Thanks so much for joining us in our mission to help people use the Internet more effectively. We'll be sharing tips and ideas and asking for your input in helping make our site grow and meet your individual needs in the classroom, homeschool setting, and as a parent. For many years, we have worked diligently to share the best resources that we have found for a variety of subject areas and grade levels. We are constantly updating this information on our website, and we are now sharing this information in other ways. We urge you to visit our blog and follow us on Twitter (internet4classr) to stay up to date with our offerings and our new sources/links for great educational and technology information for both you and your students and children. We also answer direct questions via email about almost any subject matter. One of our learnings in this Web 2.0 world is that we have the ability to share our answers with anyone who has a similar issue. We will be posting these questions on our blog in the coming months, and encourage you all to post comments and read other comments to learn from your colleagues. Our user community is a great resource for information on almost any educational or technology topic.
Keyboard Shortcuts - Is the print too small in your browser?
I am getting older and need a magnifying glass at times to see the small print. Browsers are notorious for squeezing as much content in a page as possible. When it is displayed on the projection devices in the classroom, you always get the child in the back that says, "I can't see!"
If you have a mouse that has a scroll button in the middle, it's easy to fix that. Hold down the Control Key and then roll the scroll button up. Presto! Your print will be bigger. Roll the scroll button the other way to decrease the size. If you don't have a scroll button, there is another way in Firefox. Hold down the control key and tap on the plus sign. If it gets too big, just hold the down control key and tap on the minus sign.
Click here for our training module on Windows keyboard shortcuts and here for our training module on Macintosh keyboard shortcuts. Enjoy your exploration, it should save you time as you integrate these shortcuts into your daily usage. |
Social Studies - Citizenship vs. Digital Citizenship
Most educators feel that learning how to be a good citizen is a basic part of Social Studies content. In today's society, is that enough? What about becoming a good "Digital Citizen"?
According to digitalcitizenship.net, there are 9 elements of digital citizenship ranging from digital etiquette, laws of ownership, health and wellness to digital security. As we all start to embrace technology both in the classroom and in the home, the variety of devices, opportunity to use them and amount of information that is presented to our children through them is staggering. Learning to use technology appropriately and productively and teaching this to our children can create a learning environment of unlimited possibilities. This has created a huge need for children to develop the judgement to evaluate sources and learn to filter out random noise. Our most important goal at Internet4classrooms.com is to create an environment of safe learning, and also to evaluate and provide additional resources that are needed to teach and reinforce curriculum. |
Mathematics - Telling Analog Time in a Digital World
When the phone rang it was the wrong number. I inadvertantly said, You dialed the wrong number, when in fact, a number was not dialed at all but most likely punched in.  Times have changed. What about the math skill of analog time that boggles the mind of students who only see digital clocks? Click here for a list of sites that can reinforce the skill of telling time with an analog clock. |
Our Newest Staff Member
As we have grown, so have our responsibilities, We have added Myra Gold, as Director of Operations to help with our website redesign, marketing and communications. She graduated from University of Pennsylvania with a BA in American Civilization and earned her MBA & MS-MIS at Boston University. Most importantly, she is the mother of two active, curious boys. Feel free to email her with your comments or suggestions at mgold@internet4classrooms.com.
Join Internet4Classrooms in the Twitter Revolution
You may be scratching your head and saying, "What is Twitter?"
For those of you who don't know what Twitter is, it is a microblogging service that allows people to connect and communicate to share idea s, ask questions, get/provide resources and form a community. Our user name is internet4classr and we are using this as another way to gather and distribute free resources to interested parents and teachers.
Here are some great Twitter resources and some education-focused links to get you started.
- Twitter Tips, including a great list of 10 People all Twitter Beginners Should Follow
- Twitter for Teachers is a guide written for teachers by other teachers in using Twitter for their own professional development.
- A growing wiki created for teachers to find other teachers on Twitter. These indexed lists are a goldmine in finding colleagues and others that share your subject, grade and areas of interest.
- Nine great reasons why teachers should use Twitter
- 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Education
Have fun tweeting! Don't forget to follow Internet4classrooms on Twitter.
Internet4classrooms.com is a free educational portal for teachers, parents, homeschoolers and students. Visitors come from around the world to find Internet resources for their educational needs. One can find resources ranging from lesson plans to worksheets, individual grade level resources to templates, and even interactive learning games. One teacher called the site a "Wal-Mart for Teachers." If you cannot find what you need for instruction on any topic, please feel free to email us and we will try and help you find resources to fit your needs.

Susan Brooks Myra Gold
Internet4Classrooms.com |
Our Blog
Check out our suggestions for combatting Spring Fever both in the classroom and at home. Now that testing season is completed, make the most of the rest of your school year.