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Hilchos Krias Shema She'al Hamitah
739. Before one goes to sleep at night one must say Krias Shema, the beracha of Hamapil, and other pesukim and teffilos (which we will describe in more detail in upcoming halachos).
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1,2
740. Once one has said Krias Shema & Hamapil one should not eat, drink or speak. Rather, one should promptly try to go to sleep.
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1
741. If one davened Maariv before night, one must say all three parshios of Shema (i.e. Ve'ahavata, V'hoya, and Va'yomer) and have in mind to be yotze the mitzvah of Shema at night, and Zechiras Yetzias Mitrayim. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB1
742. Nevertheless, even if one davened Maariv after night it is recommended practice to always say the 3 parshios because it has a total of 248 words (including the preface of "Kel Memlech Ne'eman") and correspondingly acts as a Shemira for one's 248 limbs. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB1
743. If one is unsure that he will actually fall asleep during the night one should not say Hamapil, but should say Krias Shema. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1, see Biur Halacha, Aruch Hashulchan, 239:3, Ishei Yisroel 35:12
744. If one went to sleep after Amud Hashachar (according the Gra and R' Michel Tikochensky - i.e. appx. 90 minutes before sunrise) or anytime during the day, one does not say Krias Shema or Hamapil. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1, see Biur Halacha, Aruch Hashulchan,
239:3, Ishei Yisroel 35:12
745. There are some who are stringent to L'chatchila only say Krias Shema & Hamapil while sitting or standing, but not while lying down. Others are stringent in this regard only when they have davened Maariv before night and have not yet been yotze Krias Shema.
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB6
746. Nevertheless, if one has already been yotze Krias Shema at Maariv (ie after night) it is permitted L'chatchila to say Krias Shema and Hamapil while lying down (on one's side). Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB6
747. If one sometimes falls asleep while saying Krias Shema & Hamapil one should say Hamapil first, then Krias Shema, and then the pesukim and tehillim (as found in the siddur).
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB2
748. If one does not expect to fall asleep during Krias Shema and Hamapil one should first say Krias Shema, then all the pesukim and tehillim, and then end with Hamapil.
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB2
749.  L'chatchila one should not drink or do anything once one has said Shema (even if one has not yet said Hamapil).  Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB4
750.  However, if one is thirsty and wishes to take a drink, or must do some activity before saying Hamapil and lying down to sleep, one may do so, and afterwards one should repeat the first parsha of Shema (i.e. Ve'ahavta) and then say Hamapil. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB4
751. If one has already said the beracha of Hamapil, one should act stringently and avoid even drinking, or doing any activity before going to sleep. {The opinion of The Mishnah Brurah is that Hamapil is a beracha on sleeping and therefore one should not make a hefsek (interruption) between the beracha and the activity of sleeping.} Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB4
752. However, Bi'dieved, if one has an urgent need to interrupt after saying Hamapil, (e.g. to attend to a crying baby) according to many poskim, one may rely on the more lenient ruling of The Chayei Odom who permits one to talk or eat after saying Hamapil {because he holds that Hamapil is a beracha of praise to Hashem and not on sleeping}. Aruch Hashulchan 239:6, Piskei Tshuvos 239:17, Minhag Yisroel Torah pg. 321
753. Men should train themselves  to only sleep on their  side, and it is a serious transgression for men to sleep lying on one's back or stomach. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB6, SA EH 23:3
754.  It is beneficial for one to first sleep on one's left side and then to switch to one's right side {because the liver is on the right side and it will lean on and warm the stomach, helping for food to digest. Then, one should turn to lie on the right side so that the digested food will more easily pass out of the stomach.} One should also not turn from side to side during the night. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 71:5, Rambam Hilchos De'os 4
755. When one removes one's shoes at night one should untie and remove the left shoe first.
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 2:5 MB8
756. One should not sleep in one's regular clothes, and one should not place one's clothes under the pillow {as this will cause one to forget one's Torah learning}. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 71:5
757. If one wakes up during the night after sleeping, one may talk and eat, and one does not repeat Hamapil a 2nd time before going to sleep again. Psak of R' Chaim Kanievsky
758. If one is having difficulty falling asleep, one should repeat the first parsha of Shema (i.e. Ve'ahavta without Shema Yisroel...) several times until one falls asleep, or alternatively, one may think Torah thoughts. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB7
759.  After saying Krias Shema one should say the following pesukim and tefilos mentioned by the Shulchan Aruch (printed in most siddurim) which protect a person, followed by Hamapil;
a) (Vehi Noam etc., &) Yoishev Besaiser Elyon etc.
b) Hashem Moh Rabu Tzoroy etc.
c) Boruch Hashem Bayom etc.
d) Vayomer Hashem El Hasoton etc.
e) Hashem Shom'recha etc.
f)  Biyad'cha Afkid Ruchi etc.
