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Morris County, NJ
January 24, 2012

Greetings, and welcome to another edition of "Morris County Connections."


My colleagues on the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders and I hope that in the year ahead you continue to subscribe to this electronic newsletter so you can stay in touch with us and with your county government.


As always, if you have any comments about this feature or about any county government issue, please e-mail them to public information officer Joe Garifo.


William J. Chegwidden
Freeholder Director

New Time for Jan. 25 Freeholder Meeting, New Date for Budget Input Session

The Jan. 25 meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m.  read more

Freeholders Seek Public Input on County Budget

Input being solicited via e-mail or at Feb. 8 information session.  read more  

County Saves Towns Money on Cost of Dead Deer Pickup

The Morris Freeholders saved municipalities $52,236.50 in 2011.  read more

Hearings Scheduled on State Strategic Plan

Morris County hearing set for Feb. 27.  read more
In This Issue
Next Freeholder Meeting
Budget Thoughts?
County Pays for Dead Deer Removal
State Strategic Plan Hearings