Thanks so much for using Internet 4 Classrooms with your students and children to find the best educational resources. Our newsletter focuses on sharing tips and ideas and asking for your input in helping make our site grow and meet your individual needs in the classroom, home school setting, and as a parent. For many years, we have worked diligently to share the best resources that we have found for a variety of subject areas and grade levels. We are constantly updating this information on our website, and we are now sharing this information in other ways. We urge you to visit our blog and follow us on Twitter (internet4classr) to stay up to date with our offerings and our new sources/links for great educational and technology information for both you and your students and children. We also answer direct questions via email about almost any subject matter. One of the things that we have learned is that in this Web 2.0 world is that we have the ability to share our answers with anyone who has a similar issue. We will be posting these questions on our blog in the coming months, and encourage you all to post comments and read other comments to learn from your colleagues. Our user community is a great resource for information on almost any educational or technology topic.
Polar Bears and Climate Change
We've found this exciting learning module from the Apple Learning Interchange and wanted to share it with you. The focus of "Polar Bears in a Changing Climate" is on the effects of climate change on polar bears and their habitat as well as the topic of climate change, in general. Lessons and activities are correlated with webcasts which will be conducted live from the tundra in October and November of 2009.
Daylight Saving Time - November 1, 2009
Did you know that following the 1973 oil embargo, the U.S. Congress extended Daylight
Saving Time to 8 months, rather than the normal six months. During that
time, the U.S. Department of Transportation found that observing
Daylight Saving Time in March and April saved the equivalent in energy
of 10,000 barrels of oil each day - a total of 600,000 barrels in each
of those two years.
Visit this web exhibit to learn more interesting facts about Daylight Saving Time.
For more resources on time, visit our Time Sites page.
Teachers: Fall 2009 Featured Picks from I4C
- How to Search The Internet - This resource section includes lists of search engines categorized by search type, how a teacher might use them to plan a lesson, and kid safe search engines. There is a helpful tutorial for you to plan your internet searches and make them more productive in finding the resources that you need.
- Assessment Tests to Print, by Grade Level - Many teachers over the years have requested that we organize our Assessment Assistance section by Grade Level. We now have all of these resources for you in a new format that we feel will help you find what you need quickly for each Grade 1-12 Subject Area, as you prepare your students for upcoming testing. It is never too early to start planning! If you find that students need extra help in any area, be sure to view our Skillbuilders and Standards Practice Areas, which are also organized by grade level.
- Grades 7-12 Resource Starter Page - While many use our site for elementary resources, we also have a wealth of information for Secondary/High School teachers and students. From ACT/SAT preparation help, Released High School Subject Area Assessment Tests to Lesson Plans and classroom resources for all subject areas, this section is a great starting point or bookmark for the upper grade levels as a quick reference for resources.
- We are proud to be chosen to help spread the word about the 2010 Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy on our site. This prestigious "all-expenses paid" one week summer enrichment camp is for Grade 3-5 Math and Science Teachers. For more information or to apply before the October 31 deadline, visit these grade level pages:
Parents: Fall 2009 Featured Picks from I4c
- We all know that reading with your children is one of the most important things that we can do as parents, but time at home is limited due to busy work days and school days. Try one of these online newspapers, designed for elementary students. Reading a quick article before dinner time will stimulate a great two-way conversation about current events with your child. Visit one of these sites:
- We are proud to have been chosen to help spread the word about the 2010
Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy on our site. This prestigious "all-expenses paid" one week summer enrichment camp is for Grade 3-5 Math and Science Teachers. For more information and to nominate your teacher before the October 31 deadline, visit these grade level pages:
Fall Fun! - In the Classroom or At Home
- Fall Crafts! Check out some of of these projects, such as scarecrow puppets, seasonal door wreaths, and even a treasure box! These activities are appropriate for all ages.
- Help the squirrel collect acorns! Try one of these fun mazes that teach your children about how animals prepare for winter.
- Fall is a great time to have your children or students cook, using
seasonal items like pumpkin, apples, or squash. Here are some ideas to get you started.
I4C Website Update: New Design and More Resources!!
If you are a regular user of internet4classrooms.com, you've probably noticed some changes to our site. Thanks for your patience during this process. If you have any issues or problems connecting to any of our resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Getting around the Site:
Navigational Bars:
- Our new navigational bars on the left are a very quick way to get to the page you wish. You can click on the main navigation bar, or hover over it with the mouse to expand it for more options.
- You can tell where you are on the site by the pink highlight on the navigational bar.
- There are also breadcrumb trails across the top bar under the green title of each page if you wish to backtrack.
Indexed Resources with "Trees"
- We also have pages we consider "tree pages" that allow you to get very specific about your concept of study - these are the "branches". There are labels across the top (highlighted in a darker grey) and the topics of study are under these labels (Note: clicking on the labels will not take you anywhere; it is the topics below that will lead you to the resources for that topic). Once you decide your area of study, click on the topic. Every resource found on the destination page addresses that particular area of study.
- The resource pages open into a new window, so students should click on the X to close that page when they have completed the assignment, and they are back on the topic page to select another activity dealing with that same area of study.
Known Issues:
- Some users of IE 7 are having difficulty getting the links to work in some computer labs due to browser configuration issues. If the page address is in the top bar of your browser, hit the "Go" button or "Enter" key and usually this will take you to the page you are seeking. We are working on this issue and will keep you updated.
- During our peak hours, our site in very heavy use. We are upgrading our technology to ensure that we have the least amount of downtime possible.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, or have any questions about the navigation, please email us directly and we will help you!
Internet4classrooms.com is a free educational portal for teachers, parents, homeschoolers and students. Visitors come from around the world to find Internet resources for their educational needs. One can find resources ranging from lesson plans to worksheets, individual grade level resources to templates, and even interactive learning games. We were very honored when one teacher called the site a "Walmart for Teachers". If you cannot find what you need for instruction on any topic, please feel free to email us and we will help you find resources to fit your needs.

Susan Brooks Myra Gold
Internet4Classrooms.com |
"Digital Natives"
Children today don't know a world without technology. Read what happened when we decided to teach a 5th grader how we "used" to do things. Read our blog for a true story about this topic and join in the discussion with your own examples. We will be featuring your responses in our upcoming newsletters.