g) Yevorechicha Hashem V'Yishmirecha etc. (according to some, say 3 times)
h) Hashkivainu etc. (from Maariv - without the beracha at the end)
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB9
760. Many have the minhag to say additional pesukim and tefilos (followed by Hamapil), which are printed in siddurim, and include, but are not limited to, the following;
a) Yir'u Einainu V'Yismach Libainu etc. (from Maariv - without the beracha at the end)
b)  Hamal'ach Hagoail Osi Mikol Roh etc.
c) Vayomer Im Shomoah Tishmah etc.
d) "Hinai Lo Yonum Velo Yishon Shomer Yisroel" (3 times)
e) "Lishuascha Kivisi Hashem, Kivisi Hashem Leshiascha, Hashem Lishuascha Kivisi" (3 times)
f) Bishaim Hashem Ysiroel etc. (3 times)
g) Shir Hama'alos Ashrei Kol Yirei Hashem (tehillim 128)
h) "Rigzu Ve'al Tech'tau, Imru Bilvavchem Al Mishkavchem, Vidomu Selah" (3 times)
i) Adon Olom etc.
j) The first four chapters of tehillim
761. Some have the minhag before going to the bed, (and before saying Hamapil), to place a hand on the mezuzah and say "Hashem Shomri etc.", and then seven times "Bechol Derochecha etc." (as printed in many siddurim). Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 71:4
762. If one is c'v  ill, or is otherwise unable to say all the pesukim and tefilos printed in the siddur, it is sufficient if one simply says the Shema with the first parsha (Ve'ahavat) and Hamapil.
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB9
763.  Before going to sleep each night it is proper for one to examine his behavior that day, and if one realizes that he sinned, one should regret the sin and accept upon himself not to repeat the transgression again. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB9
764.  The following common sins require special attention; Chanifus - false fattery, Shekarim - lies, Laitzanus - mockery, Lashon Horah - (Speaking or Listening), Bittul Torah (for men).
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB9
765. Before one goes to sleep each night one should verbally forgive anyone who sinned against him and/or caused him pain. In this merit one will receive long life (Mes. Megillah 28).
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB9
766. As mentioned  in Halacha #744, if one sleeps during the day one does not say Krias Shema or Hamapil. Nevertheless, it is advisable for one to say Vehi Noam & Yoshev Besaiser Elyon (tehillim 90:17 and 91). Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB8
767.If one wakes up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, one should first wash negel vasser  (i.e. netilas yadayim without a beracha) and recite an Asher Yotzar  immediately  after using the bathroom, before going back to sleep. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 4:1,3,4 MB11,12,13
768. One should not wait until the morning (or Shachris) to recite the Asher Yotzar, because by doing so, if one goes to the bathroom again upon waking in the morning one  will have missed the first Asher Yotzar opportunity because  the window of opportunity for Asher Yotzar is only until the next time one goes to the bathroom. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 4:3 MB3 and SA 7:3 MB6
769. One should not sleep at night in a house alone for fear of being harmed by "mazikin - demons. However, according to many Poskim, if any amount of light is present in the room, even if shining from the outside (e.g. moonlight or streetlight) one need not be concerned.
Mes Berachos 54b, 43b, Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB:9, see Sha'ar Hatziyun 17, Yerushalmi Mes. Shabbbos 2:6, Piskei Tshuvos 239:10 fn62
770. For purposes of this halacha, even a small child in the same house acts as a protection. It is questionable whether a non-jew in the house acts as a protection. Piskei Tshuvos 239:10, Ahaleich Ba'amitcha 12:16
771. The following people need to be more careful than others from being harmed by "mazikin" - demons at all times during the day and night, and they should therefore not be left alone: One who is sick, a woman who gave birth within the past 7 days, a Chosson or a Kallah (during the sheva berachos), an Avel (mourner during the shiva), and a Talmid Chochom (only at night in the dark). Mes Berachos 54b, Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB:9, Piskei Tshuvos 239:11 
772. One need not be concerned of harm from "mazikin - demons when sleeping alone at night in the Sukkah, because, says The Vilna Gaon, the mitzvah of sleeping in the Sukkah acts as a protection. Piskei Tshuvos 239:10
773. Men, boys, girls, and women who are pregnant (as this may affect the baby) should not sleep while wearing shoes because this harms one's ability to remember Torah learning.  Mes. Yoma 78b, Piskei Tshuvos 170:18, 239:14
774. This halacha is only applicable if one is sleeping in a bed, or elsewhere for more than a half hour. If one is only napping for less than a half hour on a couch, or in an easy chair, one need not be concerned.  Piskei Tshuvos 239:14 fn90, Ahaleich Ba'amitcha 12:28
775. Men, boys, girls (who study Torah), and women who are pregnant (as this may affect the baby) should not remove (or put on) two articles of clothing simultaneously because this can harm one's ability to remember Torah learning. Piskei Tshuvos 239:14, 170:18 fn90, Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 2:1 MB2
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