Art is like a border of flowers along the course of
civilization. ~Lincoln Steffens
When I begin a miniature painting of a particular animal, landscape, or woodland being, I find myself becoming slowly and completely enamored with my subject. With each stroke I am more in awe
of this spirit and throw myself into capturing what inspires me. It's a
process filled with heart and my hope is that I can convey at least some of this feeling in each painting I create.
What is your favorite medium? Why?I work in a combination of India ink and colored pencil
(sometimes adding a final touch of white acrylic). I use this medium because I can get the finest detail, deepest-richest colors,
and best control for the tiny dimensions I work in.
What media and tools do you normally use to create art?I use colored pencil, India ink, and sometimes Acrylic or watercolor. I use heat,
a scoring tool, a very fine paint brush, and micron pens. My support is usually heavy 100% cotton illustration board.
What inspires you to create?I am inspired mostly by nature...the precious little animals. I especially love the idea of "a secret world"
within our own backyards.

What method do you follow when creating?When I am not illustrating a book or doing a commission, I browse through my
collection of photographs, gathered from many different sources, until
I find something that moves me. Then, (usually it is a critter) I let myself become intrigued and smitten by the animal and I become inspired/determined/driven to capture that beauty!
How do you feel when you create art?My favorite part of creating is the sense of complete abandon, when I lose all track of time, when I barely breathe or look up from my drawing board!
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Melody is a member of
Art for Critters