NC Global TransPark Summer 2009
Click the link below to view current images of construction progress on Spirit's new facility at the Global TransPark:
Webcam Photos
PBS&J Produces Video on GTP Environmental Programs
As part of ongoing evironmental stewardship efforts, the GTP has worked closely with PBS&J to preserve and protect over 4600 acres of wetlands in Eastern North Carolina.
PBS&J highlights these efforts in a new video playing on its Buzz.TV web site.
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Rail Access Coming to Global TransPark
DOT To Begin Construction in Early 2010 
railBringing rail transportation into the North Carolina Global TransPark (GTP) has been part of the GTP's master plan for many years.  Now, with Spirit AeroSystem's 500,000 square-foot manufacturing plant on the rise, the railroad track won't be far behind.
Construction on a 5.8 mile track, including a railway bridge and 10 roadway crossings, will begin in early 2010 and be finished no later than January, 2012 in order to fit the needs of Spirit AeroSystems.

But the new track system, with its connections to existing North Carolina Railroad tracks, is specifically designed to serve all the GTP's existing and prospective tenants, in addition to meeting the critical need for Spirit.
Jason Orthner is the civil engineer from the N.C. Department of Transportation's Rail Division who is overseeing the planning and construction for the GTP's new rail access, along with approximately 20 other such projects across North Carolina.

"The track we are putting in amounts to a spine or trunk line, allowing any number of spurs to come off of it in the future.  We have purposely placed it so that it is convenient to many tenant sites that may be occupied in the future."

For more on the new GTP Rail Spur, click here.
Spirit Announcement Earns National RecognitionAD logo
Area Development Names Spirit a Top Project 
WESTBURY, N.Y.. - The construction of a new Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. manufacturing plant   at the North Carolina Global TransPark (GTP) in Kinston, N.C. has been named one of the nation's top job creation and investments projects during 2008 by a leading site selection and facility planning magazine.
Area Development magazine is making the announcement in its June/July issue and on the publication's website.  The Spirit project is well underway at the GTP site, with much of the steel infrastructure in place for what will be a 500,000-square-foot facility.
In the same June/July edition, Area Development recognized the State of North Carolina for its economic development efforts with a Silver Shovel Award in the 5 to 10 million population group. The state, along with Indiana, Virginia and Georgia, was honored for its success in terms of job creation and economic impact in this population category.
For more information, click here.
About the NC Global TransPark
The North Carolina Global TransPark (GTP) in Eastern North Carolina offers environmentally permitted prime commercial real estate and excellent shipping capabilities to almost any size company. With its centerpiece 11,500-foot runway, outstanding available warehousing space, fully-permitted environment and 33,000 SF training/conference center, the GTP is ready to do business.