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Charity Navigator validation of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver, Inc., as a top rated charitable organization





Denver Heart Beats                         January 2012
News from the Ronald McDonald House - Denver and Aurora 

Happy New Year!      
Dear Friends,

Thank you for helping make 2011 such a wonderful year. We could not have provided comfort, care and hope for the nearly 3,000 families who called the Denver and Aurora House, HOME in the past year without our amazing volunteers, staff and supporters.


From the beginning, our Houses have offered more than just a place to stay. They offer families the ability to meet others in a similar situation, to share experiences, and to support one another. We feel blessed to have been a part of so many lives and to have been a place where they could find an open door, a friendly face, a home cooked meal and a bed where they could rest and become refreshed for the next day in a compassionate and welcoming way.


We are proud to be starting our 34th year of ensuring that families are cared for when they need it most, and we believe that 2012 can bring our best year yet. It is our wish to provide even more help and hope for more families in the coming year, a goal that we can achieve through the on-going support of our volunteers, staff and donors and the continued growth of our events throughout the year.


We wish you all the very best 2012 has to offer; love, hope, prosperity and renewed energy.


Happy New Year,

Pam Whitaker

Executive Director


 Colo Home & Garden

Help Us Win A Playhouse!

The Colorado Garden & Home Show is donating 3 playhouse worth $5,000 each to children's charities. 

Visit the Colorado Garden & Home Show, February 11-19 and vote for the Roanld McDonald House.

To receive your $2 off coupon
  to the show just click on the link;

For more information about the show visit
Alice invitation 2

To Make Reservations Contact:

Jonna Busack - 303-832-6641 or


Proceeds To Benefit:

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver


Guest of Honor:

Cheryl Preheim, 9News Anchor


Entertainment By:




Puente Family Picture

Providing a Respite for Families

of Premature Babies


Christmas Day my son was born at only 30 weeks. My family and I live in Cheyenne and were transported by ambulance to University Hospital on the 20th of December and five days later my son came. My husband and I stayed at the Ronald McDonald House for the next 5 � weeks. It was scary to go through such uncertainty with our first child and then to be away from home and staying in a strange place. I must tell you that your facility was a blessing to us. There would have been no way that we could have done it without you! The expense for staying in Denver was astronomical as there were many expenses that we wouldn't have daily at home, but the Ronald McDonald House helped us tremendously. The amazing volunteers that come to cook are life savers for many financially. The House itself is beautiful and a comfortable place to stay.


On that note, I need to explain what I have done to pay it forward and give back to people that helped us when we were in need. Wednesday, December 14th we sent you truckloads of donated food. I have teamed up with another woman from Cheyenne who also stayed at the Ronald McDonald House the same time we were there. We had a food drive for the Ronald McDonald House because of all the wonderful things that you do for families. We also sold bracelets and tried to raise money any way we could. We worked together and with many others to make this happen! There are a lot of great people in the world who want to help.


Please accept these donations in our son, Eylan's name. He is getting ready to celebrate his 1st birthday! He is healthy and happy and growing fast. Children are miracles and people would be in tougher situations without your help. We would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU for all that you do!!!


Warm Regards,

Adrienne Matt & Eylan Puente



LTH Logo

Thank You for Lighting the Houses


Caring for a seriously ill or injured child never takes a holiday. This holiday season, you helped keep love close by when children needed it most. 


You provided care, comfort and hope for a family like Joseph's. Eight year-old Joseph and his family are staying at the Ronald McDonald House for the second time while he awaits a new kidney. In all, Joseph has lived at the Ronald McDonald House for five of his eight years. To them, Ronald McDonald House truly is their home.

Please continue help us light the lights at the Denver and Aurora Ronald McDonald Houses. Your donation will Light the Houses all year long.  


New Board Members

We are excited to introduce our newest Board of Directors members;


Rick Burkett

Amy Casseri

Kathleen DeMarco

Heather Gwinn-Pabon

Diane Jones

Dave Paul

Sean Ribble

Chris Solum


For those that are transitioning off of  the Board we are truely thankful for your time and dedication to the House.


For a complete list of Board Members please visit our website at


Upcoming Events
Please visit the News and Events page at  or call Jonna Busack at 303-832-6641 to learn more about our events.

Camp Logo

2012 Camp Registration

 is Now Open

Camp will be held from July 8th to July 14th this year.  Please visit to register your campers.  


Sky High Hope Camp is a week-long camp for children who have (or have had) cancer and their siblings. It is held each summer at Buckhorn Camp in Bellvue, Colorado, west of Fort Collins.
The week is filled with laughter and enduring friendships, all made possible through the work of our dedicated volunteers and the monetary donations made to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver.

Volunteers are the Heart of Our House

You can volunteer your talents in many ways to help our mission.


We rely on volunteers to keep our Houses operating each day. Volunteer opportunities include:

Providing a meal for our families, house cleaning, volunteer house managers, Bingo leaders, wish list drives and camp counselors.


Please visit our website at to learn more and to fill out an application.



family room

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers for the Ronald McDonald House Family Room at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children at Presbyterian/ St. Luke's Hospital in Denver!



9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

5 p.m. - 9 p.m.


Volunteer must be able

to commit to one shift a week

for at least 6 months.


Help maintain a private room

used for families with children

in NICU, PICU or PEDS who are

in need of a relaxing sanctuary.


Duties include: Greeting

guests, answering family

questions, keeping the room

clean and organized, some

laundry for guests and light lifting.


For more information contact

Pam Whitaker at 303-861-1754 or  


Planned Giving Picture

Join With Other Supporters to Increase Your Impact

Over the years, supporters like you have selflessly and passionately given their time, talent and assets to help us serve families of children receiving medical treatment.  


If you feel strongly about our charitable work and would like to join together with other supporters that share your values and ambitions, we hope you'll consider becoming a member of the Keepers of the House. 


Please contact Vicki Walker at

720-382-7205 to learn more

about the the planned gifts we

can accept or to let us know

that you 've included RMHC in your estate plans.







Contact Information

Pam Whitaker, Executive Director
Ronald McDonald House - Denver
(303) 861-1754

Just a Few 2011 Memories

scholarship 2011

2011 Scholarship Winners 


2011 Campers
Kids Fore

2011 Kids Fore Charity Golfers


2011 Finding Nemo Ball 

fun and games 

 Fun & Games at the Denver House 

Denver House: 1300 East 21st Ave.     Aurora House: 932 Potomac Circle
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For assurance that your donations are going to the right place, visit
Charity Navigator and see our 4 star rating.

Better Business Bureau report on Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver, Inc.
Click the logo on the left for our Denver BBB report
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