Weekly Update

May 14, 2010

Are You The Only One Who Feels Like...? 
Three quick surveys that you will find interesting
USGA Green Section Staff
Surveys can be fun and informative, as long as they don't take forever to fill out and as long as they give you immediate feedback on how your opinions compare with others. This week we are offering three surveys that have only one question each. There is something for everyone here, so take the time to participate (less than one minute for each). Or, just click on the link to view the results of each survey if you just want to see what others said.
Survey 1 - What maintenance issues aggravate golfers?
Survey 2 - What issues give headaches to the maintenance staff?
Survey 3 - Which breaches of etiquette do you see most often? 
If you just want to see the results of the surveys without answering the questions, these links are for you.
Get A Professional Opinion On Your Bunkers
An Update from the Southwest Region 
By Patrick Gross, director, Southwest Region

Southwest Region
Southwest Region

Golfers are getting a little cranky about the condition of bunkers. They are either too hard, too soft, not enough sand, too much sand, or... (add your favorite complaint here). Although superintendents can offer factual information about the sand and how it is maintained, maybe it's time to get a professional opinion - as in golf professional - about the bunkers.
That is exactly what was done at North Ranch Country Club in Thousand Oaks, California. PGA member and general manager Greg Davis, and the director of golf, Mark Wilson evaluated conditions and hit shots out of every bunker at the 27-hole golf course. Each bunker received a grade of A, B, C, D or F, based on sand quality and playability. The information was then shared with superintendent Rich Wagner and the maintenance staff.
The 2010 Nashville Flood: A Report From The Front Lines
An Update from the Southeast Region 
By Chris Hartwiger, senior agronomist, Southeast Region

Southeast Region
southeast gif

Nashville and middle Tennessee made national headlines last week. Between 13 and 20 inches of rain fell in a 36-hour period, and the results were devastating. Property damage was extensive, widespread, and will total in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Damage to Nashville golf courses was variable depending on proximity to local waterways. Visits to two golf courses with serious flood damage

At this course, not only did the entire course flood, but the maintenance facility and clubhouse were flooded, too.

Flood 1
clearly showed that cleanup at these courses and others will be expensive and extremely labor intensive. These pictures in this update provide an idea of the devastation and power of this storm.
For those in Tennessee dealing with cleanup and with questions about the impact of floods on golf facilities, this link describes what to do after the flood waters recede:
If anyone needs assistance during the recovery effort, do not hesitate to call Chris Hartwiger (678-591-7410 or [email protected]) or Patrick O'Brien (678-591-7340 or [email protected]). 
What Month Is It Anyway?
An Update from the Northeast Region 
By David Oatis, director, Northeast Region

Northeast Region
northeaseast gif

The weather always seems to jump around some in the spring, and it certainly is doing that this year! Long johns have been traded for sun block and vice versa a couple of times already this year, and that always makes for an interesting start to the season. Golfers have been out in droves on many courses, and their early start has made it challenging to get the last of the spring cleanup accomplished. Despite the unseasonably warm temperatures we have experienced at times, there have been plenty of cold snaps, and some areas still are experiencing some frost. Playing conditions in the Northeast Region probably won't round into peak form for a few more weeks.
When golfers experience a few warm days, they start to expect better playing conditions. A few warm days followed by cold weather, and possibly frost, gives golfers the perception that things should be growing, but the annual bluegrass and the bentgrasses won't grow consistently under these conditions. Here are a few things you can expect over the next couple of weeks:

Ladies And Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!
An Update from the Florida Region 
By Todd Lowe, agronomist, Florida Region

Florida Region
Florida Region

This past winter saw nearly an absolute shutdown of bermudagrass in our region as the extended cold temperatures caused prolonged dormancy on many golf courses. However, the past several weeks have been the complete opposite of winter conditions, and the turf growth seems to be exploding. Few leaves or stems were produced this past winter as the turf stored underground carbohydrates. With the resumption of warm weather, this stored energy is now being quickly converted, and the turf is producing an abundance of leaf biomass or clippings.
Can Zoysiagrass Really Spring Back? 
An Update from the Mid-Continent Region
By Ty McClellan, agronomist, Mid-Continent Region

Mid-Continent Region
Mid-Continent region

During a recent week of course visits in the St. Louis area, the obvious signs of cart traffic were evident on zoysiagrass fairways, especially when comparing those that receive moderate to heavy golf cart traffic throughout the winter to those that do not. In most cases, it is too early to determine the degree of winterkill or the square footage (and in some cases the acreage) that will require sodding, as the zoysiagrass has yet to fully emerge from winter dormancy. While zoysiagrass sod is not currently being purchased in large quantities, sod producers are fielding calls from turf managers looking to ensure its availability, if and when it is needed.
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by Jim Moore, USGA Green Section
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The USGA Green Section Portal
A Valuable Resource For All, And It's Free 
USGA Green Section Staff
Be sure to take a minute or two to visit the Green Section's portal at There you will find information regarding upcoming live webcasts, links to recordings of over 30 previously delivered webcasts, and announcements regarding upcoming USGA Green Section activities, education conferences, and meetings.

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