Area Residents Caring & Helping within the Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships  

November 16, 2011Vol 1, Issue 4
teens on grass




Thank you for attending ARCH's recent program, The Adolescent Brain: Hormones, Smartphones & Parental Groans, with speaker Jerry McMullen, Ph.D.


Many of you were kind enough to provide us with your feedback by responding to our Evaluation Form. [Some of you took copious notes on the backs of yours and didn't want to part with them - we understand!]   We wanted to let you know that WE HEAR YOU! So, a few things:

  • Power Point slides from Jerry's presentation will be available shortly on the ARCH website
  • The Adolescent Brain: Hormones, Smartphones & Parental Groans, with speaker Jerry McMullen, Ph.D. will be showing on T/ETV throughout November on Tuesdays at 7:00pm and Wednesdays at 10:00am.
  • ARCH's spring program topic will be the effect of drugs and alcohol use on the brain. Stay tuned!

Turnout: We underestimated you! Although we were delighted with the enthusiastic turnout, it exceeded our expectations. We don't ask for RSVP's to our programs so we just have to guess what the response will be. For those that had to stand or sit on the steps, we apologize. Plus, apparently, we are all hot stuff! So it did get a bit stuffy, which was not an optimum experience.


Expectations and Feedback: Clearly this topic resonated with you, as evidenced by the turnout, which is great news for ARCH. Overall you found the presentation informative and helpful. A few felt there was too much science; some, not enough. Most complimented Jerry's ability to help people see themselves and their everyday discussions with their kids and spouses in a humorous way that was instructive and beneficial. Although some of you told us the program was not what you were expecting, almost everyone found the presentation valuable. Some reported a desire for more "practical tools" for dealing with your family's adolescent/teenage brains" and "examples of how to handle situations and conflicts". Interest was expressed in perhaps a Part 2 to Jerry's Part 1. Two take away practical points that Jerry made is that only you, as parents, can decide your own family's values and rules and it is really important to both clearly convey those expectations to your children and to model the behavior that you desire from them.


ARCH's goal is to serve as a resource for informative programming on helpful parenting and family topics without sounding like we are telling you there is only one right way to parent. We will continue to develop relevant programs with the help of your feedback and to make you aware of helpful resources though our emails and our Facebook entries. Like us on Facebook!


For additional wonderful resources on understanding the teenage brain, consider:

  • Why Do They Act That Way? A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen, by David Walsh, PH.D  link
  • Parenting With Love and Logic, by Foster Cline, M.D. & Jim Fay  link 
  • Beautiful Teenage Brains, by David Dobbs; October, 2011 National Geographic   link 

ARCH also offers a continuously updated list of helpful parenting books on its website, .


Welcome to ARCH and thank you for your support!

Roann Brown and Gwenn Mascioli

ARCH Co-Chairs 



Parent Webinars for YOU  

couple at computer



View the Webinars on  


LIVE or at a later date.   




Monday, Dec 5 (Live 7-8 pm) 

Your Digital Identities Net Worth: From College Admissions to Future Employers 

This program is aimed at parents of kids 13-18 years old


Tuesday, Dec 6  (Live 7-8 pm)  

The Mobile LoJack: Parental Control Options for Starter Cell Phones

This program is aimed at parents of kids 6-12 years old



Watching a Webinar is EASY!    

Email your request to    

Link to the full list of 2011/12 Webinar Topics!

Series... Framework for support in raising children

communicating with teens


Tuesday, Nov 22(7-8:30pm

FREE Parenting Session

@ Berwyn United Methodist Church 

140 Waterloo Ave, Berwyn



Presentation Topic:   

Ambivalence and the Unmotivated Child   Discover how to encourage movement and change in your child's life. Gain understanding about what is freezing your child in a developmental stage as well what motivates your child. 


ARCH is a co-sponsor.   

Call the church office to register 610-644-5555 ext.0.   
ARCH is pleased to offer...

mom clear background

   Watch it on T/E TV! 

The Adolescent Brain: Hormones, Smartphones & Parental Groans presentation was videotaped and will air on T/E TV on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM and Wednesdays at 10:00 AM through the end of November.


Follow ARCH on Facebook

Check out our recent Facebook posts. 

Like us on Facebook

ARCH is pleased to offer...

Race to Nowhere

Thurs, Nov 17

9:30-11:30 am  

@ TESD Administrative Offices


ARCH Presents...  

Race to Nowhere  

Location: T/E Admin Offices
940 W. Valley Rd, Suite 1700   


The ARCH screening is

Most of the screenings in our area over the last year have been in the evening.

Here is a link to the Race to Nowhere site - there might be an evening opportunity that works for you.

Thank you in advance...
ARCH is a 501c3 non-profit organization and relies heavily on tax-deductible contributions.

can be made directly to ARCH (PO Box 149, Paoli, PA, 19301) or through United Way #03901.

If you have an opportunity to make a United Way designation this fall - we hope you'll consider ARCH.

If you are looking for help...
parent concern

Chester County Drug & Alcohol Information & Referral   

24 hour Toll Free number


All calls are private and confidential

Area Residents Caring and Helping, Inc.

We are a coalition of parents, educators and community members committed to promoting the well being of youth in Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships. We serve as a resource to families as they help their children form a positive self-image, make healthy choices, and reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD). 


ARCH is a non-profit corporation and is a designated recipient of United Way funds. Our United Way number is # 03901.