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 Monthly Newsletter    Issue 17  

 School is in Session
In This Issue
Getting Down To Business
Focus On...
Fall is Near
Technology Tips
We Need Your Help
Quick Links 
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Thank you!

A big thanks for joining our summer learning program. We hope your children had a great time exploring new concepts and practicing their skills.


Hello! Thanks so much for using Internet4Classrooms with your students and children. Our mission is to help you find the best educational online resources available to meet your individual needs. Our monthly newsletter focuses on sharing information, tips and ideas on everything related to schooling inside the classroom and at home. Each month we'll be featuring resources and information on a variety of topics. We are constantly upating information on our site, and urge you to visit often!
Keep in Touch! 
If you need help, please email us. We answer questions about almost any subject matter/grade level.  We feel that this is a very important part of Internet4Classrooms. Internet4Classrooms is maintained and built for educators, parents and students and this site is yours.  Comments and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed. Don't be afraid to email and ask!
Follow us on Twitter (internet4classr). Stay up to date with offerings and new sources/links for great educational and technology information for you, your students, and children.
  Getting Down to Business
Let's Get Started!
Internet4Classrooms has many resources to help you prepare your classroom for this new school year.
  • Getting started means getting organized for the year with forms and assessment charts, lesson plan templates and seating charts, bulletin boards and letters for parents. Before you rack your brain editing, or developing new forms to use in your classroom, take a look at what's available to download and print from our Teacher Tools area.  
  • Forms for Teachers offers templates on an array of forms you might need during the year. Link number 3, "Forms for Teachers" contains disciplining forms, tardy warnings, a respect essay and lots more. Spend some time looking through our list of resources as you plan your printing. Printable Resources for SEN  is a collection of resources for primary and elementary teachers.
  • Resources for Teaching - Here you will find a variety of helpful resources such as lesson plans, templates, instructional resources for IWB, DI, and exceptional students. There are also special sections just for librarians, administrators, and guidance counselors. There is also a special section for classroom organization.
  • Finding time to balance the day to day schedules with school work and extracurricular activities can be tough. Click for ideas on establishing household routines, managing challenges like procrastinating children, and developing your child's organizational skills for successful studying.
  • We've also launched our newly expanded Parent Zone, which covers a range of parenting topics from Homework Help, Math Help, Reading Help to Family Life and Discipline. The Zone also contains an index of websites that are safe, fun and interesting for children to use!
  Focus On...
School is in full swing and your day should be into somewhat of a routine by now. For teachers, juggling lesson planning, classroom organization and time management can be a challenge. For parents, juggling schedules, homework, and responsibilities at home can be exhausting.  

Teachers strive to create an organized and routine classroom environment from day one. There are so many things to consider, from managing your time, to your daily schedules, student management, classroom set up and bulletin design. All of the topics mentioned above, as well as ideas on building the physical layout of your classroom with workstations, can be found here.

Organization and Time Management

Teachers can make the most of their time with this link that offers online tools for creating online calendars with to do lists, and task reminders. Elementary level tips for finding room organization ideas, classroom control tools, bulletin board ideas, and setting the tone for your school year can be found in one informative link. Middle and High School levels can discover how to manage computer time, engage students, find disciplining tips, and room organization strategies with these links.
Teacher/Parent Relationships
The teacher/parent relationship per student is a must when you're trying to create a successful school year. Find out how to connect with parents and students using these communication strategies. One can learn how to approach language and cultural barriers, and get ideas on effective parent/teacher conferences.

Getting Involved
Parental involvement keeps you informed on your children's progress as well as promotes an open line of communication with your teachers. Participating as much as possible will ensure a rewarding school year for everyone. Learn how to get involved in your child's education as well as involved in your child's school.

Homework Help
Homework can be a constant battle for you and your children if it seems like a chore. There are ways to make homework more of a systematic portion of the day. Find strategies and tools on everything from how to create a welcoming environment, to managing assignments, approaching your school with questions, and aiding in testing skills
  Fall is Near  
The weather is getting cooler and Fall is almost here. Stay warm inside with activities and recipes that are fun in the classroom and at home. Recipes aren't always about what you can eat. Check out this site for everything from home made play dough and gooey slime to clay and finger paint.
While you're letting the clay and play dough cool, take advantage of these creative Fall craft ideas. These sites have wonderful craft ideas for grades Kindergarten through 2nd, from scarecrows and napkin rings to recipe holders and magnets. Fall can never have enough pumpkin and apple projects. This link caters to upper elementary grades 3rd - 5th with drawing and writing worksheets.
  Technology Tips
Is your viewing screen too small? Do the students in the back say they can't see? Get more of your screen in view by using the toggle key F11.  While in a web browser, press F11 and the tool bars at the top will disappear and you can see the whole web page at once. To go back, press F11 again and your tool bars will reappear.
Is Excel an application that you think is too hard to use? Give some of our Basic Excel Tutorials a try to ease you into using Excel. There are many things you can do in Excel besides spreadsheets.
When at the page, try the tutorial on Using Automatic Features. See what happens when you type in the day of the week and then fill down.This is a very easy way to make a quick calendar for your classroom or for personal use. 
  We Need Your Help
Please click here to fill out a short survey that will help us ensure that the advertising on our site is appropriate for our audience.
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Many thanks! is a free educational portal for teachers, parents, homeschoolers and students. Visitors come from around the world to find Internet resources for their educational needs. One can find resources ranging from lesson plans to worksheets, individual grade level resources to templates, and even interactive learning games.  We were very honored when one teacher called the site a "Walmart for Teachers".  If you cannot find what you need for instruction on any topic, please feel free to email us and we will help you find resources to fit your needs.

Susan Brooks