The USGA Green Section

August 13, 2010

Dr. Dan Potter  
Enemy Number One to Black Cutworms
USGA-Funded Research at Work
by the USGA Staff

He looks nice enough, but this "bug doc" is no friend to insect pests.

Dr. Dan Potter

Superintendents can feel alone in their battles to protect golf courses from the ravages of insect invasion.  They are not - Mother Nature  is on their side.  University of Kentucky entomologist, Dr. Dan Potter, and his talented group of graduate students, investigate how natural enemies of turf insects can help limit turf damage to golf courses.  One such enemy is a type of virus that attacks black cutworms-and it works.
Other insect research Dr. Potter and his team have undertaken:
Regional Updates From Across The Country
It's obviously not getting any easier out there!
Mid-Atlantic gifFrom the Mid-Atlantic Region
Extreme Conditions Call For Conservative Actions
by Keith Happ, senior agronomist
One of the first questions asked during Turf Advisory Service visits is "What are you seeing out there?" The easy answer is: We are seeing it all.  Torrential rain, scorching sun, high humidity, low humidity, saturated soils and drought stress are just a few examples.  Throw in golfers' pleas for green speed, and you have the ingredients for a lot of dead turf. Read the rest of the update
northeaseast gifFrom the Northeast Region 
Come on September!
by David A. Oatis, director
I'm probably like a lot of turf managers right now.  Every year at about this time, our friends and families are going to the pool or the beach, or returning from vacations and regaling me with the stories.  Sometimes I have to look at the pictures, and it's a little like rubbing salt into a wound. At this time of year, we go to work and don't take summer vacations.  We hope and pray the turf will make it to September.  Read the rest of the update
southeast gifFrom the Southeast Region
Summer Heat Wave Facts
by Patrick O'Brien and Chris Hartwiger, agronomists
This summer produced many historical records for heat in the Southeast Region, and the result has been a nightmare for many bentgrass putting greens. The sad news is that probably another month of high temperatures is still ahead. Weather data compiled from the Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network at the Atlanta Athletic Club, near Duluth, GA, reveals information that testifies to the extreme heat in the Southeast Region. Read the rest of the update
Florida RegionFrom the Florida Region
Summer Slow Time, Or Is It?
by Todd Lowe, agronomist
The sweltering heat and humidity of Florida summers can dissuade even the most ardent golfer; however, this is not the slow time for golf course maintenance. 
Active cultivation programs are conducted during the summer to ensure that a dense, healthy turf cover and high quality course conditions can be provided for the majority of the time, especially during the prime winter play season. Read the rest of the update.
Free Green Section Live Webcast - Monday, August 16th,  12:00 Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific
Southwest Region Agronomists Pat Gross and Brian Whitlark discuss three major issues (length - approx. one hour). 
Labor issues in the Southwest
Bermudagrass transition and overseeding preparation
The impact of water use reductions in Los Angeles
To attend a USGA Green Section webcast, you need to install the Microsoft Live Meeting CLIENT on your PC. Note: if you do not install the CLIENT, you will not be able to hear the webcast.
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  1. You must be using a PC - sorry, Macs will not work
  2. You must use Internet Explorer as your web browser
  3. You must have a reliable broadband Internet connection. Satellite and some wireless connections are too intermittent to remain connected to the meeting.
  4. Audio will be transmitted via VOIP so you will need speakers connected to your computer. 
Join the webcast on August 16th at 12:00 PM Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific.
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 P.O. Box 708
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