Thanks so much for joining us in our mission to help teachers, parents and students use the Internet more effectively in finding educational resources. We'll be sharing tips and ideas and asking for your input in helping make our site grow and meet your individual needs in the classroom, home school setting, and as a parent. For many years, we have worked diligently to share the best resources that we have found for a variety of subject areas and grade levels. We are constantly updating this information on our website, and we are now sharing this information in other ways. We urge you to visit our blog and follow us on Twitter (internet4classr) to stay up to date with our offerings and our new sources/links for great educational and technology information for both you and your students and children. We also answer direct questions via email about almost any subject matter. One of the things that we have learned is that in this Web 2.0 world is that we have the ability to share our answers with anyone who has a similar issue. We will be posting these questions on our blog in the coming months, and encourage you all to post comments and read other comments to learn from your colleagues. Our user community is a great resource for information on almost any educational or technology topic.
Health Corner - Flu Prevention
As we start the 2009-2010 school year, it seems as if the overriding concern of parents and teachers is keeping themselves and their families and students healthy. Preventing the spread of germs and monitoring the latest news is critical.
- Teach children good hygiene, especially handwashing and the proper way to cough and sneeze. Visit kidshealth.org for information on this first line of defense against germs. There is also a Spanish version of this information available.
- Another site we love that teaches proper handwashing is a video site featuring "Crawford the Cat", who demonstrates proper handwashing and the proper way to sneeze. This site is appropriate for preschool through 1st grade.
- MSN Health article on Children's Illness: The Top 5 Causes of Missed School
- Knowing the Facts Regarding the Flu - Blog article from Internet4Classrooms.com with links to reputable, official news and government information.
- Visit your school's website for the latest information and policies.
Internet4Classrooms wishes you all a happy and healthy start for this new school year!
Teachers: Getting to Know Your Students
- Great article from a veteran English teacher who takes a different approach in assessing and getting to know her students at the beginning of the year.
- Learning the names of your students quickly is one of the key ways to make them feel comfortable and ready for learning in your classroom.
- Create a class website for your parents and students. Click here for free hosting information, and don't forget to visit our Technology Tutorials to learn all of the software you may need to use to create classroom materials and communicate effectively with parents.
Parents: Healthy Snacks/Lunch Ideas for Kids
Welcome Back to School!
We've recently introduced a new section on the website that puts our best Back to School resources for teachers and parents on one page. Teachers:Check out our resource pages for: - Lesson Plans
- Includes Lesson Plans for all subjects and grade levels from Preschool through High School.
- Classroom Organization
- This section includes Classroom Management strategies for all grades, setting up your classroom, lessons and management resources for the one-computer classroom and workstation and center ideas for all grades.
- Instructional Info and Teacher Resources
Parents:Check out our resource pages and articles: During your school supply shopping, don't miss out on the opportunity to teach your children a valuable lesson by donating school supplies. Most office supply stores have donation boxes for children in need.
I4C Website Update: New Design and More Resources!!
If you are a regular user of internet4classrooms.com, you've probably noticed some changes to our site. This summer we've made some major progress continuing our migration to a new look and feel, as well as simplifying navigation and improving loading speeds for our pages. Thanks for your patience during this process.
Design Changes for New Pages:
- Content "trees" with subsections so that you can find the information you are looking for by clicking on a subtopic. **Note: Please click on the subsection names below the titles, as not all titles open up a new page.**
- New navigational bars across the top and left of the site, to allow you to discover more of our content.
- Highlighted section headers, so that you know where you are on the site.
- Enhanced internal search capability, just type in a grade or topic to get directed to relevant webpages.
- Links open into new browser tabs, to enable you to get back to our pages from the external link.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, or have any questions about the navigation, please email us directly and we will help you!
Internet4classrooms.com is a free educational portal for teachers, parents, homeschoolers and students. Visitors come from around the world to find Internet resources for their educational needs. One can find resources ranging from lesson plans to worksheets, individual grade level resources to templates, and even interactive learning games. We were very honored when one teacher called the site a "Wal-Mart for Teachers". If you cannot find what you need for instruction on any topic, please feel free to email us and we will help you find resources to fit your needs.

Susan Brooks Myra Gold
Internet4Classrooms.com |
Tell us what YOU think!
Is it ever too early to prepare for assessment tests? Visit our blog to join in the discussion and find out how other teachers prepare their students. We will be featuring your responses in our upcoming newsletters and sharing best practices we've found.