my mind, how I could have run the meeting better? Of course one of the things that keeps coming up for me is how we can have good discussions about issues we care about. At the March meeting, we asked for your questions around Vanderkamp and the budget and many of you contributed to the conversation. Thank you for your input! The Leadership Team is not a separate body from the Presbytery, but rather one that attempts to function in step with the Presbytery. You empower the Leadership Team to make some decisions, but we will always need your input and covet your prayers.
This time of transition may feel to somelike we are finally going down a road that is right; while others feel like it is a road to ruin. Some want the changes to happen "yesterday," while others resist the changes. When we have such differences of opinion, along with the passion that comes with the decisions being made, there is bound to be friction among us.
I firmly believe that every voice speaks with sincerity and dedication to the Lord's work, whether I agree or not. I also know that no system is perfect: not the one we have worked with over the past several years, nor the one we are moving towards. There will be modifications made as we move forward and learn more.
Through it all, may we continually seek the best in each other, knowing that all of us have a deep devotion to the ministry of Christ throughout this Presbytery.
Your sister in Christ, Janet Newman
Positions to Be Filled
The Presbytery Council, serving as the Nominating Committee, has been hard at work inviting teaching and ruling elders from our churches to serve on the new Leadership Team, which will begin its work on July 1. While that slate is nearly complete, there are other elected and non-elected positions that still need to be filled. If you are interested in helping, we would be happy to hear from you!
Some of the assignments must be filled by elders, either teaching or ruling. These include:
- 3 at large seats on the Nominating Committee
- 4 commissioners to Synod
- 1 delegate to the Synod Council
- 5 seats on the Committee on Representation
- Several seats on the Permanent Judicial Commission
- 1 seat on the Response Coordination Team
Several working groups are also likely to be formed - to assist in the care and nurture of pastors and congregations; to help oversee financial, property, and insurance matters; to support and guide those preparing for ministry as teaching elders; to read Session records annually and review any proposed Overtures, etc. Some of these responsibilities will require regular meetings,others will be less demanding.
Do you have a heart for the larger church, and skills to help in one or more of these areas? Then we would like to hear from you. For more information or to volunteer, please call or email Roger Martin, Bert Richardson; Janet Newman; Steve Thomas; or Marianne Rhebergen.
Make a Donation for Malaria Netting Our Korean Partnership M & M Team is working to raise funds for life-saving mosquito netting to be sent to Malawi through the Blantyre North Relief Project. For $6, you can purchase an insecticide-treated mosquito net that will last five years and protect the children, pregnant women, and families of the region served by BNRP. Since January 2011, approximately ten thousand mosquito nets have been purchased and distributed through BNRP; but another twenty thousand are needed. To make a contribution, send a check to the Korean Partnership M & M Team, c/o of Westminster Presbyterian Church, 17 Williams Street, Auburn 13021. Checks should be made payable to Westminster Church-Auburn and marked "Malawi Mission" on the memo line. If your church would like to sponsor an "alternative gift card" Sunday for the purchase of malaria nets, click on the following links to download a flyer about the challenges of malaria eradication, an "alternative giving" card, and a "thank you" card. For more information or if you have questions, contact Linda Russell at lsruss@aol.com. Malawi Net Poster Malawi Nets Gift Card Malawi Nets Thank You |
FPCU to Host Choir Music
Open House on April 21
The choirs at First Presbyterian Church United of Syracuse made a joyful noise to God for generations, and much choral music was collected along the way. Now the Session wants to make that collection available to church choirs of any denomination in Central New York, for a small donation. They see this as one way to share the legacy of a wonderful music program.
On Saturday, April 21, from 10 am to 2 pm in the Parish House, the entire choral music collection will be organized and laid out in Hudson Hall, for $5 or $10 a set (depending on the number of copies in the set). Announcement of the Open House is being sent to all the regional judicatories of the Methodist, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal, United Church of Christ, etc., and to the American Guild of Organists.
Save the date, invite friends who might be interested, and join us for some juice and cookies along the way! Copies of the database (sorted by Title and Composer are available by clicking here: Music Listing by Composer and Music Listing by Title
Found Money!
Yes, there is some unclaimed money out there for Presbyterian Churches. Not much, perhaps, but enough to check this out...
Someone recently emailed First Presbyterian Church United of Syracuse offering to recover (for a fee) unclaimed funds listed with the State of New York. A member of Session decided to investigate, and went to the website of the Office of Unclaimed Funds, entering "First Presbyterian Church" in the "Company" search field. Nineteen "First Presbyterian Churches" popped up; unfortunately, none of them were located at 620 W Genesee St, Syracuse, NY! Looking at the list, Marianne Rhebergen saw the names of two churches she had personally served and recognized three others.
Surely some of the funds will be small ... refunds on closed accounts with Cokesbury, Verizon, and Niagara Mohawk, for instance. Others, however, sound like investments: Eastman Kodak, Chevron, Franklin US Govt Securities Fund, and others. Bankruptcies aside (Kodak), it may be worth your while to go to the following website and plug in the name of your church: https://ouf.osc.state.ny.us/ouf/ Let us know what you find!
Flood Rebuilding Continues in the Southern Tier - Can You Help?
First Presbyterian Church of Endicott, NY continues to take the lead in coordinating efforts to help residents of the Southern Tier recover from last September's floods. Our own Southern Comfort M & M Team leader (recently returned from working in New Orleans), Elder Paul Dungey of the Westminster Church, Auburn, forwarded this message from Sharon Early of the FPC Connecting Ministries of that congregation:
"Starting Sunday [April 8] we will have two groups working on rebuilding next week, with one of them a group of teens (High School Juniors & Seniors from Germany!). Bruce has currently visited 14 sites with Case Mangers as part of the unmet needs process of bringing cases to the roundtable and has been given 13 other sites to start the process. April should be a very busy month working through the process and hosting the 7 groups that will be at the various hospitality sites coming to help rebuild our community. Needless to say, we covet your prayers for this upcoming month and our ability to be the hands and feet of Christ loving those who have been devastated by flood waters last September. "
Contact Sharon Early to find out how you or your church group can help:
Sharon Early
FPC Connecting Ministries
Dear Pastors and Members who Pray for our Boaz Ministry:
Korean Church of Syracuse invites all who pray and support our Boaz Ministry to participate in the Spring Graduation Worship and Dinner of Boaz Ministry.
The graduation for Spring 2012 will be on April 10, 2012 (6pm) at Korean Church of Syracuse.
We hope to see all of you as we congratulate the Boaz students and give praise to God.
Please see attached invitation card and feel free to contact us if you have any question. Click Here:
2012 Spring Graduation Invitation .We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.
Thank you for your love and prayer for Boaz Ministry.
Blessings, Yunhee Kim
"I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing". John 15:5
Presbytery of Cayuga Syracuse
731 James St, Suites 400
Syracuse, NY 13203
Phone: 315-446-6110
Fax: 315-446-0048