Contemporary Western Enso by Casey
Fine Art Reproductions

Enso Willow Bud

Enso Snow

Palm of Kindness
Fine Art Reproduction by Casey Shannon

Leaves of Life
Fine Art Reproduction by Casey Shannon
Original Sumi-e available at Gallery Be Well
Casey Shannon Studio
'Your Treasure House is in yourself, It contains, all you need' ~ Hui Hai
 Robin Contemplating a Song by Casey

Branches of Oak by Casey
Contemporary Western Sumi-e
 Flowering Alone by Casey
This is an Art for Cancer image. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to cancer research.
I am honored to communicate with you this month. It's that delightful time once again for us to begin our journey into art together. Shall we begin?
Dance of The Pollen By Casey Shannon Studio

Pollen was
actually the inspiration for this sumi-e called 'Dance of the Pollen'.
Every summer afternoon here in Carmel Valley a breeze kicks up. It
shoots down the valley hills and covers the land. This breeze can be
warm or a bit cold depending on the temperature of the day. The daily
breeze generally carries all sorts of pollen that dance in the air. The
pollen come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. They dance, they twirl,
and they fly. Very fun to watch as long as you don't get it in your
nose! The above sumi-e was created on just such a warm breezy afternoon. 'Dance of the
Pollen' may be purchased from my SumiSpirit Gallery at ImageKind as a beautiful fine art reproduction. You may
finish your art print with a frame and mat of your choice right on the
website, if you wish. The workmanship is outstanding. If you are interested in my original artwork, Visit my Galleries |
Artist in the Spotlight

This month I'd like to introduce you to a Sumi artist living in Tokyo, Japan. He contacted me on my personal art website last year. He wrote to tell me he really liked my Western style contemporary sumi-e. As you can imagine, I was thrilled to receive his email.
Ransui is head of the China-Soshu Ink Painting and Calligraphic Art Institute
in Tokyo. Ransui describes himself: "I am a Chinese ink professional painter and have my own artistic activity in Tokyo Japan. Before setting up my own art studio in Tokyo,
I spent almost 2 years in UK, London and Exeter in Devon as an invited artist" .
Ransui is passionate about his work. He says, (in his words) "My aim to ink painting and calligraphic art is to deeply exchange with a lot of people who are interested in this culture , and this culture will be much more highly improved to catch many people's hearts in all of the world".

Ransui sent me these two sumi-e paintings of his in March. He also told me that he joined the National 35th Sumi-ink painting contest held in Central
Tokyo. The painting he entered was called 'Peonies under the Moon'. It was selected as a
special awards painting and then was displayed at the National Art Museum. Congratulations are sent to Ransui in Japan! Ransui has asked me, "I want to kindly request you to be a honorary invited artist and special
adviser to my institute". I am deeply honored by this request. You can see more of Ransui's art on his BLOGIt is written in Japanese but you can still appreciate his art! |
Haiku of the Month
She has put the child to sleep,And now washes the clothes;The summer moon.~ Issa Kobayashi Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶)
(June 15, 1763 - January 5, 1828), was a Japanese poet and lay Buddhist priest of the Jodo Shinshu sect known for his haiku poems
and journals. He is better known as simply Issa (一茶),
a pen name meaning Cup-of-tea - "one [cup of] tea"). He is regarded as one of the four haiku
masters in Japan, along with Bashō, Buson and Shiki.
Reflecting the popularity and interest in Issa as man and poet,
Japanese books on Issa out number those on Buson, and almost equal those
on Bashō. 
Issa's portrait drawn by Muramatsu Shunpo 1772-1858 (Issa Memorial Hall,
Shinano, Nagano, Japan)
Gabe's Gossip! ~ Observations from a Service Dog Feature by Service Dog, Gabe
 Hi Everyone! Here I am again this month. Last time, I told you about my watching TV and how intelligent that makes me! Love kids and dogs on TV! I bet you did not know I was a mailman. Well, I am the best mailman ever. I guess you could call me the Mail-Dog. I get Casey's mail for her every day and I am happy to do that.  Here's me getting the mail! >>>>> Can you believe how smart I am?  <<<Here I am delivering the mail. Casey and I just took our written and working Service Dog exams for our 6 month evaluation. I showed off to our trainer/evaluator, Cate, with this maneuver. You could say, "I dress to impress"! Don't forget to visit my trainer, Maureen Maurer, and her HCI website. She is known as 'the dog whisperer' on Maui. Hawaii Canines for IndependenceWe have a video of HCI graduates on YouTube also. You just gotta watch it. Guaranteed to make you cry! Can you find Casey and me? HCI Puppy Love on YouTube~ Bye for now, Gabe |

Casey Shannon
Casey Shannon Studio |