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Morris County, NJ
 March 18, 2011
Dear Subscriber,

Hello and thank you being a valued subscriber to "Morris County Connections."

The freeholders think "Morris County Connections," is a quick and easy way for you to stay in touch with us and with your county government. If you have any comments about this feature, please e-mail them to public information officer Joe Garifo.

William J. Chegwidden
Freeholder Director

Freeholders to Conduct March 23rd Public Hearing on County Budget

The public hearing will be during the board's regular 7:30 p.m. meeting in the Administration and Records Building in Morristown.  read more

Morris County MUA Seeks Awards Nominations

The nominees' actions should have contributed toward the success of waste prevention, re-use, litter abatement and recycling.  read more

Tax Assistance Available at County Library

The assistance for qualified taxpayers is offered by volunteers from the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program.  read more

Natural High Ice Skating Event March 24th at Mennen

The event is to demonstrate to young people that they can achieve highs naturally, without the aid of drugs or alcohol.  read more
In This Issue
Budget Hearing
Recycling Awards Nominees
Help With Your Taxes
Natural Highs